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Archive through September 15, 2001

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Hi I'm a RF Engineer under contract to Lucent. There might be a way to
determine if a trapped person is or has tried to used it during the past
few days. A time stamped log file is generated on Lucent's switch for
certain unsuccessful call attempts (incoming or outgoing). To search the
database we would need the cell number of the missing person and the
cellular provider. If the provider uses Lucent equipment (such as AT&T
wireless) we could search the log files for failed attempts for the cell
phone numbers.

Even though the log file does not contain location information, it could
help in determining if the person tried to use their phone in the past few
days. There are also ways to try to locate the location, but I'm not too
sure about those procedures.

Thank you,

J. Carlos Claros
RF Engineer
305-205-5898 Mobile

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My wife & I are looking for information on friends in the NYC & WDC tragedies. We have not heard anything about these people & they are not listed on any of the lists -- missing, accounted for, or in the hospital.

Thank you for taking the time to look at the names & my hopes go out to all those still without information.

Lisa Schmidt (NYC)
Frank James (NYC)
Andrew Robinson (WDC)
Jose Baldo (WDC)
Michael Ranier (WDC)

(Today is my wife's birthday & I'm hoping that I will get some news for her!)

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I want to know if Marilyn Ericksen in Deutsche Bank, 130 Liberty Street is ok. If you read this or anyone knows her whereabout,pls contact me. I am very concerned about her.

mieko miyaki

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Missing persons message board

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Please help me find my friend. He goes by the name NYCFire321....its his AOL name. Please contact Cindy at">'m very worried about him.....

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As the wife of a fire fighter I send my prayers out to not only the families whose loved ones where killed in the crashes of the Towers and the Pentagon, but also to the families whose loved ones made up the rescue teams who are also missing. We are praying for their safe return. God Bless.

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Representative or leader? What is the difference?
A representative is merely a spokesman for the common feeling. A leader will lead the common feeling towards a higher ideal ELSE there will be no progress for mankind. A leader teaches as well as represents. He strives to lead the common feelings of outrage towards a goal which will best serve mankind as a whole. A true leader recognises the frailties of mankind and seeks to bring to the fore the greater potential within us all. Without such leaders mankind will wallow and sink into feelings of hatred and reprisal - simply another word for REVENGE. To understand that only an individual, as opposed to a mass, can seek to find the better man within each and everyone of us is to understand the true nature of leadership. Therefore to bow to the feelings generated from a mass is to disregard man's potential to become a better human being. Rather let us have a leader who will strive to raise each of us to a greater understanding of the potential perfect person within us all.
Bush annd Blair take note. How can a country ask God to bless it in the same breath as baying for revenge?

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I believe that America must make a very loud statement which will make those who will attempt this in the future realize what may be lost if they try to replicate what happened Tuesday. We have the resources to handle any country which we have to run through to get to our objective. Once the objective(s) are certain, we need to ensure that the statement is heard through the next several generations yet to be born. Any others who may be considering this in the future should be removed also as a preventative measure.

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My heart goes out to all the families who were injured or missing or known to have perished. All of America are behind you and will ALWAYS remember your loss. God Bless You All!!!

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To those in NY and DC: You have a very large extended family throughout the United States praying for you and wanting to help. You are not alone.
Gods blessing to each of you.

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We have been praying for all involved thier families and loved ones. tonight I saw Stephen Desimone listed as missing.To Stephen's family,please be assured that your family from California is praying for Stephen's safe return to you. May God be with you.

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We would like to hear from Craig Bell employeed at the Pentagon. If you have any information, please contact Hutch Jobe at or

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Tommyboz - Do you think a suicide bomber CARES what you do to him? He has sacrificed his life to make a point. Maybe you should try to understand what point he was trying to make before you go blowing up the rest of the world and killing more innocent victims on the way.

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Trying to find out the status of Dwayne Mallicoat. I believe he was in the U.S Navy, stationed at the Pentagon on Sept 11, 2001. If you have any information please contact Gary or Ruth Keigley at or We are worried for his saftey..thank you:

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This site provides information about patients who have been seen by New York-New Jersey area hospitals. If you would like to report a missing person, you can call the Missing Persons Hotline at (866) 856-4167.

For more information, please visit

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