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Archive through September 15, 2001

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As I have read through all of these many messages from around the world, offering support and comfort, many tears have fallen. We, as a nation, will come out of this with more strength and dignity than ever before. I believe that our sorrow and anger will grow into an even stronger intent to rid the world of these evil, evil people. I add my prayers to the thousands already offered and to the many more to be spoken during the coming days.

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Looking for Arrana Lynn McGregor. Aunt Joan misses and loves you and wants to know you're okay. Call anytime or collect. 928-532-2956

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Having lived through the last war even as a child I worried enough to know that I did not want my children to go through a war that now would be worse than the one I remember. So please will everyone step back and think of what terrible things would happen? Surely our children must be allowed to live in the world that Hitler tried to destroy, or did our men lose their lives for nothing?
From a Manchester lady who remembers how frightening air raids can be to children as well as adults?!!

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After seeing all the crap you have posted on this board, you are either in grade school or do not have any brain cells to power a piss ant.

The bottom line is that your husband has got his hands full. Your mouth is a machine and the last time I saw a machine work like that was chewing raw sewage.

Get a job and cancel your DSL.

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My Fellow Americans,

Our hearts are heavy as we witness one of the worst disasters know to our country. In the midst of it all, we are proud to be an American, and extremely proud of our Police and Fire Department and the countless volunteers that have so unselfishly given of their time, love and emotion to help! Being a native New Yorker, we know that we will only become stronger and more united because of this. God Bless America!
Eunice & Charles McKinney

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By Internet



Please attached a photo to an e-mail message with the follow

Recent Photo Image (JPEG/JPG/GIF), if
Name, home address, nicknames
Height, weight, sex, race
Hair color, eye color
Distinguishing features / marks
Approximate age
Any pertinent information that may aid
in discovering persons identity
Location of Family / Contact person
Phone number where relatives can be
reached for more information
With the planned two hour special by Americas Most Wanted Tonight
we anticipate a lot of traffic to the site.

Our hopes are with your family.


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I would like to take a few momenmts to say I;m thinking of all the people in New York, and praying for them everyday. I'm lighting a candle everyday till alll is found.

Please to everyone reading this letter please do'nt lose hope!!!

We are american and we will together get though this.. My thought are all with you, keep faith
and hope alive..

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I'm looking for information and/or the where abouts of Jennifer Sorrells and Adam Frost. They are here in the metro area visiting. Any information will be appreciated....

I can be contacted at 516-938-7867

All Good Medicine,

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We are looking for Lygin (Lugin) Alexandr (Alex) He was working for Cantor Fitzgerald (104 fl)

Please contact: (718) 853-3484 Or: (347)922-4545
Or e-mail:

Here are his photos:

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On September 11th, 2001 I woke up to a ringing telephone. "Demetria turn on the TV!!!" my friend shouted. When I turned it on the headlines they screamed at me " AMERICA UNDER ATTACK!". This can not be real. As I run downstairs to turn on the living room TV my 4 year old must of sensed my fear because she began to follow me. While I watched people leap to their deaths, people running through smoke filled streets I began to cry. As I watch the trade centers fall I get up and turn it off. I cant stand it. People were dying as I watch. I look at my 4 year old daughter anf just hold her. I cherish this moment. I cherish that unlike so many families right now, unlike so many mothers and fathers I am able to hold my child. I know she is safe. I want to tell the people that lost someone they loved that I am sorry. As a American I am so sorry this happened to you. There are no words that can explain how I feel. It goes from anger to complete sadness. As I drive to work today I see the American flags waving in cars, homes, and buisness. I am more proud to be a American today than I ever have been. To the people involved in this horrible tragedy America is with you. America will always stand by you. Heal Americans but do not lower your flags for we will always stand tall. We Are America. God Bless Us All.

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America is so full of itself! Is justice done for the innocents that died in the World trade towers, the pentagon and Boston by killing more innocents in Afkanistan? Sure they are trying to fing those that helped the terrorist, but does that mean a war should be declared on the whole country? America the country that say they wanted peace, should do everything in its ability to avoid one and not want one. Let's be frank, Us is a country that called killing millions of innocent people justice, hey! as long as it's in another countries right? but when it finally happened (about time) to themselves it's injustice..a terrible act (bullshit)

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America is so full of itself! Is justice done for the innocents that died in the World trade towers, the pentagon and Boston by killing more innocents in Afkanistan? Sure they are trying to find those that helped the terrorist, but does that mean a war should be declared on the whole country? America the country that say they want peace, should do everything in its ability to avoid one and not want one. Let's be frank, Us is a country that called killing millions of innocent people justice, hey! as long as it's in another countries right? but when it finally happened (about time) to themselves it's injustice..a terrible act (bullshit)

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I wish to send my condolences to all the families and relatives who lost there loved one's in this shocking disaster,tragedy, I just can not put in to words of this attack on America. It makes me sad that this world is unsafe to live in anymore. This makes the rest of the world think what will happen next, will we eventally live in peace and just get along with each other like we should or is it just going to excerlate into more horrifying tragedies. The right thing should be done to flush these war mongers out of where they are and disolve them of the face of the earth FOREVER. I wish I could be with everyone who are doing such an awesome job in trying to find any survivors and the people who are missing and who are clearing away the debri that this attack has left behind. My heart goes out to all the families who have lost their loved ones.


May LOVE and Hope be with YOU ALL

Sandy from Australia

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From an open letter by the renowned author Depak Chopra, "When we have secured our safety once more and cared for the wounded, after
the period of shock and mourning is over, it will be time for soul
searching. I only hope that these questions are confronted with the deepest
spiritual intent. None of us will feel safe again behind the shield of
military might and stockpiled arsenals. There can be no safety until the
root cause is faced. In this moment of shock I don't think anyone of us has
the answers. It is imperative that we pray and offer solace and help to
each other. But if you and I are having a single thought of violence or
hatred against anyone in the world at this moment, we are contributing to
the wounding of the world."

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As the song goes ' HE AIN'T HEAVY, HE"S MY BROTHER' To All Americans: Hold your head up and be strong. From North Carolina ,To everyone who has been involved in this tragic event, our hearts and our souls weep with you. You are all in our prayers.

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