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Archive through September 14, 2001

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I am looking for my Stepdaughters Emma and Jennifer Darch. Jennifer lives in Manhatten and Emma has gone out to see her for a holiday. Emma is meant to be coming home to England on 18/09/01 but we haven't heard from either of them yet and we have no contact number for them.Emma is 26 and Jennifer 29. They are both very lively and outgoing girls and know that they would contact us if they could.

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I am looking for information on James Cartier-26. James was on the 105th floor of the first building hit. James in an electrician for PE Stone. If you have any info please e-mail me at">
Thank you and God bless us all.
God bless America
Betty Toomey

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lynn jones from the u.k on a holiday with friends is well and o.k

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Just to let you know that everybody in The Netherlands is thinking of all of you! Goodluck in this difficult times!!

Antoine Hazelaar

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Missing Scott Saber, 5'6" white male, "heavy set", balding blue eyes, attendee at conference at 106 floor "Waters??" conferance.
info contact 212 737 1589.

(transfered from photo post of billboard with Photo at yahoo photo boards : by third party submsision.), JSM

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Thoughts and prayers to all the families and victims. May the angels protect, guide and comfort you in this time of pain. May they lift your spirits and give you hope. God Bless You and may God give you the strength you need at this time.
The Sobocan-Whitter Family, Windsor,Ontario Canada

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If anyone has any information rewgaring the safety or whereabouts of Chris Newton-Carter, working in the WTC please contact or or immediately.
Friends and family in the UK are extremely cooncerned for his safety

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My prayers are with all the families, vitims, volunteers, police officers, fire personel, hospital doctors, nurses anyone who is helping to do whatever it takes to help bring the survivers numbers up. Now America it time to "Kick some serious Ass" and show these sick ind that they can not do this to our people

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Sending heartfelt love and sympathy to all families, friends and colleagues who, so tragically and wrongly, had their lives taken from them on Tuesday and to those who are still missing.

Our thoughts and hearts are with you at this very sad time.

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Anybody any information about firefighter LT PETER FREUND, on duty and missing since 12 sept?
Please mail

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American Kick Ass, you are PATHETIC. Your dumbfuck nimwit fuckface president couldn't do any good ruling your dumbfucked country. Your lousy country claims that you people can live in peace and harmony with different races and skins but in actual thought, your fuckface country couldn't careless of any other race than your dumbfuck caucasians. Proof? Check out the RAP songs by 2Pac, DMX, Wutang and etc. Your fuckface country couldn't stand a minute without law enforcement around. Why? Cuz you ••••••• STUPID BITCHING BASTARD caucasian thinks that you ••••••• stupid jackasses are gods!!! [ I don't need to say much, go read history fuckface ] I can't wait till Mother Russia and some other countries •••• your stupid land with their weapons. Maybe then, you ppl will realise your stupid arrogant powers are totally useless. Oh yeah, go ahead, skin people like me, but remember, there are still more people like Omar will be striking your dumb country. HAHAHAHA!!!!!! •••• YOU ARROGANT AMERICANS !! You are not the superpower here !!! •••• YOU !!!!! AHAHAH!!!!!!!

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I live in England, but send prays out to all that have and are suffering, we are one in our grief, our countries together in sorrow, for all our lost ones, with gods prays we will get through this, take care and god bless you all

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society state united American rare , meet from expression about sadness deep anger juvenile frightful from 11 , 2001 . think that immediately , more important thing all be possible that make unite together Arabic from Qatar all nation consolation this disaster

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Let me put this in a much more simple word. You Americans are sooooooooooooo worried over this small death and so concerned about nuking somebody's ass out of this world to satisfy your thirst for revenge. But look here, your country have done more damages than you can think of. Your country have slaughtered thousands of innocent life in Japan after your atomic onslought. Millions of people in Vietnam and hundred of thousands of people in Middle East but when a small incident happen at your country after it is caused by some people, you people start to blame other ppl and jump around asking for justice. Hold on for a while, let's ponder. HOW ARE YOU GOING TO REPAY THE LIFES OF THE PEOPLE WHO WAS KILLED IN YOUR DUMB CAMPAIGNS?! Your involvement wasn't necessary for your "peacekeeping" Your troops took many more life than what has happened at your tower. Who's going to repay this? Who is going to complain about this?!!! NOBODY!!! but when something happen at your place, you Americans want point your finger to someone and kill kill kill....... Want to know why I feel that you Americans should be wiped off from the surface of the planet?! GO READ YOUR HISTORY. For decades, and till now, you people are RACIST! Damm I hate racist!!

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I'm an italian girl and I just want to say to all the Americans that Italy is with you.I will pray for your dead.

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