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Archive through September 14, 2001

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Goodbye USA

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Good think'n wiskey tango

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Bill Gates wrote a check for 10 million dollars today to help with the efforts in NYC.

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does anybody realise that while Iraqi children are suffering because of western sanctions, Saddam has been spending millions on convential weaponry, building at least 10 palaces for himself, plus numerous statues of himself (for the benefit of his poverty stricken people ). Yet still he is a hero in the muslim world, even after being the biggest butcher of fellow muslems in history (remember chemical weapons unleashed against the kurds ). This is the mentality we are dealing with.

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My heart goes out to everyone, who is affected by Tuesday's tragedy. I admire all the emergency workers, etc. for their hard work, keep it up!
If there is any possible way, the British can help/give a hand, I'll be sure to do so. I'll keep on praying for ALL the missing, injured etc. and hope there will be peace at the end of the tunnel.


~Soph!e. 15. Wales,UK XXX

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•••• you bin laden

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my heart goes out to all those who r sufferin from a loss of a family member or a friend. i still dont no if my great aunt was on an areoplane goin from New Jersey to LA. Her name is ( i hope i spell this rite) MARIE RAMANDO if ne body no's of her plz email me @
thank u for all ur help
lots of luv claire x.x.x

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If Iraqi people don't do something to get rid of Saddam, we can't do it for them. Especially if they are in support of SoDamn Insane. We are NOT the 911 of the world. At some point, you have to expect people to be strong on their own.

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Finally, our government truely is working together across bi-partisan lines. It's nice. I'm still a Republican though, don't get me wrong. Ha Ha. 🙂

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I think I'm alone now. There doesn't seem to be anyone around. I think I'm alone now. The beating of my heart is the only sound. **(@#!%&^@*$(#)%*&^@$*$

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Aurora- I agree with you BUT there was a golden opportunity to get rid of Saddam, and we did not grasp it. We should have been stronger after Desert Storm and finished the job. Saddam enjoyed NO support among his close neighbours. If we had done it and then withdrawn from Saudi then it would surely be better for us now, and better for them. This is not hindsight, I believed it then.

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Agreed. I am under the impression that we simply could not find him. We already esablished that his people were not going to give him up. He will be a threat as long as he lives. Maybe if we get some human intelligence agents again, we can start making good on our promises. Did you like my singing?

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pitch perfect.
how about mine ?
aaaall by myyyseeeelf
don wanna bee
aaaall by myyyseeeelff.

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LOL 🙂 I needed to smile. Thank you. I'm a music teacher.

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Although, I live miles away from NY I still feel heartbroken. Everytime I see the people on the news I want to give them a big hug and make them cookies for what they are doing, even though that wouldn't be enough of a thank you. I can't give blood or counsel anyone so I thought that posting this is something I can do. America shouldn't lose hope. I figured that there would be no survivors and there were. So I think everyone should keep hope and be strong for the victims and their families and friends. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

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