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Archive through September 15, 2001

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We (Lieselotte and Anna) are utterly sad about the terror attacks which cost so many innocent people their lives. We saw the pictures on TV and we were horrified about what had happened. We cry with the relatives for their loss and deeply hope that not more innocent people regardless of their origins and faith will have to die.

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Hello All,

I hope this message finds you well... on behalf of Shasho Jones Direct Inc. in NYC, we would like to donate temporary office space along with our services to any employers or employees of displaced companies from the World Trade Center tragedy. If you or someone you know is looking for temporary office space in midtown manhattan while companies make an effort to regroup during this crisis, please have them contact me.

Our thoughts and prayers are with all those who have suffered a loss and we would like to do anything we can to help.

God Bless America.
Thank you.

Paulo Stuart Napoleoni

Paulo Napoleoni
Account Executive
Shasho Jones Direct Inc.
226 West 26th Street, 10th Fl.
New York, NY 10001-6700

Phone: (212) 929-2300 ext. 202
Fax: (212) 929-5630

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Dear America,

Though you weep for those lost and those few (all too few) that are found. You do not weep alone. The rest of the world weeps with you.

Through the shock, disbelief and greiving ... through the anger and shame ... through the entire emotional rollercoaster that is what has happened ... you do not travel that journey alone. The rest of the world travels that journey with you.

Listen carefully, listen quietly and you will hear us. Next to you.

God bless America.

God bless you all.

Mark (from the UK)

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From an American

I live in Los Angeles -- the destination of several of the hijacked flights. Our city is still in a strange state of shock. It is odd not having the skies buzzing with aircraft and the mood here is somber. Slowly we pull ourselves up and begin to return to our lives .. and return we will .. however we return as changed people.

I for one take great solace in the kind words coming in from around the world. It reminds me that this was an attack not just on US Citizens, but on World Citizens. I, like you all, send my thoughts to those in NYC and Washington DC.

Together as humans, I hope we can find a way to eradicate this evil that has been visited upon us without becoming terrorists ourselves.

Peace to you all.


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I am looking for David Ronald Carter, age 47 (twin of Jessie Donald Carter.) Retired from military, now works in D.C. in same capacity (duties & clearance) only with civilian title.

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De tout coeur avec vous, toutes nos pensées vont vers vous, tous ici prions ensembles pour que vous surmontiez cette... INIMAGINABLE douleur, je sais que vous y arriverait, montrez que vous êtes toujours l'AMERIQUE, notre grand frère.

World Bless América.

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Through all of this horror that has struck our great nation...I still have a hard time not feeling a bit of gratitude. Because of this terrible crime that has been made on the USA we as a nation, country and world have come together and united as one. All of those little problems that we were worrying about have gone they don't look so bad now! We have become stronger than ever since the terror has hit the United States. We are ONE, we will overcome and we will NOT allow anyone to threaten us, put fear in us or take our freedom and wonderful way of life away from us! Thank you President are doing a wonderful job! Thank you world for joining forces with us and standing by the USA in whatever decisions are still to be made! God bless the USA and God bless those families who have been directly affected by this crime. I am more proud and more aware of what it means to be an American more now than ever!

Lisa-Parsons, Kansas

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Dear Americans,

God Bless everyone who was in this horrible tragedy.
We are terrible shocked.
Our heart goes out to those families who have lost loved strong
God Bless America, God Bless You All

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words can not express the sadness and emotion that has touched us all here in the uk. Having only seen the horror on our television screens the thought of you all having to endure such an experience is unbearable. Today we held a three minute silence to remember al those so tragically lost and all those in deep despair, I am not ashamed to admit I shed several tears as did most of my co-workers. We are so truly sorry for the familes of all concerned and hope that the future for you all looks brighter tommorrow and always.
My fondest wishes and heartfelt thoughts with you all.
sharry Jepson

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The Greater Jonesboro Church of God in Christ,send out our thoughts and prayers to all of those that have lost a loved one or are looking for a loved one.You are in our hearts and prayers.May God give you the courage to go on.

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Lookng for Roger Hartman.

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I know that no words can bring relieve to mourning people in USA. Let me just say that I am proud of living in a NATO country. All people here are touched and stand in disbilieve. We all are Americans too! Everyone so evil must be brought to justice.
Eva ,Prague ,Czech Republic

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Words fail us in times like this, however, there's currently an effort in our small Texas town being organized by a handful of high school students - a teddy bear drive - to collect hand written letters of encouragement, stuffed animals, small toys, etc to send to New york for distribution to kids of all ages who've lost loved ones this week. We have been told to send these to the Salvation Army and possibly area hospitals. Anyone who has suggestions, or better yet, addresses of other locales dealing directly with victims' families or children, who might gain some measure of comfort from a letter or small gift, please send it our way - we hope to start sending out the first boxes on Monday. We also encourage others to participate in similar activities if they're available in your area - if not, start one - it's a way to give your own kids a POSITIVE way to react to all they've lived through this week. Thanks.

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I am interested in organizing a group who will go to NYC or DC and search for stranded pets and perhaps, children of missing persons. Some may not have a family searching on their behalf and I would like to help in any way possible. If anyone knows whom I can contact or if you are interested in helping please email me at

My husband and I pray everynight....and we are truly thankful to understand the brevity of life and to cherish each other. Our fellow Americans did not die in vain.

Please know that there is no such thing as luck. Instead they are blessings.

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Dear Americans,

we have seen the cruel pictures on TV, heard the bad news on radio, here in Germany. We are totally shocked and condemn the attempts and terror at all.

We guess, all people in Germany demonstrate interest, sorrow. People stop their work to be silent, think of you and pray for you for a few minutes. Many candles shine and a lot of flowers are layed down.

We hope, all people in the world can find a way to live in peace and harmony, some time...

We wish you all the power to get over the hard days, nights, weeks,...

We think of you,

Kalle & Susanne

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