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Archive through September 14, 2001

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I know that we have been through a great tragedy that no one has ever thought would happen to our country, but in reality it has. The people that have died in this tragedy are heros and now our angels that will look out for all the men and women that will defend our country. I have always been one to say that we are the top military country in the world and I will still stand by that completely. I dont look to blame anybody about this tragedy but the cowardly men who put this hurt onto our Nation. We suffer as a Nation and a World. Now we look for the people who have put this hurt on us, and God willing we punish these people. Now as a Nation we must stand together as one. Those who help now search we pray for your safety and those men and women who get ready for war our prayers are with you. Now, I at 19 years old know what life truely means and I will due whatever I can to help out my country. Yesterday we were tested as a nation and we proved to the world that as a nation we can defeat anybody who steps into our back yard. Now as anybody would do when a stranger steps into your back yard and kills your family and friends, we must defend our honor and the rest of our family. God Bless America

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Looking for an old friend, Les Rozycki. Not sure what floor he was on.

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Hello, I have "all" in my thoughts and prayers.
My friends computer is on the blink, so I am
posting for her.

She has not heard, (nor their families) from these
3 listed below. There were at the WTC.

Charles Mills - 50-60 yrs.old

Flavia Pagan - 20-25 yrs. old

Jeff McAndrew - 20-30 years old

If anyone knows or saw them or comes across their
names anywhere...please e-mail me
Thank you

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me and a crew of 7 people from around the world are at this moment setting up a memorial site. that will be located at any information will help.

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Looking for Peter Nelson, NY firefighter. Please respond at"> if you know of any info. on him as he was at the WTC and we haven't heard from him. Thanks.

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Looking for my cousin Diarelia
Mena-Barahona. She worked on the 104th
floor in tower 1. Her name appears on a list for
survivors but we still do not know where she
is. If anyone has any information please
e-mail me at">Sergioafergus
My prayers go out to all those who missing
loved ones.
Sergio Ferguson
Queens NY.

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Looking for Jeremy Halker. Please email with any status.

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Friends/Family are looking for a P.A. Police Officer who was on the scene shortly after the first explosion. P.A. Officer David Lemange, also an Paramedic with the Jersey City Medical Center.
My preyers goes out to all.

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building a data base on the victims for got to add that.. we want the victims to seem like real people. we need the ages, their survivors and the type of work they did. thanks a bunch Monique Hamilton.

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Hi, does anyone know which Morgan Stanley location in NY is used for training? One of our friends (Susie Gimm) was in NY for training...if anyone has info, please let us know, and may all your loved ones be safe... if you know anything please contact

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Hi, I'm despritley wondering what is going on with the fire fighters! Both of my brothers are firemen and luckily only one got called in but I haven't heard a word about him. So if anyone hears about Michael Carlo PLEASE!! PLEASE PLEASE e-mail me at{">,">}
My family and I are VERY worried about him and would love to hear something good about him and his fire company. The last thing that was told to us was that he and his whole entire company was put on the missing list.
Thank you very much, any word or anything would be greatly appreciated.

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We buried my father today, he lost his 6 month battle with cancer. I got to tell my Dad goodbye, but the people that lost loved ones Tuesday didn't get a chance to say goodbye.
My prayers are with them and all of America

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This is tragicly sad and devistateingly horrific.We're turning on eachother and being readickulouse and ignorint.As a 13,going on 14,year old I am devistated.Please be kind to everyone of every race and realgion.

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Hoping NYC Firefighter Robert Coppola is okay! Please e-mail

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Searching for firefighter SERGIO VILLANUEVA. The family is desperate, if anyone knows anything about him, please email. God help us all.

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