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Archive through September 14, 2001

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I cant even begin to imagine the feelings of those with ones lost in this awful act of murder. I was sat feeding my 17 week old baby when a news flash came up that there had been a terrible 'accident' little did we know the horror that was to follow. My heart goes out to all the families that have lost a loved one and I pray for all those that have lost their lives. God bless you all.

lent not given,
to bud on earth,
but bloom in heaven,
Rest in peace.

I am British but this is just a 'title' today I am just a fellow human being standing with all other 'decent' humans in this time of grief and mourning.
With love
Sam, Chad, Gemma and Holly xxx God bless

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Everyone, please keep in mind that terrorists aren't born. They're not a species to kill. They are not brought to this earth by parent terrorists. Pure people become terrorists. They are born as pure people to poor, diseased parents. They grow up to be hounded by an oppressive (eg. Israeli) regime. They find out that a powerful country far away is helping this regime oppress and slaughter them. And, although most of their families and friends remain relatively calm, they go nuts and do something stupid.

One obvious lesson is learned: Kill as many people as you want, but as long as you are causing pain, famine, suffering, oppression around the world as a means of making your own country stronger (those people probably assume that we know what our own government is doing), new terrorists will CREATE THEMSELVES. So I hope it is needless to say that this war that mr. dubya is waging to "kill terrorism" is a horrendous farce. WHAT WILL HAPPEN after the war?? Tell me!! Once again, people with nothing left to eat or live for, whose parents have been killed, etc... They will sacrifice their lives AGAIN to get back at someone. What then?? Yet another World War?? Will someone tell me when such a cycle would end????

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Hey Mufti - Go back to your cave idiot! With these attacks have you lost any family? Lost any friends? Are you even near NYC or DC? Have you watched the rescue efforts? I think the last thing on peoples mind is Wall street. The first thing is supporting their fellow Americans in need. Secondly, getting the hypocritical simple minded bastards reponsible, and unleashing hell on them in a just manner. My god, Mufti! Did you even get an education? I am surprised that you can even type with your feeble mind.

God Bless America.

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I am a 33 year old mother of 2 from Seattle. My heart breaks every time I think of all of the lives lost since these attacks Tuesday. I can't watch the news without weeping, however, even when I turn the TV off, I have constant images replaying in my head. I am so, so sorry for all of the families of these innocent, and obviously, very much loved, victims. I am especially heartbroken as I follow the story of the Cantor Fitzgerald Brokerage firm who appear to have lost all 700 (approx.) employees who were in the tower at the time. I have heard not a single one has been accounted for, and all phone calls from the office indicated that they were trapped with nowhere to go. I have seen their president's heartbreaking interview with Connie Chung and have visited their website numerous times, hoping & praying for some miraculous news, but so far - nothing. I know no one who worked for this firm, but feel so strongly for the families of these people. I have contacted my bank here in Washington to see if there is a way to set up a fund specifically for Cantor Fitzgerald victim's families. There must be so many children without a parent. If anyone knows of their company setting up such a fund, please email me & let me know. Until then, I am trying to find out how to specifically help this one company that was so devastated and like others, feel helpless. My heart goes out to all of the victims and families in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. We are praying for all of you.

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Is this "war" on terrorism going to turn out like the "war" on drugs? What a joke! The DEA has no vested interest in winning the drug war. If it won, it would be out of a job! I see a new bureau on the horizon...the TEA...Terrorism Enforcement Agency...which will generate lots of publicity for our leech politicians and a new way to suck money out of the hard working American Public into the Politicians' pockets.

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Just so sorry, The UK stands with you.

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I am from Scotland and am looking for the person who influenced my life the most..His name is Francis.G.Hopkins...ex wife is called Pattie..He has a 4 year old son called Michael...I miss him and hope he is okay..If you know he is safe and well please let me know...
Thank you for your time and trouble..
My heart goes out to everyone who has been touched
by this act of vicious mass murder....

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We know this site is for people who are missing someone. However can anyone tell us whether this firefighter is alive, as he appears in all our national newspapers, we can't get his face out of our heads. His number (that appeared on his hat) is FDNY (28)12898

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I'm looking for a man named Christopher Curran-Dorsano, if anyone has heard from him or seen him please contact me asap..he is my best friends brother and it would mean alot to her if someone could help us...thank you.

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GBA!! I loved your response 🙂 So you are saying that because noone in the towers was personally responsible, it is heinous to have killed them, right??

PS: I'm glad you knew who you were 😉

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To the many , many families that has been affected by the "Attack on America", in New York City and Washington. My family and myself send our deepest condolences to you. Each and every one of you are in our prayers and thoughts every minute of the day. We cannot start to imagine what you are going through or the pain you must be experiencing. In time God WILL HEAL ALL THE WOUNDS. I know we often ask, especially in times like this, Why?, but only the father knows and we are not to question his actions, only to try and live by them the best we can. I believe there are some people that are still waiting to be pulled from all that rubble and there are those that have already gone to be in a better place and to be with an awsome god. Our hopes and prayers for the ones still missing loved ones, is that you will soon be reunited with them. Remember God is with you and your family member. Please don't give up and ask God for his guidance everyday, he will help you get through this. I promise.
Our Prayers are with all of you
The Barnhill's
Aiken, South Carolina

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Marisa Flood - Was not in the WTC at the time of the attacks and is alive.

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Democracy- invented by Greece, nurtured by Great Britain, now piloted by USA. Flawed of course, but still the best hope for our planet, because it's lifeblood is liberty.
Theocracy- the stated aim of Islamic fundamentalists. The government of state according to strict Islamic law. As interpreted by those in power of course. Afghanistan is a theocracy. It's people are starving and living in fear of their leaders. Here in the west we are not starving, and flip the finger to our leaders whenever we want. Long live liberty.

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To all the people in America Our deepest condolenses go out to all the bereaved families our thoughts and prayers are with you at this tragic time, the people of Liverpool, England and the rest of the world our with you at this time

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