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Archive through September 14, 2001

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Didn't need to look it up. I know the meaning. Unfortunately, I thought we had another dum dum on our hands. Sorry Incredulous. Should have given you the benefit of the doubt! I thought the "Mc" threw him/her off. Oops 😉

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sorry only got red dots today, but plenty of 'em
•••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••••

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Tony Blair is a hunk. Of course it helps that he's on our side.

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I'm sorry, I'm not from Italy , and I just figured out that the people here on this board are not very intelligent. Didn't get an answer on my question. (to blind to see....)I hope you're goverment is more intelligent and will do the right thing.

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it looks like a chatbox here...

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Too blind to see? Spelling counts. If we're so stupid, you can take your enlightened ass to another room on this site. Where are you from??? I'm only curious because I'm sure your country never got involved in war of any kind right??

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Hey Dots, What do you think of "Attack on Aurora"?

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Message board, chatbox, whatever. Some people like to talk to work through feelings of anger for foreigners telling the US to make love, not war. WE DIDN'T MAKE THE WAR, WE'RE ONLY RESPONDING TO IT!!

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I agree, Layla. The US governement has immorally killed WAY more people than were killed on Tuesday, and a hell of a lot of blame falls on them. BUT we agree that the average person in the WTC has no clue what harm the US government does to other people, right?

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of course we are not intelligent. I can only react with incredulity at your incredulousness concerning our IQ,s. You need to talk to a gentleman called USA, but I think he's gone home now. I have to warn you that he's not a happy chappy. If you wish to discuss something with us we'll do our best. But my brain is already hurting, go easy.

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My heart and all my emotions reach out to everyone in the aftermath of this terrible attack on our country. This event has only served to bring not only me, but our country closer to each other and closer to God. I have a different view on the world now, as I'm sure most of you do at this time. The pictures and the faces of those working in rescue efforts make it all too real, but our unity gives us hope. As a law enforcement employee I grieve for each of the families who have lost family members and friends who where police officers or firemen. My challenge is this: Those of you who have not done so, pray each night for the unity of our people and for the strength our country needs to endure this tragedy. The UNITED States of America will prevail. God bless.

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aurora- you can take it kid. I've got your back.

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with the wake of this tragic act of terror i would like to say that i have realized tha heros and roll models are not the superstars of ball fields and basketball courts. but they are the men and women who are risking the perils and dangers of a war scene to save the lives of people whom they share one significant bond with and that is the love of our country. my heart goes out to all the mothers,fathers,spouses,children,and friends of the victims of this horrible tradgedy that will affect us for a long time to come.

peace love and prayers are with you!

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Why do people think there should be whirled peas? Oh wait, I can spell - World Peace? Dots, your brilliance is overwhelming me. USA went to find an "American" gas station. 🙂

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Thanks for the support Dots.

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