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Archive through September 15, 2001

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I feel deeply sorry, and would never condone or agree with what they have done.

Yet as always, anger and hatred is being directed at the innocent muslims, the muslims who are trying to lead normal lives, who left their country's of origins trying to find better lives for themselves.

Just because I choose to practice my religion (WHICH DOES NOT CONDONE WHAT HAPPENED, IT'S A SELECT RADICAL GROUP WHO CHOSE TO USE ISLAM AS A SCAPE GOAT) I am being ostracised by my community. It's only been a day and already we've had ppl abuse and throw things at us.

I live in a free country, yet when ever muslims hit the tabloid headlines, I feel anything but free. I again repeat that I in no way agree with what these people have done. But it's near impossible to help in anyway, when ur being ostracised by community's, and being treated like a suspect every where u go. Instead of targeting us with ur anger, conserve it and wait till the people behind this are caught and then release it at them.

I express my sympathies to all Americans and people around the world who have felt the affects of this tragerdy and my prays are with you.

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If you don't like it, go back to your own country! You all are responsible for this! Real Americans wouldn't do this to each other!!!!

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That you would even whine at a time like this is completely amazing to me. To wait...would be like letting them think they will get away with. THEY WILL NOT! My hearts and prayers go out to all the true victims.

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By Whatever ( - on Wednesday, September 12, 2001 - 11:37 am:

Your ignorance is astounding.

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To Whatever: Besides the unspeakable loss
of life, your response to the Islamic-American
woman typifies one of the worst effects of
tragedies like this: knee-jerk racism. I am a
Caucasian-American of Western European
ancestry, as I assume you are, and remind
you of the inscription on the Statue of Liberty,
which reads in part: "Give me your tired, your
hungry, your huddled masses yearning to
breathe free..." These were the principles of
the founding of our country. The majority of
people who have immigrated to this country,
whether originally from Europe or anywhere,
came here to be free from religious or racial
persecution. That number probably includes
your own ancestors, and definitely includes
the Founding Fathers of the original thirteen
colonies. You remind me of the way some
Americans treated Japanese-Americans after
Pearl Harbor--I am chilled by your response.
Please re-think your position. You have a right
to your opinion, but your cruelty and ignorance
take my breath away.
To Linda: I apologize for Whatever's response.
It's just wrong. My heart and prayers also go
out to the victims and families, and I pray for
tolerance of all innocent people. I'm not
religious, but I do believe in the basic tenet of
most religions: do unto others as you would
have them do unto you.

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I agree with you Linda. Your religous background does not make you responsible. I know as an American, I feel great anger towards those who have done this horrible act and I feel that they should suffer the consequences. However, those who have commited this act are of a radical belief and does not mean that all of the Islamic people are of this same belief. In a time like this, people should unite regardless of race, religion or whatever. This is the United States of America. We should stay United. In my eyes, only three colors exist at this moment. Red White and Blue. These colors represent who we are and Linda, I am honored to have you with us.

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Don't get caught up in the beating each other up!
That is what they want , LOVE each other!!!! We lost to much yesterday to watch you loose union
is wrong! Band together--we need each other.

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Intolerance and prejudice will not help to heal the wounds. The whole muslim community in the US cannot be blamed for the act of a few fanatics. They are Americans too.

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First, my thoughts and prayers go to all the victims, their families, and the rescuers. Like Linda, I'm concerned about how fellow Americans will treat my family. My husband is arabic (neither Muslim or Islamic), and we have a young son. It's very hard for my son to see messages like "Kill Arabics" which was a photo on the internet. I just hope the majority of Americans will realize that the majority of the arabic population here feels just as attacked as we Americans. Retaliation, as far as I know, is not warranted on our own fellow citizens. By the way, my husband is a citizen here and has lived in the US longer than he ever lived in his home country. I just hope we won't be turning on one another. We've seen the children overseas jumping for joy and cheering about the attack on the US and unless we want our own children to grow up that ignorant to the truth, we should watch what we say and do to each other, regardless of where we come from.

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This is to Whatever. I quote you "Real Americans wouldn't do this to each other!!!!

Can you please tell me what Timothy McVeigh was? Yeah just like I thought. You are ignorant and mean.

And to Linda: I agree with you. Please be safe during this terrible time.

And to all the families and friends of people effected by this: may God bless you and help you get through this.

By the way, I am from Toronto.

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I'm with Goldielox - I'm sure Timothy McVeigh considered himself to be a "real American". That would be why he could kill 168 other Americans? This is a horrific act committed by radicals, and we must, as "real Americans" pull together and support not only those directly affected by this tragedy but our government as well. They screwed up in several areas, but they're what we got and we're the best in the world!! Continue to pray, donate blood, and I would suggest giving to The Salvation Army for relief funds.

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I agree with some of you. We need to stop beating everyone else up during this tragic time.
Passing the buck on everyone else will only make it worse.

Some of you are being pretty racist. What about the American terrorists in other countries? QUIT POINTING FINGERS!!

As said before, we need to come together as one. We are a great country. Let's prove we can't be pushed over the edge. My prayers and thoughts go out to all the victims and their families. They are the ones we need to be thinking of right now.

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as a daughter of a mexican couple, and proud to be american..i am astounded that fellow americans this time of tragedy would resort to violence! Color,religion, beliefs...none matter. Flesh and blood matter...and we lost so many people of so many colors yesterday. It broke my heart to see palestinian children running through their countries streets getting candy and cheering for the blood shed here.They were running around throwing the peace sign with their hands. Where is this peace? Definitely not in OUR world. I am hurt whenever there is violence ANYWHERE...i would never cheer for death. It is the parents duty to teach our children to love and not be racist... to have compassion. THAT is what makes a "real american "!!! My prayers are with the world.

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As an American military officer, I must encourage the American public to pull together. This country is built upon the beliefs of racial and cultural differences. We must now stand together to help in the recovery of our tragic loss and pray for those families and fellow service members who have lost their lives and show the world we are a strong people. I promise you that your military personnel will not be satisfied until justice is exacted from the cowards who conducted these attacks. Once the responsible country or terrorist group is identified, stand by for a swift and violent response from the military. We're outraged by this attack and are in the highest state of readiness and waiting to respond to this attack on American soil. Make me proud America, and I'll do the same for you!

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I sincerely regret that some people have taken the liberty to criticize you at this difficult time!! I hope you can forgive their mis-directed anger. Hatred begets hatred, as many nations have shown in this century alone! Some have posted messages which smack of outright racism!! Shame!! Such misdirected anger was used to precipitate these events in the first place - give your heads a shake!! Our sympathies to those who have to suffer needlessly as we determine who the perpetrators really were!

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