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Archive through September 14, 2001

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to sheila:

sheila, though i can understand u, its not his sister's fault. do u know her? why do you think she's in gb? maybe she does not agree to her brother and that's the reason?

here in germany the nazis killed the familiy-members of ppl who were in the resistence.... i think this is barbarian.

get this bastard, roast him on the chair, but it doesn't help to kill ppl who are not responsible for this terror.

if you want to be a human being and not a wild bastard like bin laden, try to be different than this ass.

and one last word:

harassment against arabs and muslims in europe and the us are now coming up - most of those ppl are as shocked as we are. we should make a difference and not call every arab / muslim a terrorist unless we have a proof.


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We live in the UK,and as a loving caring family we want to say to you all,we are praying for you,we feel for you,we are crying for you.we can't help but despise the people who have hurt you so much,we can only hope that they will be punished soon,goodbye and god bless you all. terry&sandra

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How very sorry I am for all the people that have lost their lives in such a terrible way. My heart goes out to each and everyone. I also want to say how proud I am to be an American. I have never seen or witnessed such patiotism. May God bless each and every person who has lost loved ones, those who work so hard to rescue the lost, the great leaders of our country and the world, and each citizen.

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We are looking for Mr. Pranav Gupta, a student of MS 1st year, Industrial Pharmaceuticals at St. John's University, Jamaica, New York.

His residential address is:
69-26, 183rd Street,
Fresh Meadows, New York 11365.

We have not been able to get in touch with him since tuesday, the 11th sep.Please send your message at

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I am trying to get information on my uncle, James T. Lawrence. He is around 56 years old. Trying to see if he is okay. If you read this Uncle James, please contact your family. I am Tasha daughter of your sister Minnie Lawrence

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For those who would make a glass bowl out of Afghanistan immediately in an attempt to wipe out Bin Laden, let me ask you how you would feel if it turned out after-the-fact that he was nothing but a pawn, a training contractor, for someone like Saddam Hussein or the Ayatolla? The nuking of the wrong Nation would be far worse terrorism than the WTC. Don't get me wrong, I am mad as hell and think we should strike back and strike big, and without sending our soldiers to get killed. But I want to make sure that we have the right culprits. This goes deep and the web of intrigue is thick. I am willing to bet that there is far more to this whole thing than meets the casual eye and uninformed brain.

There are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of little kids and teenagers who have already had a lifetime of terrorist-hate-America indoctrination. If we are to wipe out terrorism, we must be willing to kill them too. Think about that. Wanna be part of a baby killing operation? Would such an action perhaps trigger universal condemnation and we would then have to defend ourselves against the entire world? You have to be willing to absorb the responsibility for supporting such actions if they are taken.

It is hard to think rationally when you are on emotional tilt. Slow up. "What-if" the hell out of this in your head. Try to do some integrated thinking.

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Bare with me a second here, I've got to get this off me...

I was born in Manhattan June 1970, about the time the Towers was completed. My parents moved to Manhattan from Dominican-Republic before I was born. That makes me first Generation American. My parents came here so that their offspring (me) would have a better life. It hasn't been easy but I push a 2000 convertible, own my own home in the ATL and make over 70k a year. The destruction of the Twin Towers is personnal. I'm a New Yorker DAMN IT, and just how Newt said "This is a threat to civilization as we know it" I agree.

I grew up in the hood, and I hold a certain resentment for the caucasians in America, but somebody not from my hood can not come into my hood and play me. Nyer's ain't having it. America ain't going for it. Blood must be spilled, and I'm sorry for it.

So for all of those who said that Allah leads you to destroy, maim and kill... F*ck you and your god.

Don't like it e-mail me, we'll discuss it to great lengths F*ckers...

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I would like to send my condolences to the families and friends of those who weren't able to escape the disaster. But they are now in a good place. Don't worry and be strong. We are all Americans and should be proud of it.
good luck and god bless

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America, You are in our thoughts and prayers. To-day we stood in silence and wept unashamedly for you. Scotland loves you all.

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I want every one to know i'm praying for them and
i hope that we can start to heal the ill and to let people know that we're praying for them.
I wish i could do more than just give blood but i know nothing more to do than pray . I'm 14 years old and there's not very much i can do than pray , hope ,give blood .But i want every one to know that we care and we're praying for them and all the love ones that were lost that every-thing will be okay soon!your in the hands of god now!!!!

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I live in the uk my heart goes out to everyone, how can the people who did this to you can live with themselves they should be ashamed of what they have caused.God be with every single one of you and your families.

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My cousin Stephanie Irby worked @ Marsh Mclennan on the 98th floor of tower 1. She is a light skinned Black female 5'8" about 180lbs and was wearing a black skirt, she is 36yrs old. If anyone locates anyone fitting that description @ all email me @">

thank you
and my Prayers go out to you all...


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Dear Peoples in America,

I live in Hong Kong, I'm very sad when I heard this news, I hope that all the peoples are okey, remember god will bless you.

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ERIC BENNETT anyone heard from him formely from FLINT, MICHIGAN

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dear America,

I am sorry for what happened. I know how it feels to loose somone you love. I lost my mother when i was only 11. my prayers and thoughts are with you during this time.

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