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Archive through September 15, 2001

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To all Americans my heart goes out to you,especially the victims and their love ones, god bless you and have fate...

from Toronto

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Hello. I am an 18 year old college student and I am astounded by the way some of the older people on this message board are acting. How would you feel if you were a person of Arabic decent at a time like this. The adverage Arabic man who owns a gas station and his family and his family had nothing to do with this tradgity. So how dare any of you point the finger at and one that its of different religion, color, race of belief. Some people are acting like children, and are acting ignorant. My heart goes out to every single person that those evil people have affected. But my heart also goes out to every Arabic that has come here to make a better life for themselves and their families. They didn't come to America to be abused, they work hard to earn money to feed thair children, most are good people. Please don't be ignorant or raciest aginst innocent people who had nothing to do with the present situation. Treat others the way you want to be treated and learn to love and respect and see past the way someone looks or what they believe in. Thank you for listening. It only takes one thought to change the mind of others.

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This is regarding the messages left by Patti and Linda and all the other messgaes like that...
I dont think that what we are trying to say is that you are responsible for this or that you should be discriminated against just because you happen to be of the same race or religion as the people who we suspect did this. What we are saying is that there is a lot of tragedy and we need to focus on that more than being treated unfairly. I feel bad that people are turning against Arabs, Muslims, etc. just because of this, because even if this IS the work of Muslims and Arabs, it isn't ALL of them, just a select group.

People are just really worried and scared and maybe they are expressing it through discrimination and blaming people, which is not necessarily the best way to express this but still you should understand. Have compassion for the murderers and the oppressors, and I KNOW it is easier said than done.

Just wanted to make those clarifications.

"My heart is always open and yet full of compassion"

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just wanted to add one thing


for every one who do not consider arabic americans as real americans...walk around some american cities and tell me who you see. This country is made up of a multitude of colors. There were thousands of people in that building Tuesday... THOUSANDS!

it is so crazy that black people think..
"Ahh that's white people.."
the hispanics in my neighborhood could care less
and obviously WHATEVER didn't think there were some non causasians in the attacks.

whose to say they were even all american?.. huh have ya thought of that...
do you think whomever did this researched to make sure there were no asians or south americans in the building when they destroyed it...
or checked to make sure there were no russians on the the planes when they hijacked it.
come on.. this was not an attack on native born, former slaves, established, new, or illegal immigrants... this was an attack on western civillization and evry person that lives by it. it was an attack on every person that believs money can solve problems, military quiets dissenters, and the internet is a god send.

It could have been any one of you reading this message.

Every person that believes in the western way of life needs to work together. That cannot be determined by skin color, or religion, it cannot be determined by language. the enemies here, are those that do not believe in that ideal, not the muslim religion and or culture. anti western idealist might be an american antisocial, a muslim terrorist, or a jealous japanese businessman (just throwing something ludicrous out- please don't take that as anti japanese)
islam does not equal anti american
anti american equals anti american

Linda, if you read this .. I'd apologize for every stupid person living in this country if i could..we always need someone to blame.
it will pass.

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Houma, Louisiana our heart goes out to all of America and especially to New York and the victims and their families may God be with us as we get through this God bless everyone and America

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I knew it was a matter of time when other innocent people would be treated harshly because of their country of origin. This is too sad. This tragedy is awful enough without creating more hardship for Americans who chose to move here from another country. Let's be compassionate to all.

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To Linda: I am also sorry for your grief and despair at this time, but as an American by birth I am far more heartbroken by the fact that evil in the guise of a "human being" with Middle Easten ethnicty, has the power and backing to come to our country and kill us in such a manner. Now. perhaps it may be time to adopt some of the tactics that are used to keep us out of there countries. I, for one, am very willing to give up some of my freedom, that don't misunderstand me, I LOVE. But, if need be, take my right to travel in and out of this country so freely if it will keep one to infinity of my fellow Americans (by birth or choice) alive and free from harm. Hey, fingerprints, full body x-rays, whatever, just don't let them in and they can do no harm. Make people Prove the business they have here, monitor them forever, once they are here, Freedom is a costly thing in more ways then one.
And to whatever, I felt like you did yesterday, I am praying that you do not let your anger go on like this much longer.

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Iam a student at a University in Midwest US. In my political science class they reviewed the religion of Islam. Islam promotes the peaceful spread of religion through education. Now I am a christian, and I agree with the first author who spoke out against bigots who threaten others out of their own ignorance. Innocent people are being punished for a crime they are not responsible for nor do they support. These criminals use a blanket of religion due to the footnote of a guarenteed right to heaven if they die in a religious war. I do believe in my heart that this tragedy doesnot fulfil the criteria of such a circumstance. Those innocent people were probably wondering where to go for lunch or how their board meeting was going to go, not about racing for their lives under falling brick and steel. So, even though I don't believe in islam, I believe in a peaceful tolerence of all people. Don't do what the US did in previous war-Don't put Muslims or followers of Islam in a perverbeal camp like they did to the Japanese after Pearl Habor. Pray for America and have Faith-God IS With Us!!!!

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The United States of America, is a powerful country because of the fact that it is the melting pot of the world. We must not loose sight of this and turn on each other because of this national tragedy or the terrorists have accomplished what they have set out to do (divide and conquer). This is a time when we must all pull together and show compassion for our fellow countrymen, regardless of race, color or religion, as we grieve and pray for the families of victims of this terrible atrocity. It is times like these that will either bring our country closer together or tear us apart. So whats it going to be? Sit around pointing fingers at each other or stand together as one proud country that will not be swayed by vicious attacks by cold blooded murderers. My heart and prayers go out to victims and families.


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Prayers are going out to all those suffering physically and emotionally from yesterday. Often I have found that hatred comes from ignorance, and though Islam is mentioned more now to American student, there is still so little known about it - this can lead to vicious hatred and illogical ignorance. Below is a brief excerpt from an Islamic Resource that explains a little about Islam and its attitude towards War:

Like Christianity, Islam permits fighting in self-defence, in defence of religion, or on the part of those who have been expelled forcibly from their homes. It lays down strict rules of combat which include prohibitions against harming civilians and against destroying crops, trees and livestock. As Muslims see it, injustice would be triumphant in the world if good men were not prepared to risk their lives in a righteous cause.

The Quran says: Fight in the cause of God against those who fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does not love transgressors. (2:190)

If they seek peace, then seek you peace. And trust in God for He is the One that heareth and knoweth all things. (8:61)

War, therefore, is the last resort, and is subject to the rigorous conditions laid down by the sacred law. The term jihad literally means 'struggle', and Muslims believe that there are two kinds of jihad. The other jihad is the inner struggle which everyone wages against egotistic desires, for the sake of attaining inner peace.

Also - a direct quote from the Holy Qu'ran that directly contradicts the polemic attitudes of racists and terrorists:

O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honored of you in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (49:13)

Salam to you all, and thanks to every American (Christian, Jew, Muslim and those of any other faith) who is participating in relief efforts.

Linda - take heart. American Muslims will not fare as harshly as they might have in times of less information.

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After reading all the different messages I would just like to add one thing - The one reason that Americans keep being targeted like this is because they like to believe that they are controlling the world. The are always trying to
tell different countries how to run their country when they are NOT able to run their own. (Maybe they should look in their own back yard).

These terrorists not only demolished one of the busiest and most crowded areas in the US but they did it with the first and second largest US carriers (American Airlines & United). They did not use any bombs but they used their own aircrafts against them. It just goes to show you how safe are we all when we travel. What is the point of security when they let not 1 not 2 but a few terrorists hijack these planes.

My sympathy goes out to all the victims of this tragedy as well as their families. I can only imagine the feelings of the people in the airplanes and the World Trade Center seeing those planes coming towards them and all those children that now have no parent to hug them and tell them how much they love them.
The world needs to understand that they need to resolve these problems without the slaughter of innocent people and children.


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To Whatever: You are the on making our country look bad by acting as you are. We do not need this kind of negativity right now.

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Wake up America!!! We were a Christian nation until all the stinking muslims and Arabs arrived!!

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i am from u.k england it was as shock to us all what happend but if you keep replying to ( whatever you are rising to the sad little •••• that he is,you know the trouth in your hearts so dont let one small minded little •••• get you all down, my thoughts and heart are with every one of you if any body fancys a chat just e mail me at i am from u.k stockton on tees and thinking of you all at this sad time. ohhh by the way whatever you choose a good name for yourself becouse thats what i thought of you when i read you pittyfull message.....

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Jack Kearns - this is the wrong board for you. Please leave and spread your negativity elsewhere.

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