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Archive through September 14, 2001

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Aurora- that stupid woman's relatives may not have come here by choice, but she DOES have the choice. So why is she still here if she feels nothing for the flag, and therefore the nation. WHY ?

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Our thoughts and prayers are with you
from jasmine louise and maureen

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Still looking for Bob Devitt, his assistant Dominic and the rest of the crew from Cantor Fitzgerald...
I just found a new website that just got started today about survivors:
It's worth a shot. You can post pictures and any other information about your missing loved one.

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Bowood - Couldn't agree with you more. Her words infuriated me! I am sick of those types of comments. I would be willing to bet that if she honestly had to make the choice to stay or go, she would stay here. Duh, who wouldn't?

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I will never be able to understand at what point in growing up does this hatred click in?? As a child you have no idea of the horrors that people can inflict.

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I agree! to not fly the flag because she didn't "choose" to come to this country? She needs to "choose" to take her self out of this country. While she won't display the flag, she had no problem demonstrating her right to free speech, as ignorant as she obviously is.

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It depends on where you grow up Wiley. My husband grew up in England being bombed by the IRA on a regular basis.

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Amen Dean!

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FBI released the names of 19 of the hijackers!

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it makes sense find out if its owned by a sand monkey dont go there(we dont need to suport retail sand monkeys)let the major U.S owned oil companys deal with who they get their oil from.we dont have to suport their retail stores.when they run out of money to pay the rent or morgage they will have to leave(if you cant dig-BOYCOT)ill leave my car in the garage if i have to and take the bus. how long could it take 1-2 years. so our kids can grow up safe ill do i for 10 yars

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I guess that having been lucky in my life so far by never having experienced anything like that or the horrors of recent days would explain why I cant comprehend it.
I have never felt the level of hatred that would lead me to want to take another human beings life let alone inflict pain on innocents.

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Words alone cannot express the deep sorrow I feel for those families that may have lost loved ones in this tragic event. My heart and prayers go out to everyone and hope America can somehow come out stronger in the end. WE MUST!

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60% of US gasoline comes from Arab oil. I assume you are white? I have no problem with any race so long as they are articulate, carry jobs, and not contribute to crime, welfare or other degenerative problems in this nation.

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My prayers and hopeful thoughts go to all the victims and all the survivors of this horrific tragedy. As a Canadian I stand beside you and will defend your country as if it were my own. God Bless you all.

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