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Archive through September 14, 2001

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i live in southern england but my wife lives in america.i've heard from her first hand about the horrors and we've spent aons on the phone comforting each other.i cant stop crying and today when we had the three minute silence where i work i started crying again.we in england are right behind you all the way,if we dont stop them now then what future do our children have?i cant be there in body but i'm there in spirit.

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I would like to know what an American-American is.
My family has been here since the early 1600's and it seems to me there were certain peoples here before that.
We have all emigrated to this land from another place...whether 1st generation or 12th generation, and that is what has made our country great. There is good and evil everywhere on earth, but to condemn the many because of the actions of a few is insanity.
I know that every step will be taken to see that those who had any part in this are punished to the greatest extent. I have faith in my country to do what is right and just.
Another thing that you must realize is that to these Islamic "extremists" this is a jihad...a HOLY war, to them. I personally am not thrilled with those who are "extremist" Christians either though I would never think of eliminating them...just as those who are of the Faith of Islam should not be eradicated because of the actions of those who have perpetrated this outrage against civilization.
After reading an excellent editorial in the paper the other day, aimed at the terrorists, I will leave you with the last few sentences of that article
"You do not know what you have started...BUT, you are about to learn"
And in the words of Timmy Tim..."God Bless us everyone."

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the ultimate boycot would be no purchasing of gasoline that emanates from the middle east. But how would you know where it came from ? And would you be prepared to put up with the tremendous inconvenience of such a boycott ?

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I agree. God bless you.


May God also bless you.

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I convey to the American people and the American government my deepest and
heartfelt condolences and I pray to God to give you the patience, strength
and healing needed to get through this tragedy, and that you find and punish
the murderers that committed this act.

My thoughts and prayers are with you

From: Nabil Abou Assali []

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We are very sad for all of you who have lost someone or who still has someone missing. We wish you all in New York and New Jersey that your prayers will be answered.I would like for someone to E-mail me an address for the firefighters and policeman so we here in Ohio can send cards and gifts. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!!

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I have to say that I don't like it when people say, "We are all immigrants from another country." Yes, this is very true, but it is true of MANY countries around the world. People move, and only when they settle do they form countries. I'm not attacking, I'm just tired. I heard a black woman on the radio today claim that she did not come to America by choice, so she will not fly the US flag. Political Correctness has greatly hindered common sense and morality. If you are a US citizen, then you are an AMERICAN. If you don't like it here, please leave because that negative attitude is not welcome.

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We are looking for any info about Monique DeJesus
she worked for Cantor Fitzgerald on the 105th floor. If anyone knows anything about Monique please e-mail me at or call me at (718) 951-2517
Thank You and GOD BLESS YOU.

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(Sp) Boycott

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Dear American People
My heart goes out to you, and my prayers are with you all. All of us here in the UK share in your grief and pain. It saddens us to know that there are such evil people on this earth that can cause such sorrow to innocent people, but their 'day will come.' You my friends will be in our thoughts and prayers always.

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Deborah Esses from Argentina wants to know about her friends Linda Hammel and Stacia Conlon. Please
reply to e-mail.

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This Message is about MICHELLE REED. She worked in TOWER 2 for AM RISK MANAGEMENT. IF you had contact with her during the diaster or have any information at all about her, please contact my e-mail at Re: MICHELLE or contact:
EILEEN LAWYER at (607) 432-0927 Cell Phone
(315) 491-8859 Cell Phone
(718) 631-4900 Ramada Hotel
Jessica at (718) 281-1718

Thanks to anyone that can help and GOD BLESS!!!!

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USA - Just a question. When you say American gas station, are you talking about the employees? Most likely the gas (or oil to make it) came from an Arab nation. The Saudi Arabians have always given our troops housing areas to carry out US Missions. I get where you're coming from, it just doesn't make sense in some respects.

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this is so sad

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