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Archive through September 14, 2001

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Dear Phil,
You don't know me, I am an MIM employee working underground in Mt. Isa but I'm sending you this in the hopes that you can forward it on to someone, anyone, anywhere, in the New York or Washington areas. as I wouldn't know where to start to even look for an address,

Please I want to say how very very saddened my family and I are to think that anyone could commit such an horrific act on mankind. and want to send my Prayers and deepest sympathies to all the victims, and families and friends of victims. Your losses are felt everywhere, as too is your pain and grief.

May God be with you all at this time, and give you all the strength and courage to go on.

I sit here in Mt. Isa Australia and watch in disbelief at what is happening in New York & Washington, and feel so helpless, and wish with all my heart there was something I could do to help. If there is anything other than sending my prayers and condolences. I would do it in a second.

All my Love and Prayers to all God Bless You!!

Heather Storch & Family

Mt. Isa.


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massage for Stephanie Greig last known to be working in new york, we meet in Los vagas simply because our surnanes had the same spelling, you told us that you lived in Scotland some time ago and that your father works in vagas, please would you let us know that you survived the disaster in New York by e.mail or by calling england on 0208 856 7374 or 0208 856 6705 we do not know the code from New York, please call

Michael & Wendy Greig

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I am only 14 and never ever expected to see or hear anything like this disaster happen in my life time! I think the person/people behind this need to be hung! It scares me soo much to know how much violence there is in our world! What was the point of being put on earth if all we are going to do is hate eachother and kill?? All i pray is that world war 3 isnt coming! I want to live my life along with EVERYONE else! I want my world, famliy and friends! I wanted to travell the world and New York was first on my list and now i may never get on a plane before! The Terrorists need to be hung drawn and quartered! As i say im only 14 and i am very scared and horrified and so hurt by all of this! Who ever is behind it needs to take a long think about their life! If they hate their life why are they killing others just kill yourselfs you sick twisted ANIMALS! America i love you and good liuck! To all those people out there if i could do anything i would be the first to do so, LOve you so much!
xxxDebsxxxx from BRITAIN!

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I`m very sad about that what happened.Germany cries with you.We will give you all the help you need.YOU were there when we needed help.We will face the problems together and we will stand by you in this hard times to support you as much as we can.

much LOVE from Germany


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Here is a site where you can upload a picture that was just launched today around 1:00 p.m EST.

Please visit and use this tool to find and identify loved ones.

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I think you are on the right track. Let's improve the daylights out of our intelligence ops and ferret these individual radicals out worldwide. Massive military action will prove nothing and result in the deaths of more of our innocent citzens who are in the military.

We have, I'm afraid, inherited much of the arrogance demonstrated by the British throughout the last 700 years and Christianity since the middle ages. We tend to feel that it has to be our way or the highway. That's arrogant and irrational. Maybe this whole WTC thing will wake Americans up and make them think rationally. Why does half the world population hate America? We HAD to do something to deserve it. What was it? How and Why did our government put a spin on it that hid it (the honest facts) from being general knowledge?

Before I thumped with a Bible, for the above religious comment, think about well known historical facts. The religious community killed people for heresey at one point for daring to suggest that the Earth was not the center of the universe. More were killed for saying that the earth was round. The church doctrine of the time arrogantly stated that the Earth was the center of the Universe and that the Earth was flat. Believe it or die. Are the Christian teachings and attitudes of today potentially as erroneous? We have inherited some of that Christian arrogance and incorporated it into our "always right" society. Manipulated Mysticism and guilt has historically been used to control an unthinking populace.

Hitler swayed much of Europe into mystical political/religious thinking that resulted in his gaining support for killing 6 million Jews. Those Jews controlled much of European business and economics at the time. He was able to kill them and usurp their fortunes. That was his hidden agenda all along. Are we now being suckered into supporting a genocide program against those of Arabic genetics so we can usurp the oil fields and their wealth? What is the real agenda?

I don't know. But I am thinking.

Maybe we need to agree to binding arbitration and let a group of common housewives from both sides of the equation decide what is the best solution. I'll guarantee that it would boil down to international recognition of universal INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS.

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we are looking for john and dorothy jackson from lisvane cardiff wales england who where traviling in the usa and could have been in the area we have not heard or know there where abouts if anyone has any information please contact alex or david 029 20 756949 thanks.

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Howard Kestenbaum is missing. He was in the south tower of the World Trade Center (the building that was hit second) on the 103rd floor. If you have any information please contact me at

Additional information and a photo can be found at

Please also let me know if there are other places I can post this or post this message yourselves.

Thank you and God Bless

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A good friend of mine is looking for her dear husband, Charlie Magee, who works for Silverstein Properties. He is 51 years old, 5'7" tall, about 200 lbs., fair complexion, graying light brown hair, blue eyes, light brown, graying mustache. He was wearing a gold-toned watch with inscription "Local 94 25th Anniversary". He was last seen on the stairwell of the 46th floor in One WTC (the first tower hit, last to collapse) about 9:30 AM. Anyone with information please contact (212) 744-4984 or (212) 490-0666. Thanks.

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I am looking for CHARLES ZION who worked at the World Trade Center. If anyone has any information, would you please contact me at">

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Palestine could be at peace right now if they had compromised as much as the Israelis were willing to. Fact is the Islamic fundamentalists will not budge from their stated aims, aims that are impossible for the rest of the world to accomodate. They know this, and still they prefer to hate and educate their children with hate and misinformation. Now they have cooked their own goose. Carpet bombing of poor Islamic countries is not the answer, but the hunting down and killing of cruel terrorists must begin immediately.With no fanfare, no show trials, just extreme prejudice. Perhaps then we can do more to help feed the starving in Sudan/Afghanistan etc., while those fanatical murderers are lying in unmarked graves, wondering why they are not in Paradise as they expected.

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We as a family would just like the people of America know that we are thinking of all of you that have lost people or been injured in this horrific crime. We hope that you can keep your resolve and start to rebuild your lives. To the Firefighters and rescue services - as we both work for the UK fire service our thoughts are especially with you at this time. We cannot start to imagine what you are all going through.
The Gilbert family

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I am looking for PREM JERATH. He was on the 82nd floor of the WTC - North Tower. If you have any additional information of his location, please contact me at Thanks and God Bless!

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our family have been watching the news since this terrible thing happened, our thoughts are with all those who have been affected by this horror against humanity each day we pray more of your loved ones are found.god bless your friends in wolverhampton england x x x

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Looking for LANCE TUMULTY - STILL MISSING - He worked in Bldg II of the WTC - 84th Floor - Eurobrokers. He is 6'2", 235 lbs. Has hazel eyes and brown hair. Please contact with any information - if he was seen leaving the building - ANYTHING - for a picture of Lance please visit - email or call Patty (917)834-9967 or P.J. (732) 915-5892. Thanks and our prayers are with families and loved ones

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