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Archive through September 14, 2001

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I am guilty of not actively doing anything in the past about terrorism. Certainly I cried whenever I saw a child killed senselessly, but I was thankful that my children did not have to grow up under those conditions. Now I cannot sleep at night for rear of what is next. I do not believe that there is any race that is "BAD", unfortunately hate speaks out louder than those who believe in peace. The world has to take a united stand against the few that believe the acts of terrorism will accomplish anything. The world was attacked Tuesday (many countries lost citizens in the World Trade Center bombing - not just Americans). I view this as an attack against all peaceful people of the world. Find those guilty of terrorism, this act and all others, and bring them to justice (through whatever means neccessary), for the sake of all our children. I will never be quiet again, we are not seperate countries living on one planet, we must act together and accept that one countries pain affects us all.

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my thoughts are with all the people, throughout the world, who have been affected by this terrible event.
i hope somehow you find the strength to make it through these dark times.

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To our American Friends,we express our deepest condolences.Our hearts and prayers go out to you all.

Cambridge, Ont.
Seay Family

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I am looking for my good friend John Cruz from MSDW. If anyone has any information please contact me at or 732-868-0817. Thank you. God Bless You All.

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I just wanne say from Holland that my hart is with al americans

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We send our condolences to all the survivers of the attack on the US

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looking for a marine leaving virginia to puerto rico, but as yet not heard anyhting from him. He is a son of a dear friend of mine. He has a wife and four children still waiting to hear from him. His name is Nelson Aponte. If anyone knows of him please contact his mother at, or myself at thank you and god bless all victims and their families

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I am looking for a friend Shekhar Kumar, who is missing since Tuesday morning. He was working on 102 floor of WTC1. He is around 5'4'', Asian/Indian, black hair, fair, wear glasses and around 160 pounds.
If anyone has any information or any person who worked on 102nd floor, please email at

He lives in Mountainview Ave ,
Staten Island

My Prayers to ALL victims, families and aid workers

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hi guys,

europe here....

well, i really can understand your outrage and your grief for retaliation, but.... they're not all terrorists down there, and when i read some posts like "transform the middle-east into a piece of glass" or "a flooded middle-east would be a nice vacation-spot", i really think that those messages are just a product of your current grief & anger.

just let me tell u a few things:

- in the middle-east there are f.e. saudi-arabia and kuweit, which are loyal partners of the us.

- think of the guys in other countries working for some agencies (and we all know of whom i'm talking here....)

ppl in the middle-east have to suffer a lot (hunger, war etc.) while u guys (and me, too) are sitting at burger-king, watching football, having parties or whatsoever. thus, their frustration is UNDERSTANDABLE. they just don't know better than to blame the west for their miserable lifes.

please do NOT get me wrong: nothing, absolutely nothing can be an excuse for what has happened. i deeply agree that those ppl who are responsible for the attack have to be punished, and if it was me to decide, put them on the chair. same goes for governements which are responsible.

but the u.s. have a historic chance now, since most countries all over the world are standing shoulder to shoulder with them in condemning terrorists and are willing to support them to get those bastards. even this guy arafat donated blood - ok, maybe just a political gesture, but at least SOMETHING!!!

my hope is, that the ppl who are responsible for this are found and punished and that the rest of the world INCLUDING the middle-east will sit around a table, talk to each other and find a solution to make our lifes better, safer and peaceful.

i know that most guys in europe think the same: we're deeply shocked, accept your right for retaliation, are willing to help you with that issue, but we do not want to kill INNCOCENT people - this would make us as bad as those bastards are who rammed the planes into wtc.

my thoughts are with you all, my prayers and hopes go for the families of the victims and their friends.

if anybody wants to comment on that personally, you can reach me at

don't late hate get u


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SHE WAS on a conferance mwwting with risk waters on the 106th floor

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Looking for friend Dave D. Murphy 33y.o. brown eyes and short light brown hair wears glasses. Lives around Rochester and commutes to N.Y. often travels for company. He has a brother in PA and a sister near him. Last spoke to him 9/6or7 Last known destination was leaving for Little Rock on 9/6. I have left many e-mails with no replies from him yet. I'm worried sick for my friends safety. If you know his whereabouts please contact me at If you read this Dave please contact me. I pray for all the victims, families, and friends of this nightmare and pray that God will help us all get through this.May God send his angels to protect and comfort us all esp. thoughs working at ground zero. 2nd posting.

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My NY friend said the NY Red Cross phone lines are jammed and loved ones are not able to get information. I found my local Red Cross phone numbers and want to share them in the hopes I can help someone.

You are in my prayers.

Albany Chapter, Albany, 229-436-4845
American Red Cross of Augusta, Augusta
Atlanta Chapter, Atlanta, 404-876-3302
Baldwin Putnam Area Chapter (BPAC), Milledgeville,478-203-7332
Central Georgia Chapter, 478-743-8673
East Georgia Chapter, Athens, 706-353-1645
Griffin Georgia Chapter, Griffin, 770-227-3145
Houston-Middle Georgia Chapter, Warner Robins
Northeast Georgia Chapter, Gainesville, 770-532-8453
Savannah Chapter, Savannah, 912-651-5309
Troup County and Valley Area Chapter, LaGrange, 706-884-5818
Upson County Chapter, Thomaston, 706-647-3023
Walton County Chapter, Monroe. 770-267-3534

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SHE WAS on a conferance meeting with risk waters on the 106th floor

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Hoping very much that Craig Laub who worked at Guy Carpenters is fine and well...... a few years since we communicated but I do so wish you are alright.Thinking of you.
Zoe X

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I am looking for my friend's hausband who worked on 87floor. I don't know which tower 1 or 2.
His name is GENNADY BOJARSKI. Please help !
He is caucasian, age 31, small build, dark hair with mustache and small beard.
If you know somebody from this floor please let me know. My heart is with you, with all of you. I leave in Canada. Please reply to my personal address :

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