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Archive through September 15, 2001

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Looking for Lt Col DABNEY ,USAR stationed at the Pentagon, contact LTC M P @AOL.COM">mpamstadt@AOL.COM
or COL Jorge LENTINO MD at @CS">JJLentino@CS>COM...

are you OK?

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I would also like to add that i am not being dwelling in self pity (as some assumed). It's frustration that lead me to post the first message. Frustration that even though i tried to help initially i couldn't, frustration that even though i to am mourning, people didn't realise that.

thank you again and keep faith.

My heart and prays go out to all the family's

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Searching for news about KEITH MOSTAFI who is a Civilian working in the pentagon within the Dept. of Army (USAMC). He is a dear friend and former co-worker of my father Jack M. Gouge, retired from USAMC. Please respond to either my father's email address, which is or my email address, if you have ANY information about Keith or his family.

Thank you for any information that you can provide. This nation, as a whole, will stand together and we shall overcome....God bless each and every one of you. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

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I am looking for Seargent James Lemar Cosby, Military, employed in the Pentagon. Any info, please contact:

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Army SGT MARIO WALKER stationed at the Pentagon...looking for any information on his status.

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I'm going to give blood tomorrow here in Cleveland, but my sister brought to my attention the plight of the minor children of the victims. Does anybody know who is looking out for them maybe somebody can go on the news and make everybody aware. What if some of these people had moved to New York for a job and there is nobody there with their children?

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AT 10:30 P.M.(N.Y. TIME) GO ON YOUR YOUR PORCH AND LIGHT A CANDLE!!! My heart goes out to all
suffering through this horrible ordeal...
My appreciation & heartfelt thanks to all of those firefighters, police,construction workers,
medical workers, etc. giving of themselves to save all of these American people that they can...

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I live in Uruguay,South America,my name is Andrea and I have been in New York as a tourist and of course,went to the towers .My friends and i feel that nothing will be the same not only in NY but in the world.Uruguay is far away from there but the grief for the victims and the admiration for those brave men and women helping in any way,are the same all over the world.My sincere condolences for all new yorkers for they all suffered this horrendous and meanfull attack.We know justice will find the way

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It is hard to find words, or ways, to express the grief, shock, and anger, that we, along with all Americans are feeling at this moment. There is nothing that we can do, or say, to bring back our loved ones, and comfort others who have lost. However, in this great tragedy, there have emerged some heroes. The resuce workers, firemen, and policemen who have been injured or given their lives in the course of duty this week are forever immortalized in our hearts. The group of men and women aboard the flight crashed into the Pennsylvania countryside, in an heroic effort to save the lives of countless individuals, and preserve the establishment of their country gave their own, so that others might live and persevere. I think that we should send a message to the people who have attempted to hold us hostage to fear: These are what heroes are. In the face of death, these brave Americans were ready to answer the call of their country. We should call on all of our leaders in Congress and on the Presidet and his staff, to award the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian honor, on those who died trying to recover the PA plane. To email the President, Vice_President, First lady, and Mrs. Cheney, log on to to email your representatives and senators, go to , and
Let's show the entire world that hereos are not those that commit suicide in order to kill innocent civilians, but those who gave up their own lives, to same them.

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I live in Beacon Falls, Ct within an hour and a
half of the city by Metro North. If there is
anyway I can assist anyone please contact me. If
more hands are needed in the city please let me
know who to contact. If someone just needs a
person to talk to or communicate with please write
me at
or call me at
203-729-6981. Call collect if you need to.

My thoughts go out to all those who have suffered
such tremendous loss.


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They just announced that they need proper masks for the rescue workers. They need 1000-2000 asbestos masks delivered to 1 Liberty Plaza. This was just announced by a doctor working rescue in an interview with Tom Brokaw.

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I live in St. Louis . ...I'm in tears reading all the messages of people wanting to help and people across the world sending their condolences. I too am trying to find ways here to help those in need. I am RH negative so I will be giving blood tomorrow for the very first time. My 10 year old daughter is so confused and I don't have a clear head about it so I'm finding it difficult explaining it to her. She wants to travel to New York to help. Her first thought was "there are kids who lost their mom's and dad's". My heart aches for all of America as we are all feeling the pain. My prayers go out to ALL. My flag has been waving since Tuesday, the entire family is showing our American pride by wearing red white and blue and I will light my candle Friday night in honor of all the hero's of this horrible tradegy. May God Be with all who have perished, and bless all who are in pain. WE WILL SURVIVE!

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The Navy has released the list of those still unaccounted's at link - . Hope this helps.
Still waiting on the Army and DoD lists. As I understand all AF were accounted for already.
God bless to all those still waiting, and to the families that are grieving. May those injured be healed quickly.

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I am looking for any information on Deana Galante and Brian Nunez. both on the 102, 103rd floor. Employees of Cantor Fitzgerald and E-Speed. I have been searching for any information on them since tuesday and pray that we find them. Please keep them in your prays as I will your family.
God bless


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My name is Kristin and I live in the Indianapolis, Indiana area--if I can be of any kind of assistance--contacts, etc., PLEASE email me at or
I say prayers for the victims and families. Please stand strong--you have much support!

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