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Archive through September 14, 2001

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Looking for Carmella Lombardo. Friend of father, Joey Lombardo. Also friend of Anthony Zuccerchio Carmella is from Orland Park, Illinois. Noticeable characteristic,birthmark on cheek, shaped like a bell. If you have any information, please e-mail me at
Missing you, Love, Papa & Anthony

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to Ian Russell. It's nice to find some clearly thinking person here.

to all: I've written few messages already, but I'd like to repeat some of the thoughts. What has happened is a disaster!! but only GUILTY ones should be punished. And first of all you should find out who is responsible and proove it, and only afterwards "kill all muslims etc." Don't you see that you are wanting to do just the SAME as those terrorist did - to kill only because of the pure hate.
It won't help the people who died in this horrible and sensless attack, it won't return them to life. You are speaking about freedom, justice and saving innocent people. But are you talking about American freedom, American innocent people? Does it mean that other innocent people are ALLOWED to be killed only because some insane people has the same nationality?!
I just can not understand from many of your messages: do you want JUSTICE or REVENGE?! I am standing only for justice: find the persons responsible and take them to responsibility.
But please, don't let your hate and anger think for you.

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World Trade Center Victims Who Were Taken to Area Hospitals.

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i am looking for any news on Eric Thorpe. If anyone hears anything about him, please e-mail me.

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I am looking for any information on Coby Boyd and Wayde Morgan (also known as "G") who could have been in the WTC area on Tuesday, possibly collecting belongings from Coby's father's office on floor 110. Coby is 15 y/o, blond hair, blue eyes, about 5"7. Wayde is in his early twenties. Please e-mail"> if you have any information. Thanking and thinking of you all, God Bless xxx

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May God be with you all. My heart is with you. Take care for all those victims and their relatives and friends.

You are all in my mind, love from Holland.

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To all the families of the victims of Tuesday's tragedy. Our condolences to each of you. God bless you all. You are in our thoughts and prayers. From the people of Newfoundland and Labrador.

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I was wondering if anyone has heard from or seen a girl named Cherise who i believe was in tower one. I'm not sure of her last name or what company she worked for, but she is tall, and lives in Perth Amboy NJ and is of Spanish origin. Please let me know, anybody, if she's ok...a concerned old friend from Jersey...GOD BLESS EVERYONE THROUGH THIS HORRIBLE TRAGEDY...PLEASE KEEP PRAYING AS MYSELF AND FAMILY.

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Loking for JOSHUA PIVER of Cantor-Fitzgerald 105th floor. Please contact w/any info.
Tara Kowal

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If America went to war with the Middle East all it would do is create more conflict. Their entire country should not be penalized for something the individuals chose to do. If the country entirely and their government been involved then it would be understandable, but at the same time we are bombing them what are they and their allies going to do to us? Not only would we be destroying their country our people would massivly be being sacrificed because of what some dumb suicidal employees or volenteers did.

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Dear sirs!
We search for Alexander Lygina. In that ill-starred morning it(he), under our information was on 104 floor.
If to whom or it is known though what that the information inform please to the address or on a page
http: // pic=920010912_013617_roman098&cat=9
Are thankful in advance to you for be what help.
Sergey Ryzhkov and photoartists of Russia

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An eye for an eye,
a tooth for a tooth,
that way the whole world will
be blind and toothless.

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Some links that may help listed below;
God Bless; Erik P EP-TEK Investigative Services Staten Island N.Y.(NYPD Retired)


FDNY employee family and friends information line:

FDNY EMS employee family and friends information lines:

Port Authority employee family and friends information line:

NYPD employee family and friends information line:

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To all in America, May God look after you and wipe your tears. May he help you to carry on and help you in your search for friends and relatives. We in England are praying for you. I will kiss my children as they sleep tonight in the knowledge that if it had not been for America they would not be safe and free.
God Bless you all
Alison and Ian Treadwell
Birmingham England

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Dear Americans

Be sure everyone in Europe stand as one man behind you. Many people are prepared to fight the enemy, when we know who to fight. WE WILL WIN

A guy from The Netherlands

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