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Archive through September 15, 2001

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Farewell to our fallen sisters and brothers, we will not forget you, may god bless us all

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Please circulate the following link
this is a webpage that was created on behalf of a good person that has been missing since the WTC tragedy.

Thank You

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There are no words in any languague in any country to describe this universal day of tears.
The best we can do is pray, if you don't believe in praying, just cry, cry in sympathy. We as decent humans loath this day of compleat disregard for human life, let the killers and their helpers/supporters be forever haunted by the souls of the dead, and by the hate of their familys.
My love to all i never knew. and now have no chance of ever knowing.
Karen (Australia is with you) XXXX

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God will Bless all the rescuers. Jesus is wth all that perished, he held their hands and pulled them up Heaven to live forever in beautiful peace. One day we all will...Amen

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Following what has happened at the twin towers I have searched the net for sites connected to the area that i could contact to express how terrible we all feel and also how helpless. i have an 11 year old daughter that now asks if there is anything we can do, but all i can tell her is to pray for any possible suvivors and for the relatives and friends that are missing and have possibly lost their lives.Every day i find myself desperatly waiting for news of anyone being pulled from the rubble and even though i have no conection with the US i still carry around a feeling of deep sadness and profound shock.Being here in South Wales(UK) I wish there was more we could do.Our thoughts and preyers are with you.

Trish & Ayesha Scott

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I am searching for Jacqueline (Jakki) Young.... If anyone knows anything please contact"> or Jakki if you can see this....Please let us know that you are ok. We love you and we miss you....

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GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!! Lets do whatever it takes to prove we SUPPORT AMERICA!!!!!!!!

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I am one
I am one voice
I am one heart
One soul
One proud individual who has been touched by freedom and unwaivered by hate
I am all races
I am all religions
My voice will be heard
My words will be strong
My actions will be decisive and exact
I will not be afraid of your acts of cowardice
I will triumph
I will rise from tragedy and destruction stronger than ever
I will not be alone
Because I stand with all who are disgusted by your actions
I am every citizen banded together
I am the United States

This nation is a lot like a family. Moms, dads, brothers, and sisters all together, sure we will have our differences on occasion, but when someone threatens our family or our home we put aside our petty differences and stand united to overcome those who dare to attack our way of life. That's what we, as Americans will do. We will stand together and triumph over this and become stronger because of it.
I am proud to be an American!!


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Even if we don't?

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I am looking for my friend's hausband who worked at American Express for Marsh & McLennan WTC 1,
94 floor. His name is GENNADY BOJARSKI. Please help ! He is caucasian, age 31, small build, dark hair with mustache and small beard.
If you know somebody from this floor please let me know. My heart is with you, with all of you. I leave in Canada. Please reply to my personal address :

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I just think we should wait and see what
America plans to do, before we state our
support for it. Blind faith that our leaders will
do the right thing, without question, is
something many Americans lost long ago.

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We are from Camrose, Alberta, Canada and
our prayers are with you as you go through
this terrible tragedy. As far away as we may
seem, we are closer in spirit and we will stand
united with you as our brothers and sisters.
Freedom and democracy must be defended.
Katharine & David Keyes

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To any one trying to E-Mail PeterT I may have just mispelled my e-mail address

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I have a niece who works at the Pentagon, and by the grace of God, was able to get out in time. I know how frantic I was not knowing her whereabouts. I'm one of the lucky ones who has a good ending to my story. I can not begin to tell all of you who have loved ones or friends who are still missing, how much my heart is breaking for you. My thoughts and my prayers are with all of you. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!

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