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Archive through September 14, 2001

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Love from Louisiana

Stand strong...that is what we must do.
My heart goes out to all those who have beeen hurt or have lost someone. I read that a journalist for a Florida paper called the people of the United States "family". Nothing has ever seemed more true that now. My prayers are with you.

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Has anyone seen Catherine"Cathy" Salter? She worked for AON on the 92nd floor of Tower 2. She has blonde hair, green eyes, she is 5'7 and wieght is approximately 130lbs. Please email if you have any information.

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"I was in the rubble last night and all day today (thurs). I went into the
building this morning for about an hour and a half. I mean inside
underground about. I was with the first and thus far only crew to go
underground into the building. I was with Rescue crew #3. I was live
on channel 5 tonight talking all about it, they said it might be on their
website later tonight

How it looked:The stores all looked fairly normal. Tons of debris
everywhere. The ceiling was on the floor in many places. Inside
innovation luggage there were clothes on the counter being rung up.
Everyone freaked as we found mannequins that we thought were
people. Almost everything was intact. The soda fridges still had
soda, store displays werent knocked over. We found 1 pair of
fireman gloves with the name miller on them, covered with blood,
but no body. It was a pretty insane thing to see first hand. There
were holes that we couldn’t see the bottom of, we referred to them
as voids. Even the ice machine in a deli still had ice in it. I personally
walked through every store on that level, there were no bodies
anywhere. We did find footprints in the dust that were cut off by stuff
that fell from the ceiling. We kept hearing rumbles, then they blew
the horn that means a building is falling. We all ran frantically as we
would be trapped or crushed by the fall. When we got out of the
hole everyone was running away, it was crazy!! I did take pictures as
much as I could so when I get them back I will post them for you
all to see. I will be back there tomorrow, I will try to give you an

Glad to be alive, proud to help the cause,


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from all of us in the uk

we are sorry for all the suffering you are going through where all going through it here to we are very sorry and had freinds and familys over there to which have lost and some survived and we are very greatful that some one likes as that much to not take everyone from very sorry with all the uks love love lyndsey

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So many of these responses are fueled by hatred and ignorance that it just leaves me with a heavy heart. Do you really think that nuking a country will solve the problem of harbored resentment many countries feel for the United States? Do you really think that wiping out the Middle East would solve the problem? Do you really think that we, the United States, are totally and completely innocent in the bigger picture of why this happened? Can you not understand how we play a huge role in the negative perception other countries may have concerning us? I am an American, and proud to be an American, but I think our country is reaping a bit of what we've sown. I HATE that this happened to us! For lack of a more professional way to put it, IT SUCKS!!! I want retribution and in some instances REVENGE!!! But what I don't want to do is nuke an entire culture or people because they share similar characteristics or religious beliefs as the SICK and INHUMANE BASTARDS who gave us a dose of what many other countries go through on a daily basis. We CANNOT lump an entire group together. To do so would serve no purpose and further perpetuate hatred. And we DO NOT need to kick out all persons of foreign descent. That is COMPLETELY ridiculous and COMPLETELY Un-American!!! We believe in freedom and justice, supposedly for ALL, yet we say and do things that completely go against our beliefs. We talk about getting rid of some of the very people who helped build this country, because they're not "true Americans." Hell, who is a true American. The ones who inhabited this country before ANYONE came over are technically the "True Americans" . . . the rest of us came over here or were brought over here. We can't take away the right for people to come here, or start kicking out people who we don't perceive as true Americans. The bottom line is that this is a horrific act against my country, committed by heinous, inhumane beasts who should be punished to the full extent for their crimes. Will innocent people have to pay for the crimes of these men . . . unfortunately yes. That is always the case with payback. What I don't want us to do is become irrational in our decision, whatever it is, because a short-term solution to the problem is not what we should be seeking. What can we do to prevent this from happening again? I do not know the answer to that. Excuse my rambling, but I am completely distraught over this tragedy and my words sometimes get the best of me. God Bless America.

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This message goes out to Hope. I couldn't agree with you more.When GOD made the world he didn't divide us, we divided ourselves. All our prayers should be going out to the families that will never see their loved ones faces again. I can't help but to think what if it happened here, and I lost all my loved ones.I used to worry about little things that I thought were important. Please, it can never compare to what they are going through right now. I can't help but to think now,the hell with little things, I'm
thankful that I'm here, healthy, got a job, a roof over my head,etc. Those families of the people that were killed or injured are the ones that are suffering tremendously. This has really affected me in a way I can't explain. I send my Prayers out to the world. Peace, Love, & Harmony

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This message goes out to Hope. I couldn't agree with you more.When GOD made the world he didn't divide us, we divided ourselves. All our prayers should be going out to the families that will never see their loved ones faces again. I can't help but to think what if it happened here, and I lost all my loved ones.I used to worry about little things that I thought were important. Please, it can never compare to what they are going through right now. I can't help but to think now,the hell with little things, I'm
thankful that I'm here, healthy, got a job, a roof over my head,etc. Those families of the people that were killed or injured are the ones that are suffering tremendously. This has really affected me in a way I can't explain. I send my Prayers out to the world. Peace, Love, & Harmony

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i dont think an eye for an eye is the way forward with this terrible tragedy. Mr president should not start the war of all wars.

I am glad george bush is president, not trigger happy bill, because I think retaliation will cause the end of the world as we know it. If america used politics this time instead of force, maybe the civilised world will continue to stand united. make peace not war
mike grainger

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Just wanted to say my thoughts and prayers goes to the family who has lost someone and who has been hurt.

Lots of Love from Massachuesetts

Keyla Oliva-xoxoxoxo

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Dear, Fellow Americans
Iam sorry about what happened on tuesday the 11 on 2001. I'm sorry that I am to young to give blood and to young to look for survivors in the dust an rubble. I am hoping that this is war so that we may win the war. And to get back at the people who did this. This is a real tragedy that this had to happen. This a real tradic moment in the United States of America. I hope that this letter will help you remember the good times you had with your loved ones when they where alive. I hope that you will find more survivors in the dust and rubble.

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Dear My Fellow Americans my heart goes out to all
the ones that lost thier loved ones.I just cant
see the way yall can.I hope that you can stay
strong and hold on and never forget the ones you
lost in the tragical event that was stode upon
you.I send my regards to those who are in the
hospital and i will be praying and i hope you will
keep the faith in god. i love yall.

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To incredulous - save your own soul you godless ass. I'd like to hear you explain how the people who worked in Tower 1 and 2 were personally responsible for terrorism in other lands. Please feel free to do so.

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Dear fellow americans my heart goes out to you and your loved ones.This is realy a tragic event that has happens to us.i wish that i could go back and change what happen but life does not work that way.One day we can go on with our regular lives but we can never forget what happen on tuesday 11,2001

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Looking for Jennifer Howley-Dorsey
Please anyone that worked for AON on the 92 floor WTC 2. Missing or found please contact me at 516-354-8922 or email me at">
Have spoke to another person looking for her husband same floor. maybe they were together and any info we all can share will help us to find our loved ones. If you were on this floor and made it out please contact me maybe you had seen her. We are getting alot of sightings of her but hearing it third party. Need to speak to someone that has seen her. God Bless you all.

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I am looking for a dear friend Michelle Goldstein. She worked for AON Corp in WTC #2. ANY information would be greatly appreciated. She has curly brown hair, is about 5'3 and was married just 7 short months ago. Her maiden name was Herman. WE LOVE YOU!!!!
Thank you and GOD BLESS.

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