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Archive through September 14, 2001

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A little not to American Jackass... I can only wait till that day that people like you will be skinned and eatin for dinner by my dobermans. I'm really sorry to say this, but the rest of the world (including russia, china, and even some middle eastern countries) Oh I forgot to mention Europe, South America and Australia) Has our motherfuckin back. So you know what? •••• yourself to hell you ••••••• parasite!!! You say America is evil? I don't think so. We are fighting for peace, capitalism, and a better world. You know why? because we like to live in a world of individualism. Individualism means my country breeds happy people of all races (black, asian, middle-eastern, European) who can live in a world that promotes culture (Music, movies, theater) while doing what we wanna do... While you pitiful, uncivilized fucks jerk off all day and wish you were as smart as us. So once again, I will be playing "all guns blazing" as your country burns to the ground you ••••••• ragheads!!!

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even though i am miles away from all areas affected by this horrible tragedy i feel your pain. everyone working and searching for those victims of this crime are true heroes and amaze me with your courage. know that everyone in the world will always stand behind you. we send you much love and our prayers. stay stong.
This day will not be forgotten, all people in the Netherlands will think off you.
Aad van Erkel

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My heart goes out to each and every one of you that has a loved one that is missing or has died, and may god guide you through this..
To all those rescures you are all in my thoughts and my heart.... Your in the thoughts of us in australia

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DANNY DUNN - MORGAN STANLEY EMPLOYEE... Anyone with any information on our friend Danny (good or bad) please contact concerned friends in Los Angeles! May god bless you all and keep you safe!

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My prayers and thoughts are with all of you who have posted missing family and friends. I wish there was something more that I could do from my home in Illinois to help each and every one of you. I cry when I think of the lives that have been lost in this horrible event. I hope my prayers can help bring some of your family and friends home to you again.

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To our best friends in America.All our thougts are with you now and Its at times like these that you find out just how many friends you have.If any one would like to make contact with me please do.We have saying in the uk "It is good to talk"
Take care and stay Proud
Stewart craner
office manager
In the uk

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It is time for Diplomacy to be thrown out the window. I used to be sad that Pres Bush was in office; Now I'm VERY GLAD. As an American Jew, I see a great victory in the close distance. America needs to band together whether we are white, black, hispanic, european, whatever. We all want the same thing: freedom. I love you my brothers and sisters of the Free world!!!

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To all of you who have lost loved ones or don`t know about there well-being : We are all broken hearted and we are praying that God will comfort you all. I wish I could help in some way. If You can think of any way I could help, please e-mail me at May God be with you.

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my thoughts are with you all no words i can say will help with your grief we must not give in to these people ,this should never have happened and we must make sure it never happens again,you r all in my prays ......sorry i'm no good with words but even if i was no words can express the feelings we have ,be strong .
i know i speak for all the people in wales G.B.

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We are looking for:
IAN RUSSELL from ENGLAND and girlfreind JENNY.
Mom is desperate to hear from you. PLease, please contact. This message is posted on behalf of your mother. God Bless, be safe.

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By Carole Taylor in UK
I am worried about my friend Katherine Diaz who works for American Express in an office near to the WTC. If anyone has had contact with her or knows if she has gone to Salt Lake City to see her dying Aunt, I would be so grateful if you could Email me to let me know that she is safe and well. My Email address is
My thoughts are with all the people in America who have been affected by this abominable tragedy.

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I'm a Latin person who became an american citizen, because I'm proud of this nation and their freedom and liberty, and I can acknowledge that my country had a bunch of Primitives guiding us politicly, and some of my own people was wrong about americans, why this stupid people celebrated on the streets of Afganistan the cruel killing of innocents in N.Y.? I thank God I became an American, I'm proud of this nation, and most of all, I'm proud I can only see to the future, and I don't care about what people think americans did in the past about hating minorities or taking advatage of some countries, (When I see what my own people did against their own, eventhough that is in the past) I only see the best of America, (President Washington, Lincoln, and many other good americans, and Mr.Bush, I'm proud to say I voted for him)I hope that what this "Arabians Assholes did" unify all of us into one nation...The Government has only one choice, exterminate from the roots all this primitive race, stinky and stupid people who hate us for being better than they are" Killing in the name of their God, that only can be the devil, because the God I know gave you freedom and liberty, and you choose your ways, and not forced against it.

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Myself and my family and friends are heartbroken for you all. I wish that we could do something. we watch the news footage over and over again hoping that it is all untrue. You are in our prayers.

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Henry Michael Envall (date of birth: 14 July 1958), resident of Manhatten, missing since he left for work on Tuesday morning. Does anyone know of his whereabouts? Please mail

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