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Archive through September 15, 2001

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Never will I be ashamed of being an American, my pride for our great country is shining even more as I see how everyone is so quick to help and pray for one another. My family and I pray for God to ease the pain of those who lost family members, we pray for the safety of the rescue workers and we pray to God to be with our president and leaders, to give them strength and courage and justice be done.

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Prayers, Love and Healing to all those grieving for the loss of loved ones. Prayers also for those who did not survive. I applaud the rescue efforts of all, while I sit here & wish I could be there, if just to give comfort to those in need of it. I give it long distance. Your pain, is the pain of all freedom loving Americans and
Christians, & people all over the globe. Take heart, we will conquer. The Shrp family in Memphis,Tn.

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There are no amount of words that will take away the pain that you are feeling for the loss that you have endured. But know that I pray for each and everyone of you each and every night, and there are several times in the day that I shed many tears for I can do nothing to bring your loves ones back as much as I wish that I could, and I know that sometimes the pain seems unbearable, but in time we will heal and we will stand even taller than we ever did before. My love and prayers go out to all of you in all states that this terrible thing happend and if I could turn back time and make all the bad go away I would do it in a heartbeat. But my prayers are with you and my love is deeper than you know.

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My name is Anh-Thu or Annie is fine. I'm only 13 1/2 years old. I go to a Christian School. I hope that I can help with anything. My school is praying for everyone at New York, DC and around that area. My school is also having a 'See at Pole' day next Wednesday. At school the 8th graders get to go to DC in April and we're scared we won't be able tp make it. But we still pray everyday. My school is MCMS. (it's in Salida). If I'm to young to help that's okay but just e-mail me if you can. It's I pray everyday really hard for all the families with family members that died during the tragic accident.

God Bless in the name of the Lord,

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Does that mean you're going to stop buying

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I'm looking for a friend whom I met about 3 months ago at a concert. We've become very good friends through e-mails and such. Her name is Robin Quick and she lives in Yonkers, NY. I haven't heard from her since before the attacks on Tuesday. I've sent her several e-mails and haven't gotten any response. I know the phone lines are down, but I would feel so much better if I knew she was ok. Robin also has a very young daughter about 8 or 9 and I'm very concerned about both of them and Robins family. I also briefly met Robins mother. They're all very sweet people. Any information please e-mail me. Thank you.

Lisa Bartolotta

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i am from portugal, and im very sad with the attack, all the terrorists must DIE... they are all motherf**kers... god blees the usa and the nato... go for it... kill em all... END.

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I would just like to say thank you to everyone in other countries who have said such great and heartfelt words. You will never know how much it all means to the Unites States......

Tmarie Michigan US

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Has it been considered: Digging upward into the WTC basements to search for survivors? Subways are running under the WTC. Possibly the distance between a viable tunnel and survivors in a basement may be less than the downward distance/access path and the material barriers may be easier to manage (soil instead of debris). Even boring a small hole for a camera and air might suffice. End of messaging

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For what happened I have no words.
I wish you all the strength in the world to deal with all the pain caused by this horrible attack.
The world prays for the US of America.
Please take good care of eachother.

Paul from The Netherlands

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I'm looking for Denise Duell. Any information, please email me at


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Lorelei Jamie Marquardt; Date of Birth - May 26, 1966. Mother's Maiden name is Fisher. LKA-NJ, working in NY. If you read this, or if anyone knows her wherebouts, please contact family in Alberta or email to let us know you are ok.

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Desperately looking for any information on Joseph Pick, Fiduciary Trust. Last heard from by phone at 9:02 on 94th floor WTC South/Tower 2.

Picture of Joe is at:

Send email to">

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My husband is a minister in the Assemblies of God. We have helped many people who have lost loved ones. But, I'm sad to say we have never encountered anything of this magnitude. Our hearts go out to each and every one who have lost a loved one. We have prayed for each of you since this has happened. We hope that you will allow the Lord to help you during this most difficult time. You will continually be in our prayers. Our lives are forever changed as yours is also. Love, Rev. C.M. & Debbie Rowland & family

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This tragedy had effected us in so many ways and will never be love and prayers go out to the families and friend's who's lost someone,the rescue workers,the men and women who serve our country.I want to also send my love and prayers to one of my friend's and his family he serves in the marines, god be with him and also My Uncle that's in the military god bless him.And God Bless America

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