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Archive through September 14, 2001

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To the family of Terry Lynch.

My heart grieves for your loss. I cannot express or find the words that could help you with your loss. Tiffany I know that you are in Europe and might not be home yet. I only met you Dad a few times, but he has touched so many lives. His love lives through you and your sister and your mother. All of us love you and are here to support you.
Remember we are here for you. Lynda Marie Falkenstein, Jamie Blake, Karen Karl and all your friends at the Pineapple.

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im sorry that something like this had to happen and things like that due to the terrorist attack but you have america has to come together and stand strong and make the evil person/people pay for what they have done to our nation

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-Still Missing-
Doug worked for Sandler O’Neil on the 104th floor of the World Trade Center/South Tower. We last heard from Doug right after the first plane hit. Please if you have ANY information contact one of us anytime at the following numbers.

(519) 734-8780 Home
(519) 818-1499 Cell">


(212) 888-0256 Home
(212) 826-5066 Office
(917) 626-5066 Cell: 24 hours

Please take a look at his picture at the following link:

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i am really sorry about this that has been going on. i live in he united states and i fear that the next place they go for just might be the state that i live in. i wish all the people who know someone in the accident the best of luck in finding your loved ones alive. i pray for each and every one of you every day.
love always, kristen o.

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My heart and prayer goes out to all those who lost a mother, father, son, daugher, friend, cousin, in-law, co-worker, pastor, firefighter, police officer, aquaintance, grandparent, niece, and nephew.

May the Lord give you strenght as you deal with the lost of your loved ones. I pray that your loved ones are sitting at the feet of Jesus and bathing in his glory. May God bless you and keep you.

Our Father
Which art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts
As we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory
Forever and ever

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To all who not only watched this disaster unfold but to those whom have been dragged into this hideous act of murder by the few people who profess to value life in every form yet quickly forget this when wanting to gain publicity for their crimes.I would just like to say as a british citizen I hope that the whole world unites not only against the terrorists who performed this mindless act but also against the terrorists who have killed in the name of their cause as these are just as bad.
Nobody can justify robbing 5,000 families of their loved ones and now they should try to get this mans millions and use his money to help the families whose suffering will stay with them forever.I hope they all rot in hell and that they will know very soon what kind of suffering they have caused.We apparently have this mans sister in our country,maybe we should do to her what he has done to thousands in USA.(Put her in a building on fire and let her burn to death or get crushed to death ) maybe then he will know how it feels to lose someone in such a horrific way but what ever happens she should be booted out of England WE DON'T WANT MURDERS OR THEIR FAMILIES.

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My Norwegian heart and the hearts of my family and friends reach out to you now, beloved American people, in your hour of sorrow and pain. We partake in your suffering, fear,and anger. Norway went silent today, with the rest of the world and peoples who stand by you in this hour. Hold on to your faith, your strenght, your courage - we are with you in every fiber of our being.
Nina Sandström Angelsen

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I am looking for my cousin who worked in the North Tower of the WTC at Cantor Fitzgerald. His name is Carlos (Charlie) Samaniego. If you have any information of his whereabouts (hospital info.) please let me know at 703-629-1598 or 917-992-3540

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Charles Randall Macintosh (Randy) we are looking for you. Glen Ridge New Jersey Contact Vinnie Travisano or Jerry Pepper at">

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A friend of mine's son was sheduled to leave virginia beach,and travel to Puerto rico, but they have not been able to locate him. His wife and mother are terribly upset as well as alot of people out there during this terrible time. If there is a way you could find out any information, it would be greatly appricated. He is in the navy,as a mechcanic on one of the ships. "Nelson Aponte"you could send any informatio to his mother at, or myself

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I am looking for a friend. Her name is Diarelia (Dee) Mena-Barahona. She was born on 8/19/71. She is 30 years old. She was working for Cantor Fitzgerald in World Trade 1 and was on the 104th Floor. She is 5'6", 175 lbs., brown eyes, brown hair, dark skin. She is wearing her engagement ring and wedding band which are white gold. She has a scar on her left hand. Her toe nails are painted red. The family has been searching everywhere with no luck. If anyone has seen her or knows of her whereabouts, please contact me at"> or Juana at 917-754-3666. Please help! Thank you.

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From Mississippi, we are all broken hearted and we are praying that God will comfort you all.As Americans, we must stand united. God bless you all.

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I want to show my support and to give them to him thanks to the firemen, policemen and volunteers who are helping to rescue the victims without thinking about his own lives, with people like that we will be able to obtain a new world.
For the freedom of the persons:
Raul Garcia

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My Norwegian heart and the hearts of my family and friends reach out to you now, beloved American people, in your hour of sorrow and pain. We partake in your suffering, fear, anger. Norway went silent today, with the rest of the world and peoples who stand by you in this hour.Hold on to your faith, your strenght, your courage - we are with you in every fiber of our being.

Nina Sandström Angelsen

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My 2 children, Grace 12 & Meg 5, have asked me to post this from the UK. They especially want to send their love, thoughts and prayers to all the children affected by the awful tragedy. May God bless you all, and give you the strength to see this through.

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