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Archive through September 15, 2001

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To the people of America:
"Don't quit in hard times; pray all the harder"
The prayers of the world are with you in your time of need. There has been many tears in our house over the last four days and I'm sure many more tears will be shed in the coming days. Our grief is real but it can't come close to the grief of those who have lost a loved one.
Take comfort in knowing we care and support you in our prayers.
Ontario, Canada

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In a time of need everyone wants to lend a helping hand. Some are fortunate enough to do so, others like me can only pray. I turn to writing poetry when I can do nothing else. I've attached a poem I wrote a day or so ago. I hope it brings just one person some comfort if not more. May God bless all during this very trying time.

America, My Heart My Freedom

Terror embarked upon our skies
As Americans stood in awe
Not knowing yet the true intent
Not knowing yet the cause

Plaines burst into flames
And buildings came tumbling down
As what America stands for
Fell abruptly to the ground

Soon the news was heard around the world
And the abundance of tears are great
But this will not be our demise
And We will fear not Your hate

A quiet anger fills our hearts
And true Our souls do bleed
Yet We will stand united
In this time of need

Retailiation is in the works
Fear Us you cowardless face
For Your day of reckoning
Will be with the American race

Names begin to replace numbers
Across our T.V. screens
And not one person has died in vain
America will be redeemed

You have not shaken our freedom
You've given Us a wake up call
To abolish all terrisiom
For once and for all

Many lives are shaken
And it will take time to heal
We need Our time to grieve
We need Our time to feel

And as We step into today
We don't know what tomorrow will hold
But numerous events
Are sure to unfold

Our alies from around the world
Join with us to unite
To put an end to such horror
As we go forth with this fight

America stands for Freedom
And Liberty and Justice for All
So no matter who you are
This get nation will not fall

All America joins together
Hand in hand we shall defend
The greatest nation in which to live
Until the very end

Through the blood and sweat and tears
Forget not who we are
We are America The Beautiful
The greatest nation by far

We have but a solem vow
To set forth and make things right
For the Justice and Freedom of us All
So good night you Cowards good night

Elaine Lynch
9/13/2001ing this very trying time.

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i'm looking for a friend, Jeff Stone. He had been working on the Pentagon Police Force for the DOD. He hasn't returned e-mails and i'd like to know if he was still at the Pentagon or if his transfer to another Government Agency had gone through. Please email me at">

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EVERYONE, please go to the following website of the IAC (founded by Ramsey Clark - our former Attorney General):

Learn about why we were attcked, learn about US war crimes, learn about who controls YOUR brain, learn about how much money is spent making sure that YOU have a particular opinion about a certain issue.

A wise man once said,
"Learn from he who has been there,
not from the one in the cowboy hat." 😉

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Missing Person: Ricknauth Jaggernauth
Location During the Tragedy: World Trade Building #1 , Floor 102
Description: 160 lbs. Guyanese (West Indian), 5'10", Bald, Dark Complexion, Very Hairy on the body, two tattos on his chest, one is a heart the other is unknown. On his right leg he has a women tatto, on his right arm he has three tattos:
Upper Arm- Skeleton Head, Upper Arm - Anchor, the other is unknown. On his left arm he has another tatto on his lower arm. He has Dentures on both upper and lower Jaw.
Wearing At Time: A white T-shirt, Blue Denim Jeans, brown constuction boots, and a plain wedding band on his right hand.
If you have seen or heard from this missing person involved in the WTC tragedy please contact his family at:
(718) 345-3209
(718) 485-6270
(718) 345-9380 or e-mail me at">

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Well said, bananarepublic. Another wise man.

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My name is Teresa, I live in Alexandria, VA, and if there is any way that I can help anyone at all, please, please let me know. I can't give blood, I am not a trained rescue worker, and I have no money to give. But, like so many others have offered on this site, I can give my heart to those who are suffering or to the amazing rescue workers out there. If you are in need of clean, warm clothes, need a warm meal, a hot shower, a ride somewhere, a phone to use....or anything else, please contact me. Unfortunately, I can't know who you are or what your needs are, so I need you to respond. I am not a professional but if anyone out there is or is feeling alone or scared, and you need someone to listen, to talk to, cry with, pray with, to hold your hand or just someone to be with, I am here and I'll do my best to do whatever I can. All of you who are suffering out there, I am praying for you. I wish I could do more to help you. To all of the rescue workers who are out there giving all you have - I am so grateful and so proud. Thank you cannot even begin to describe this nation's gratefulness to each and every one of you. If there are any organizations out there that can use my efforts or time, please contact me. God Bless. mail (}

To those of you who have been more fortunate this week, I would like to say this: I have never been so proud to be part of a nation that has come together with such love and solidarity and support. I am so proud to call each and every amazing person out there a fellow American. You really never do know what is going to happen in the future. In this time of inexplicable devastation and terrible grief, I know we all will do everything we can to help, in whatever big or small way we can. We will put ourselves into the unimaginable shoes of others and do our best to give whatever we can. My advice is this: please, do not feel guilty that it wasn't you, or that you are able to go on while others have suffered such a loss. But, do remember how precious life really is. Remember that, when you hae to deal with the petty things in life. When you're frustrated & stuck in traffic, or when our plans or flights, etc. are postphoned or cancelled, or when you're just inconvenienced in other small ways. See the bigger picture. Remember, as we have seen over & over this week, it could be so very much worse. Remember how precious life really is and remember what is really important in life. Take advantage that you do have ability to spend time with family & friends, loving them and telling them so, enjoying life and not waiting around to live it. We must live every single day like is our last, because it might be. And, to treat every waking moment & hour that we are alive like it is precious & special, because it is. And, to do everything and anything we can in our power to help others who are in need. Because that's the kind of people we are. Americans.

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Weyant Press Is Donating $5.00 from EVERY Purchase To The American Red Cross Disaster Relief Effort - We hope this message finds you well...

"This is how hope works: it looks for the good in people and situations, rather than finding the worst; it discovers what can be done instead of throwing up its hands at what can't; it considers problems large and small, as opportunities to move forward when it would be easier to quit; it makes us human, helping us find the very best in ourselves for those around us and the situations we face. " -- Kevin Eikenberry

We at Weyant Press are horrified and speechless over the events of this week. Although we are a very small press dedicated to the needs of blended families, we feel the calling to do what we can to offer assistance to our brothers and sisters who find themselves in need during this horrific time in our Country’s life.

There is a real and present need for many life sustaining items by not only the direct & indirect victims of this horrible disaster, but now by the men and women who are so generously giving of themselves to come to their aid. Rescue workers are sleeping in the streets. They need food, water and clothing to sustain them while they so bravely face the unknown in their mission. Survivors are in need of blood, medical attention for burns, smoke inhalation, damaged bones and heaven only knows what else. And let's not forget the impending need for counseling to help heal their wounded souls, when they recover from the wounds on their bodies.

Through October 15, 2001, Weyant Press will be donating $5.00 from EVERY purchase of “Striving for Peace: Managing Conflict in Non-Custodial Homes” and “Thank God for Iced Tea… A Collection of Stories and Recipes from a Southern Family” to The American Red Cross on behalf of “The Friends of Weyant Press”. Every person who purchases from us during this time will be included in our list of thanks accompanying the donation.

For more information, please visit

Please make this information available on your websites, and email to your family and friends. Help us make a difference.


Paul & Nicole Weyant
Founders, Weyant Press">

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I hope you keep safe wherever you live.

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Former employee of WINDOWS ON THE WORLD. Spent 3 years walking those staicases from 106 - 107.
Lots of knowledge for those who need to know. CANTOR FITZGERALD friends and family, please feel free to inquire about the staircases.
I also have info. on Windows workers
E-mail at

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My name is Helena Libis and I am a Sophmore in Highschool from Colonia, NJ. I just want to say that my heart goes out to all of those who have been effected by this tradedy. American will stay strong no matter what happens, and that is why I am proud to live here.
I also want to say that I am very greatfull because my grandparent took of 5 minutes before the first plan crash to California. They took 3 people off that plane because they looked suspicious. I can not even being to imagine how the families of the victims feel and I hope and pray with you and for you that you will be able to get through this. Remember that we are all in it together, no matter what race or nationality we are.
Helena Libis, 15 years old

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Keith Silano

Does anyone know Keith Silano from Brooklyn, NY? He use to work at M.H. Meyerson in NJ but last I talked to him he was working at a big firm on wall street. He might have been working in one of two the towers.

Please forward any info to:

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I found this and I really think that this is what America is all about:
Red Skelton, one of America’s best-loved comedians, has recited his version of the Pledge of Allegiance on numerous occasions.

me, an individual, a committee of one.
dedicate all of my worldly goods to live without self-pity.
my love and my devotion.
To the Flag-
our standard, Old Glory, a symbol of freedom. Wherever she waves, there is respect, because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts freedom is everybody’s job.
Of The United-
that means we have all come together.
States of America-,
Individual communities that have united into 50 great states. Fifty individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose, all divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common purpose, and that’s love for a country.
And to the Republic-
a state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern. And government is the people and it’s from the people to the leaders, not from the leaders to the people.
For which it stands,-
One Nation under God-
meaning, so blessed by God.
incapable of being divided.
With liberty-
which is freedom and the right of power to live one’s own life without threats or fear of some sort of retaliation.
And justice-
the principle of quality of dealing fairly with others.
For all.-
which meant it’s as much your country as it is mine.

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God Bless All Those Struggling To Search For The Lost. May God Help Us Find A Way To Someday Forgive.

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I am so sorry this has happened and I pray that God will comfort you all. If I can do anything to help please e-mail me at May God be with you all. Mississippi is praying for you.

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