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Archive through September 15, 2001

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Their power?? These people, as you just said, feel they have nothing left to live for. They feel that the USA is a huge reason for that. All they have left to do is to try to make the US pay for their conniving actions. Do they think it actually might convince the US to better treat the people in the middle east that have been left behind? I'm not sure. I have a hard time believing they are that stupid. I think it's more likely that they just decided that - thanks to America - they have nothing left to live for, and so they will kill themselves, and they will take some vengeance as they go. With no regard for the consequences that might be felt by the remaining Middle Eastern populations.

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I wanted to let everyone here know that a memorial has been set up for victims of the Pentagon disaster.

Lists of Victims' Names are included, once known, along with links to their individual Memorials, which are opened to honor the life of each person.

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LOOKING FOR STEVE LAWN OF AON WTC2!! Missing since Tuesday, Steve is around 6'2'' & 190lbs, with short blond hair & is of English Nationality. His friends, family & wife are trying desperately to trace his movements on Tuesday morning. If you have any information regarding sightings in the building prior to collapse, or if you saw him outside, please contact me. Thanks & good luck if you are searching for a loved one also.">

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I say that when the gutless dickless and anally violated monkeys responsible for this terrible tragedy are caught, tie 'em all up, put 'em in a room, get a Video recorder going on and using every victim as a day, treat them to the dreaded chinese methods of torture. Keep them alive if the need arises, by blood transfusions. After each and every one is dead, mail the tapes to the Talibaan...(if there's one left by then)

I wish i could be in the US right now, my first priority would be to get enlisted in the Army..

Even though i come across as the son of satan, I really am disgusted at some news reports of Islamic people in the US being harrassed. Some brainless fags don't know that by victimising people because of their religion, they themselves are committing terrorism.

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Looking for Miki Kusano. We believe he worked on the 91st floor of the South Tower. Please call 425-513-1324, ask for Ken or Debbie

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If nothing else, remember this:

The opposite of LOVE is not hate.

The opposite of LOVE is REVENGE.

(Think of the bible - god of love vs. god of revenge)

Nobody spontaneously hates the USA (as one earlier inspiring posting read: "They don't hate you because they are jealous of your burger king"). But the US has done some horrible things to millions of people, and some people (they say about 50 of them) decided to react to this by means of REVENGE. That is what caused this tragedy.

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As a Canadian I must express how deeply saddened and shocked we all are by the tragic events of Sept 11th. As your closest neighbor we truly share in your grief. When I think of our role in assisting all of the remaining planes in the air land safely on Sept 11th, I feel pride but also real fear as to what might have happened here in Canada.
I have never seen Americans come together in the way you are now - you are making your country and the world proud. Although the enormity of this tragedy can never be understated, I feel a small glimmer of something good. After the events of this week and our universal Day of Mourning and Rememberence, the world has become a little closer tonight - let us not forget this in the days to come. God Bless.

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You know what, I loved the latter part of bananarepublic's posting so much, I can't help but repost it:

"My second suggestion would be increased security checks and awareness. Awareness of the fact that
Americans should learn to live with terrorism as we all have in other parts of the world. Terrorism exists as a cause of decisions our governments take that inconvenience certain groups. Acts of Terrorism will continue to exist.
The American government assumes the role of "leader of the free world" and manipulates the rest of the world to its own advantage. Like all large empires. And its people suffer.
Don't be this naive. Terrorists don't hate you because they are jealous of your Burger King. Stop leading an isolated existence and be more aware of your government's foreign policies."

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I am writing from Australia. I cried when I saw what had happened in New York & Washington. To those who have lost family & friends our thoughts and prayers are with you. We can only imagine how you are feeling. It's such a senselss loss of innocent lives. The scenes I have seen will haunt me forever as I am sure they will many of you.

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Great point at the end there, disgusted. There was even a group of Americans that harassed a Sikh!!!! Talk about living up to the "ignorant american" stereotype. You can't help but laugh and cry simoultaneously. They don't even ask!! If you have something on your head, you're going down!

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I have no idea if my father was still in NY when that happened. The last time I saw him he was 6'tall and was about 250-300 lbs black curly hair and green eyes Puerto Rican man. He is 43 years in age. His name is Julio Feliciano, and he had a son named Jason and step- daughter named Yarinel,
his wife's name was MaryLou but went by the name cooca....
I just want to know if they are all okay.
any info send to e-mail{ or}

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This is an important email.

I hope that the Americans people and leaders will take it into considerations before you all make the next BIG move.

You are the most important people in the world at the moment.

I felt sad that such inhuman act has done on humans. In fact, I felt compassion towards all human beings.

My interest is to look at the root cause of the whole issues in the world. If the root cause is not found, disasters will continue to happen in future.

I had watched the news and listened to comments from people and leaders of other countries.

Some advise the Americans not to be carried away by their emotions and act rashly by using NATO as a name to launch an attack at the terrorist without getting the consensus of the members countries of NATO and the rest of the world.

If the Americans are still arrogance and go ahead with their own plans for the sole purpose of taking revenge without due considerations of creating a new chain of future disasters, then disasters of such nature or worst will happen again in the future generations.

The minds of the Americans and American leaders are unlikely to be calm and quiet at the moment and it is dangerous.

The world leaders should sit down quietly and ask important questions and try to find the root cause of the whole issue and brain storm the best solutions to the problems taking into considerations to minimize unnecessary killings.

Why the terrorist (also humans) can become inhuman?
Obviously, the Americans have done something very bad in the past. It may due to gain in $$$ at the expense of the other countries or being arrogance and using their power to launch unnecessary attacks which kill many innocent life or any other reasons.

According to what I know?
If you kill someone before, you have to pay back in future. It becomes a never ending cycle. The only way to stop it, is to promote peace in the world and all the leaders combined forces to gradually suppress the evil acts, it will take many years to see good results.

When the mind is calm and quiet, the mind can see things more clearly.
If you kill my family members now, I'm angry and I will take revenge in future and the cycle repeats. It will stop if I decided not to take revenge and discuss it with my enemies to settle it peacefully and live like a happy family. From here, can you see that the mind actually make the right or wrong decision.

They have to look at the whole world issues not just tackling the current issue.
It has to be a package (setting up a world system) taking into considerations:

1. Promote peace (and no killings) in the world.
2. Stop competition for power and $$ (the root cause to many disasters).
3. No favouritism to any human, all to follow world system.
4. Promote charitable work (help the poor and help each other to live a truly happy life).
5. Promote healthy living to all people and ensure that people have enough food to eat and are not greedy in food.
6. Ensure that people live a simple lifestyle and not greedy in their living lifestyle.
7. Promote equality for all humans.
8. Protect nature and the environments.
9. The government of all countries to explain the benefits of the system, get feedback and ask the people for their full cooperation.
10. Be patient and allow enough time for majority of the people to faithfully accept the system.
11. The government of all countries to ensure people follows the world system rules and regulations.
12. Continue to brain storms and improve the system.

Set priority and execute the above in different phases.

The 3 poisons are greed, anger & ignorance (deluded mind).
The above system will suppress greed and anger but not ignorance.

Everyone knows that family bonding is important, then what about the bonds between countries. We are all living on earth just like a big family. We are all family members on earth and earth belongs to everyone. All should have EQUAL share. As long as equality is not met, true happiness cannot be achieved.

We are all humans and we are supposed to be the same but sadly we are different now. Whatever we do is for the gain of ourselves. This is the selfish side of human beings.

The world education has failed because the emphasis is on technology and competition. It should be revamped to emphasize on moral educations. Good moral values are taught in all religions and non religion.

All material things are impermanence but CAUSE & EFFECT will never be empty.

The tall buildings were standing high for so many years and they were gone (impermanence). Our life is also very short and it will be gone. However, the good moral values will be stored in our soul and move on to our next destinations.

Our life is very short (the universe has probably existed for many many trillion years), all humans should all treasure our life and prepare for our next life.

If we are all equal (minus the body), we are all ONE.

The world system should be governed by EQUALITY.
Once equality is achieved, effectively it will suppress the 3rd poison i.e. ignorance.

Now, the world peace of the future depends on USA. I hope that USA can use their power wisely to unite the world and lead the world to peace and truly happy living forever.

Live a wise and truly happy life.
It is all in our minds.
Shouldn't our minds merge into ONE. Let's do it one step at a time.
We live for the future generations, not for ourselves.

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I couldn't believe how great this article is. I hope you all read it:

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To the people of New York, from the people of Oklahoma. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you all. You stood behind us and wept with us as we mourned those lost during the Oklahoma bombing, now it's our turn to grieve with you. This tragedy has reminded us of why our country is so great: We are one family. When one member is hurt, we all hurt. When one member is attacked, we hold each other and cry together, then dry our eyes and step from the ashes stronger and more unified. During your tears, please remember that we are one family, but many diversities. Don't let anger outweigh rational thought. Our Islamic brothers are grieving, not only for the country of their heart, but also for the country of their heritage. They are American, just as we all are, and most are loyal and patriotic to America. They aren't the ones responsible for the destruction. I pray that we don't take our anger and frustration out on fellow Americans, simply because of their heritage.

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John Paul Stewart - Actor. We have not spoken in years. And I have always wondered how you have been. Now I am very worried about you. Please email me, Andrew from Chicago!

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