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Archive through September 15, 2001

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I don't think there are any words to explain how
you must be feeling at this terrible,awful time.
I'm a mother of two children from Britain,both me and my husband express great sympathy to all of
you who are affected in this evil attack of such
cold, uncalled for hatred.
I wish I knew words to try to make you feel
better, there are't any.
Our hearts are with you
Debbie & Mike (u.k.)

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Again from Mike Irving,GOD BLESS YOU ALL,and to the Rescue teams YOU ARE DOING AN OUTSTANDING TASK FOR YOUR FELLOW HUMANS something which is terrorist proof.

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As Austrailians we are shocked and appalled at the tragic events that has occured in your great country, stay strong America and may God bless you all Green and Welsh Families

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James (Jim) White- ex neurosurgeon London UK: then McKinseys NY, then?

Ruth -his wife. IMF.

Any news at all, please e-mail....

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As Salam Alaikom Wa Rahmatullah,

In the wake of recent events, there has been lots of confusion in both Muslims and Non-Muslims of who has done such a heinous act of killing innocent civilians in US. The result from this action is a direct military intervention and possible strikes in Pakistan and Afghanistan on the Mujahideen of both countries. Now to view the facts and terms of what has happened, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that the Mujahideen of Afghanistan or Pakistan would not have carried out such attacks because they themselves are already in fronts in Afghanistan and Kashmir and would not open up new fights against USA at the same time. Along with this, all the Mujahideen groups including Osama BinLadin have condemned the killing of civilians in US and denied any involvements in the suicide attacks. Then what is really going on?

It seems like the Mujahideen of Afghanistan and Pakistan are being framed by someone, and it can only be the Zionist plot, working together with CIA/Mossad and others.

Who are the people who bombed the buildings and ally with the kuffar? It is no other then shi'ites, who have the history of planning with non-Muslims to attack and destroy the Muslims (Sunni) throughout the history.

If one reads the names of the people involved in the bombing of NY, you will note that all of the names have some link with shi'ites.

Abbas, Bukhari and Ali are all linked with shi’ites who usually keep these names. These people are claimed to be from Arab, but their appearance tells that they are not from Arabia. They have a shi'ite appearance (ie. wearing western clothes rather than sunnah clothes in pictures shown) and the cut of their beard is done in a shi'ite manner, ie. trimmed beard not moustache.

If that is not enough check their names, a person having the last name "Bukhari" can only of a persian/tajik decent, not an Arab!

A recent news proclaims that the people involved in the bombings were going to pubs and strip clubs the night before. A Muslim fights in way of Allah and would never do any haram things specially when it comes to the matter of Jihad.

Also from the news, 17 out of 19 of them were raised in US, and 2 of them were trained in US military. We have enough facts to know what is going on.

We should also learn from history, when the shi’ites use to ally with the crusaders and in time of Mongols, when they allied with them to destroy the khilafah. They always used their strategies and power to carry out suicide missions at special points of time.

One of the most notorious of them was "the assassins," who would usually drug themselves with hashish before carrying out any attacks and then assassinate someone and then commit suicide afterwards.

Last point to note, that according to the sahih hadith, Muslims will fight Jews who will come from isfahan (present day Iran). This is a lead to the main assumption that all these plots have been nothing but the planning of the Kuffar.

There are many more proofs that can go along with this and as the time reveals them slowly, the truth is becoming clear of how the followers of Shaitan plot in destroying the Ummah. But they should know that it is Islam that will be victorious at the end and the kuffars step forward in nothing but their destruction.

So we as the Muslim Ummah should stand together against US intervention in Pakistan or Afghanistan and help our brothers and sisters with our lives and wealth, lest we be held accountable in the Day of Judgment.

Jazakallah khairan

w'salam alaikom

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Hi, this is Sarah from Warwickshire in England. I want you all to know that you are not alone at this terrible time. Many of us have shed tears and prayed for you all. This has touched all of us. The disbelief is still with us and the horror will never go away but Good will prevail. Good will come out of this appalling disaster, the world will stand united and there will be peace ahead. God Bless America and God bless us all.
Sending my love to you, XXXXXXX

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I am from Hamilton, Ontario. This terrible tragedy will forever touch the world. Our hearts and thoughts are with all of those people affected by this disgusting act of violence. Canadians are following this story via newspaper, radio and tv. Many tears are still flowing days after this occured. It may be business as usual with our bodies doing our required tasks, but our hearts, minds and prayers are with you constantly. May GOD be with you all in your time of need.

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Just a few words to express how myself and my family feel

Millions of tears must have been shed,
Words are few because what could be said,
Our sympathy feelings are world wide,
These evil people shouldn't be allowed to hide,
Please keep hopeful, strong and true,
Remember all of us are thinking of you.

All our love and thoughts are with you, sending lots of hugs
Jackie,Pip,Debbie and Kelly

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Hi,i'm 14 years old and i live in warwickshire in england,my name is Jodie.This is really difficult as i would like to say something different from everybody else,but to start with, i truly hope you realise that you are not alone.This disaster has effected the whole world.
I was just coming home from school when i found out what had happened, my youner brother ran out my nan's house shouting "Jodie, Jodie, quick come and see." He didn't realise quite how bad it was, and well, nor did i until my mum arrived home from work shaking, as she'd heard it on the radio in the car, she sat down and stared to watch it happen over and over, then burst in to tears.It was horrible.My mum hardly ever cry's.
As i watched more about it, i learn't more, which i wonder now weather that was such a good idea.I am scared, scared for me, for you, for america, but i also know that this will end in good weather, the president finds those messed up terrorists and gives them what they deserve, or weather it bring's the world together, either way we will beat the pain and sorrow.We'll beat it together.
Thank you for reading this, you know that you are definately not alone, everybody is here for you, even those who were in side the buildings, they'll be here, looking over you,looking over all of us.Have faith, think of the good thing's, the best thing's, not the worst.
Thank you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Here in France, we all join you in your prayers and your sorrow during those painful moments.
Don't let hate surrounding your heart and in the memories of your loved ones, please make us join you. All I could send you from my country over the ocean is all my love and thoughts for those you've lost.
May God bless you all and all of us all.

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Dear USA., I am very sorry for you all to have such a devastating attack which still seems surreal. I cannot believe it actually happened because it seems so unreal. My heart goes out to all those who have suffered but I hope your airlines will really be hard in making sure of security in future. As having flown in the USA I was surprised how easy it was to get on and off a plane when going internally whereas externally when entering into LAX I still remember the authorities going through our bags and refusing a coffee of nescafe being allowed in. Australia had the strictest security even my toothpaste was examined!Admittedly , we had just arrived from Philippines. We just cannot go round thinking that everyone is our friend even though we don't want to be rascist.Politically, it is going to be tough to get Osaimi bin Laden out of Afganistan and however many terrorist leaders we eradicate there will be 20 more to take their places. I pat George Bush's back for not acting fast in ensuring we have the right culprits. It looks like the Jihads of Egyptian origin maybe responsible with Saudis, Yemenis of that persuasion, not Saddam in Iraq, however evil we look upon him. I hope your country thrives well despite this disaster. From Dot in Brighton . England

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We are shocked, horrified and very upset as to what has happened. Our heart felt sympathy goes out to all who have suffered. We hope and pray that this will never ever happen again. Please don't give up hope. Our love and sympathy from Australia.

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In your time of sorrow our thoughts and prayers are with you America.With deepest sympathy,Sally,Michael and Shae Welsh.Aust QLD

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I can't tell you how heartbroken I am for you. I just want you to know that you are not alone, there are so many people around the world whose hearts and thoughts are with you. Here in the UK we are so full of disbelief for our American cousins. Keep strong, we can beat this, we have all taken this personally and feel your unbearable pain and loss. God bless America and the heart of the world in New York, the greatest city on earth.

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It seems, according to the BBC news that Pakistan are willing to allow the use of their airspace and closing of their borders to Afghanistan.

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