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Archive through September 14, 2001

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I really feel for the people who has lost a loved one in this unfortunate tragic and for the children who's lives will be forever changed. My prayers and sympathy are with you all.

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If you are looking for a friend or loved one who may have been at the World Trade Center or at the Pentagon, drop us a note at Cable TV2 News so we can let your friends and loved ones know back home
contact us at
or call us at 340-774-2200 ext.223/227/224

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leslie klein (hall) in nyc. please let me know you are o.k. love you. mi 3 sons @

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a nobody said:

"Vengence is mine" says Our Lord. Now What?

When you say "Our Lord" whose lord exactly are you talking about? You seem to be making the assumption that everyone in America worships the same God. Obviously, nothing could be further from the truth. Many of the men and women who founded our country were trying to escape religous persecution. They, and many many brave souls since, fought bravely and honorably to gain and keep the freedoms we have. One of those freedoms is the freedom of religon.

So do not presume to speak for me, and my God. You don't know my God. You don't know me. My God is not a God of Vengeance, but a compassionate and loving God, who weeps at the sight of human killing and suffering. Revenge is for the weak. Let's be strong, instead.

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Hey this is Jasheena Reese from Montgomery, Alabama. My family and I give love and care to the people who have lost their love ones.We pray and hope to settle this big problem. From the Watts family to the lost love ones. WE PRAY!

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I am so proud of the American people for standing together and caring for one another. Please visit this sight: to light a candle for the victims or read the overwhelming support from people of this world. Thank you to all the wonderful countries who support us in this tragedy, your care and concern means so much to us! United we stand, together we will provail.

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For all of us in the U.S. this has been a horrifing time, when we all feel vulnerable, sad, anger, and grief. At the same time we give thanks to all that work to help with the situations at hand. To all families, friends, my family prays for you that a matter of peace shall come for you, that God will hold you closely and look over thase whom are missing, injured, and those whom have passed. We pray for those and thank those whom are putting their own lives indanger. And we pray continually that our country and the people our contry will come together and end the anger, the violence against their own, will end gangs, the evil acts of our own, so that we may all make this country that as it should be, A Nation That is Strong that will stand together through everyday ending our own violence so that we can put more effort into ending the most destructive acts. May we all see the importance of standing together no matter black or white rich or will take all of us to protect this country and our faith in GOD.

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I am so proud of the American people for standing together and caring for one another. Please visit this sight: to light a candle for the victims or read the overwhelming support from people of this world. Thank you to all the wonderful countries who support us in this tragedy, your care and concern means so much to us! United we stand, together we will provail.

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Dearest America!

There are no words .....and also so many! for this tragedy 911!

You are in my heart, wishing you all the strengh that is needed!!!

Hellen Le Fèvre, Tenerife.

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September 14,2001

To All the People in New York & Washington,
"You are not alone in sadness,
You are not alone in grieving,
You are not alone in missing
what you've known...
As friends and family gather,
In the time that will come after,
Please, always know that
Loving hearts are with you to share your sorrow... and to support you in the days ahead.
May God keep you safe.
D. Guevara
Montreal, Canada

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To all the families of this terrible thing that happen to you. My heart is with you. The world is with you. And though many of us may not be there to comfort you please know that your are in our thoughts day and night. Wishing we could take this nightmare away, wishing we could take the pain away. But all of us knowing we cannot we can all come together as one in this time of need. I cannot even imagine the feeling you all must be going through, but have faith and hope that there will be many more survivors found. All of our prayers are with you. GOD BLESS YOU ALL

Kellie Womack, OH.

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i would like to send my deepest condolences to the victims and their families who were innocently taken from this world on September 11, 2001. The entire world is grieving for the many thousands of lives that were taken so tragically. i would like everyone to know my thoughts and prayers are with you. If anyone would like to talk please e-mail me.

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We are looking for Tommy Marese.
Tommy please contact George or Andrew

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To the people of America..

I don't know where to begin - this is such a tragedy and my thoughts and prayers are with everyone who is suffering from this atrocious event. There is no justification as to why certain people of the human race would want to inflict this type of tragedy on the world. I watch the scenes on the telly and through he internet and cannot believe the great sadness that there is NY and Washington at this moment. My prayers and thoughts are with you all: the survivors, the rescuers, the families of the people who are still not found and the families of the bereaved. May god be with you all.

Jacqueline Campbell

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Seeking Margaret Orloske in WTC disaster. Any information PLEASE! Have searched other lists w/o success. May God be with her and all who have suffered the loss of a loved one. Americans stand tall!

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