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Archive through September 14, 2001

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Nous sommes avec vous en prière et dans nos coeurs.

You are with us in our prayers and in our hearts.
Josée Fortin, Québec, Canada

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We need to pray for the entire world. Every soul who lives in our world has the right to liberty, justice and freedom.

I pray for the Palestinian people that their eyes are opened to the real United States Of America. We truly believe in life, liberty, peace and justice for all.

That is why our boarders have remained open to the world.

In all our pain and struggles, I just wanted to let the Arab countries know that we now feel your sorrow. May God help us all to live a life in peace. Our children deserve no less.

Just an example of the unity in our country. I am a single parent, female and 40 years old...I will stand and fight against anyone who jeapordizes our country. We are all ready to go and fight for our freedom. Let it reign!!!

God Bless America - Jill Hamilton, Cincinnati, Ohio, and proud to be an American citizen.

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Our hearts, minds, thoughts and tears are with you all at this deepest heartbreaking time. We in Ireland have had our share of terror in recent years but it fades into insignificance when we see the images of your torment. We are thinking and praying for you and your loved ones today on our national day of mourning and feel at one with you in your grief. My God ease your pain.

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i wish to expressed my heart felt sorrow for all those affected by these deliberate acts of murder and destruction.
not once have i watched the news and not cried!
i know nothing about america really or its policies but what i do know is that NO-ONE desevres this!
no half way human can stand up and justify what these terrorists have done to america and the world!
im sure i speak for most of the scottish people when i say that i wish you all a speedy rescue, recovery and most importantly justice, in whatever form it may take!
my thoughts and my heart are with each and everyone of you in this time of need.
if anyone over there wants to talk about the experiences they have had, and find it easier to talk thru the computer,or to a stranger- feel free to email me:

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my email address for anyone over in america who wants to talk about things is

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hi my name is chris (aulgur) bourne i'm looking for a very good friend that move up east about 10yrs ago.from st.charles,mo.she has a twin brother named danny. her name was debbie lemon but now it is debbie yuhaus and her husbands name is gary if you are out there please contact me.

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I am looking for Jesse Tedora, my son. I have been
paging him all week and he has not replied. I just
learned last night he went to New York two
weekends ago. Anyone who has any information
should contact Kay Jenney.
Jenney@mason valley or email{,}

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Eames J. Yates of Denver, CO is worried about his cousin Eames Yates of NY of the Mike Wallace family. If anyone knows them, please have them call Denver, he's very worried.

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WTC Database

The World Trade Center Missing Persons Photo Database is online to assist those who are searching for a firend or family member in NY.

If you or someone you know is searching for another person, please visit our website to post a free photo and information



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I am looikg for Anil Umarkar, anyone has any info please contact at any of these :

1 800 666 7177 ( Ext 5)
(201) 489 1054

(201) 457 0366

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So sad to see the tragedy at the World Trade Centre in NY.

Four of our colleague friends (We work for Wipro Technologies, Bangalore) were onsite at NY, and they were at the client's(Marsh Inc) office situated in the 97th Floor in the World Trade Centre tower 1 at the time of the tragedy.

We have not got any information about these people yet. If you can provide any information / assistance / help in whatever way to trace them, it would be of great help.

The names, passport numbers, SSN of these people are :

Name: ShashiKiran L Kadaba, Passport No: T853969, SSN: 601991404
Name: Shreyas Ranganath, Passport No: A3692376, SSN: 646489388
Name: Deepika Sattaluri, Passport No: A2185872, SSN: 152083862
Name: Hemanth Puttur K, Passport No: U586033, SSN: 152083807

In case you feel someone else you know of can be helpful, please forward this mail to them too. We will be forever indebted for any sort of help on tracing these people.

Thanks and Regards,

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i didnt lose anyone but all of my thoughts and prayers go out to those who did

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I am looking for four people who work at Marsh Inc. (A wipro Client) Here are their details:
Whole Inofrmation about them is located at :

If u would like to know morw info, r if u know anythign about them, Pl. Try to contcat at: Contact information: 817-832-9464 (Mobile) 972-691-1084(Res)

- Shashi Kiran Kadaba:
Identifying Marks:
* A mole above right eye brow
* Scar on stomach (He has been operated for Appendicitis)
* He has a scar on his back to the left of his spine below the shoulder blades
* He wears a gold chain with a small rectangle picture of "Sai Baba"
* He carries in his wallet, a picture of Sai Baba and some vibhuti(Sacred ash)

- Shreyas Ranganath
Missing in NY mishap - World Trade Center (WTC -1) 97th Floor He was working for Marsh Inc., ( A Wipro's client)

- Hemant Puttur
Missing in NY mishap - World Trade Center (WTC -1) 97th Floor He was working for Marsh Inc., ( A Wipro's client)

- Deepika Sattaluri
Missing in NY mishap - World Trade Center (WTC -1) 97th Floor She was working for Marsh Inc., ( A Wipro's client)

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please join a group of us who are banning together to encourage every one who is able to to return tax refund checks back to the government to help aid New York and/or washington DC..and to help fund the search for the people responsible we are calling it TAT TaxesAgainstTerrorists....

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Dear Americans please accept our heart felt condolences at your tragic loss. We here in England grieve with you and pray for all of you in this time of sorrow. There are no words that will comfort you at this time, but to know that the world grieves with you may help. Also a favourite song of mine seems very apt at this moment it is "You'll never walk alone", take heart America we may not be there "BUT WE ARE WITH YOU ALWAYS" I would like to say to all the emergency workers and those helping in the search and clearance "MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL"
Sandra Rogers Kerry Charlotte Kylie & Darren
from South Shields England

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