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Archive through September 14, 2001

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I would just like to say. My heart goes out to every family and everyone whose loved one died or is still missing. Regardless what your race, or creed, we all should love one another and come together. Life is too short. Just pray. Peace & love to all.

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My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you. Especially the families of the victims and those who are still missing, I pray that they are found safe and alive. Everyone here in rural NSW, Australia seems to feel the same way and are also sending much love, and many prayers.

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looking for todd rancke I dont know this person but he is a relative of a friend of mine and they are very concerned about him as he was working on the 104th floor of the south tower he did phone his wife after the first plane crashed but then the call was disconected his famil are very concerned and I have placed this add incase they cant please help them and information to"> thank you

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Former worried employee of WINDOWS ON THE WORLD
I have contacted and found out info. on many of my co-workers, but I still have a big void in my heart. If any one has any more WINDOWS ON THE WORLD info. or would like to ask me what I know please e-mail me at
Any family or friends out there from CANTOR FITZGERALD who would like to know what the staircases were like or anything about the layout of the top 8 floors were like please e-mail as well. I was on 106/107 for three years and have a lot of experience with those stairwells

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We live in the U.K and we are devastated at the terrible tragedy that happened on Tuesday, we have watched the news every day since, and it is so heartbreaking, we wish we could come over and help in the rescue, even if it was just making tea and sandwiches for the rescue teams but I know that we can't come over and help, so all we can do is pray for you all and hope that our prays will be answered. We keep in our thoughts the families and friends of the loved ones they have lost and of those that are still missing. America you are not alone in your grief the world is grieving with you, we are crying with you and feeling your pain and we will continue to feel your pain until the people that did this terrible thing have been caught and punished. I know that you as a nation will come out of this a lot stronger may God Bless You All

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I am looking for a long time friend. He was in the Navy but last I heard was working at the Pentagon. His name is James M. Hawkins from Richmond, VA. Please post any information on his whereabouts. God please bless those in need now for all there suffering and pain...

G. D. Anderson

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Save your souls. Please. You know who you are.

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Miranda Campbell is desperate for information concerning 'Angel Ortis' - a New York Police Officer. She posted information on another website and she meant to list him as missing but listed him as safe incorrectly. If anyone has any information please contact the following address:
Our thoughts are with all of you.

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I'm looking for a Mr. Howard L. Wallace who works in the Logistics area of the Pentagon. If anyone has information please post. Thanks!!

God Bless

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We would like to send our condolences to all the firefighters, policemen and their families. The people on the coast of Mississippi are thinking and praying for you. We hope everyone comes out safely and our prayers go out to the ones that don't make it.
-Melissa and Delisa-
from Gulf Coast Community College

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Web-site of the Afghani opposition to the Taliban.

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i am looking for a online friend ,i have not seem him on line nor has he been seen he is a police officer in nyc youth division his name is bob(robert) a deluca and a good friend of mine from back home in bridgewater,nj he is a firefighter name is john kazan , i have called many friends but have gotten no place so please if anybody knows them tell the a friend is reaching out to find them ,i can be reached at}. thank you for any help

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grace williams (917-860-2009) Sept. 14 2001 Trying to locate a friend KEVIN FRAWLEY 6'2" 255lbs work at EUROBROKERS on 84th floor. anyone with information PLEASE CALL. Thank You.

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A Thought for Rescuers

You found my father, brother or sister, my aunt, my uncle, my friend.

You spent many hours searching through rubble, helping our pain come to an end.

You were injured, you were hurt, you saw things that made you cry.

Yet you continued to work, you continued to try.

We cannot tell you just how much it means to know people like you are around.

You have worked and have slaved, without a grumble or sound.

So in closing I just have one thing to say, one thing I want you to know.

Not only are you a firefighter, police office or me your also a Hero!

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Deepest sympathy to those who lost loved ones in this tradegy, we in the United Kingdom can only summise the grief to all those involved. I once worked for Chemical Bank (formerly Manafacturing Hanover Trust)in London and Cardiff and have spoken with persons in the past who worked in the World Trade Centre, especially at the time of the bombing of the world trade centre many years ago. Once again my thoughts and those of my family are with you all.

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