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Archive through September 14, 2001

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Looking for Rhondelle Tankerd of Bermuda. Was at WTC on business with AON Corp. Please call 508-798-4175 Thanks Raquel

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I am not an eloquent man but I needed to put something into words and let the whole world know that my thoughts are always with you.

The end or beginning?

It’s the fourteenth of September two thousand and one.
I pray that the war of all time has not begun.
The things that we have seen should not happen again.
My heart is torn in ways words cannot explain.

Although you are not with us, you touched at my heart.
Not knowing how to explain, God where do I start.
You have left footprints, like the ones in the dust.
To punish these madmen is an absolute must.

Although I did not know you, your face is like mine.
Your image will haunt me for all of my time.
I cannot imagine the pain you went through.
And needed to tell you my thoughts are with you.

When the dust finally settles and the clearing is done.
I hope that you watch over us like the dependable sun.
In the rubble of those towers there must be peace.
Lest all that we care for, is lost and shall cease.

At eleven today I will ponder a while.
Hoping we turn these tears to a smile.
Remembering the good and blessing its place
Wishing for peace for all human race.

I pray to god, that the decisions you make.
Are cool and collected for all of our sake.
The days that shall follow will be very intense.
Please god make a decision that truly makes sense.

Clive W Day Hertfordshire UK

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My deepest sympathy goes out to all of the people effected by this barbaric & senseless tragedy. Tears have been shed for love ones lost, that we will never again have the chance to see or hear from them. I know it dosen't make it any easier to deal with the pain of loss to know that our loved ones will always and forever be in our hearts. I pray for each and everyone who has suffered the loss. Reach out to one another, comfort & help wherever you can & Unite as one to help to ease the pain.
If anyone would like to talk feel free to e-mail me @
May God Bless you all.

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Thinking of all the families and friends at this terrible time heartfelt thoughts with you always

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our prayers and thoughts are with those hurting from this horrible attack on our country. we must look to the Lord of all for comfort and answers to our needs. GOD BLESS AMERICA!! THE KENNEDY'S IN SC.

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Recent names have been added to this site
Still looking for Sgt. Benjamin Hamilton who was last known to work in security at the Pentagon.
God Bless

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Our hearts go out to everyone affected by this terrible tragedy.

We are searching for any information on Peter Ortale, who worked on the 86th floor of the South Tower. We have had word from his co-workers that they all got out and Peter was behind them but then disappeared. There is a Peter Ortalli on the survivors list but we're not sure if it's the same person. If any of you know of any information please email us -


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England is thinking of you all in America and are with you all the way....

Forever shall we be friends and forever shall we hold 11th September 2001 in our hearts <3

Love & Peace
Ann & James
london, England

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I am looking for a firefighter name New York firefighter name MARK FREDERICKSON. You can E-mail me @ with any information Thank you

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I will post pictures and information on friends and family members that are missing as a result of these tragic events. Please email this information to the web site is
You are all in my heart, my thoughts and my prayers.

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Hi, I am from Quebec, Canada. Your State is just located beside our province. I can't help, like all those who are in my immediate surrounding, feel a great pain in our stomackes over the events of the last days in New York. Our prayers and support is with you in these days of great pain. We are with you, Jean Charest

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Any news on Barry Seymour. Last known working in NY at Bierbaum Martin foriegn exchange brokers. Any knowledge of whereabouts gratefully recieved.
Sad sympathy and prayers to ALL victims, families and aid workers.
In this time of trouble be sure of the support of all in U.K.
Contact No.(cellphone) 07940 763 957.Sue.

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I'm looking for my friend Anelia. She is Bulgarian and lives in New York close to the Brooklyn Bridge. If you know her, have heard something about her, or have any other information about her, please e-mail me at Thank you and God bless!

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To All of you who have posted from other countries:

We as Americans, have always seen things like this happen in other countries. We have seen the bloodshed on your soil, and cried tears of sorrow for the loss of your loved ones. Thank you so much, for now standing with us, in this our time of need. I have read numerous messages calling on our leaders not to retaliate in order to promote world peace and unity, but I believe that in this unspeakable tragedy, the thing that has brought world unity, was the horrible acts themselves. Thank you, our neighbors and friends, for your support, and your love. In a world where we focus so much of the time on our differences, it is comforting to see that we are all one humanity. We in America, have all lost, and we all thank you, people of the world, for your help, your hope, and your love.

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I feel like taking that 747 on my chest if it can save the innocent people.America!We are with you.Our soil is open to you as our hearts.Let HIM take the revenge as he said It belongs to HIM only. S.V.Moorthy.

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