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Archive through September 15, 2001

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To all the families of the deceased: I'm a university student in Brisbane in Australia. I really don't know how to begin this message. There are so much I was to say and to do for you all. But I guess the only thing I can say is that I'm so sorry for your loss. This tragedy has hit me so hard that I don't know what to think. I know there is no way I can be there to help you all but I want to give you my prayers to you all American citizens. My heart goes out to you all who have lost your life, your family members and those police men and firefighters!! I also hope that all my American friends are well and safe.

May GOD Bless YOU Americans! Moreover, I just want to let you know that we Australian will stand side by side with you American and we'll support what decision you have made! I prayer GOD that such incidents will never happen again!!!! However, if there is something I can do to help, please, don't hestate to tell me. I really want to do something to help. Otherwise I can never sleep well during these coming weeks!!!


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My name is Laurie and I am a senior in a high school located in Florida. I am going to be collecting money for the people of New york and wouldlike to know if there is an ACTUAL ADDRESS of someone whom would give the money directly to new york(would the governor work?). I'm sure red cross is a good place, however, I would feel better about it if I knew who the money was going to exactly. I'm sorry for the trouble, please email me if you know and address i can send it to. Thanks.

With love for our country,
Laurie Sykora

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The Wade Howell family sends their prayers to the family of H Dwayne Williams from Jacksonville Alabama. Wade and Dwayne played football together.
The Howell family can be contacted through">
We continue to hope and pray for Dwayne's safety.

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hello fellow americans! I am a resident of canada (calgary Alberta). I am 22 years old and i remember hearing something breafly at work on Tuesday and have been following your story eversince. I am absolutly sick to my stomach about what has happened and i would like to help in anyway that i can at all. Im mainly focusing my attention to teenagers. If there is anything i can do for u all in this time of need i would love to help
Please email me @: I prey for u all everynight and i love u all. Remember i am here for u all in your hearts

God Bless 🙂

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I just found this information on

The City of New York is accepting contributions to
aid the families of Police, Fire, EMS and other
City employees involved in rescue efforts.

Please make your check or money order payable to:

The City of New York
100 Church Street, 20th Floor
New York, New York 10007

Please include your name and address with your tax
deductible contribution to NYCPPI (New York City
Public/Private Initiatives, Inc.). NYCPPI is a
nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization.

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Looking for COL Dale Block and CPL Justine Howard, both US Army. Please email me at">

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Looking for Michael Viani; retired Army ciliv engineer working at Pentagon and oldest brother of Tony Viani Eiselt. I am a friend of Tony's and Jo's from BSC/Theatre and Boise. I pray that you are all safe. Tony, Michael, Cheryl or other family member, please let me know when it is convienient. Shalom, Sharon

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Friend of the family for many years and looking for TERRY JONES who may have been working at Pentagon. Found "Shawn" in Prodigy "I'm ok" database; no mention of Terry or his spouse.
My PRAYERS are that you are all safe. Pls advise

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I am looking for my dad's cousin he was supposed to be working in the pentagon when this tragic thing happened his name is Tommy Pedgio. If anyone has heard from him or about him please e-mail me at">

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To whom it may concern,

I have been sadly been watching the news coverage and my heart aches for everyone involved and my prayers are with you all. There was one lady and her son on CNN that said she was faxed that her husband was sent to a Canadian hospital that was possibly burned and had a back scar but she did not know how to get in contact with the Canadian hospitals. I have friends in Canada that I have spoken with trying to find out some info. for her but do not know how to reach her are any others that may have others that were possibly sent over to Canada if that was true are not but anyway my friend heard on her news coverage in Canada that two hospitals were preparing to take victims the hospitals were one in Toronto named Toronto Western and the other located in Ontario Canada named Premier Harris , also she gave me the Red Cross phone number there that may provide some help as well but was not sure if we could get thru from the USA are not it is 1-888-350-6070. Again I hope this may be of help to someone. May God watch over us and my prayers are with each and everyone wished I could be of more help.

Much love ,hugs,prayers
Susan Pyron in Virginia

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You are not alone. If anyone would like a sympathic ear, or just someone else to talk to you can contact me at
My heart goes out to you all. Your bravery is a shining light in a dark world.

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To The American Nation,
My name is Mehdi and live in London, UK. 3 days on and I have not been able to find both my concentration and thoughts on my work. All my thoughts and prayers have been for all of you, victims, people missing, firefighters, policemen/women, rescuers, families and friends, airline crews....
Being on the other side of the Atlantic is one of the worst place to be as being totally helpless. I wish i could fly in order to give moral supportto those who have lost families & friends, and give a hand to the rescues that have been going on since Tuedsay. Physically I cannot do anything BUT if there is anybody who needs someone to talk to, share prayers and thought, DO NOT hesitate to contact me. My email address is:
Like so many Britiss, all my thoughts will be with you during the 3 minutes of silence today from 11am.
May God bless you all, and may the USA find and punish those brainless murderers who harbored those attacks.
God Bless

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My name is Peter and I am 33 years old with both a medical, legal and investigative background. In addition I have professional experience in Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I am offering to assist any family or multiple families in their search for relatives, sigificant others or friends. My services are available to you immediately and are free and from my heart. PLEASE EMAIL ME or CALL MY MOBILE # 480 861 1444.
I can assist you in NY with search and rescue, researching legal issues, assisting will personal matters and private investigation as well. Please use the services that I am offering. I am sure there are people who wish to do more but for many reasons cannot.

Wishing you all the peace you deserve.
I am so sorry.

Peter Cannice
8350 E. McKellips Rd. #121
Scottsdale, Arizona 85257

Please POST THIS AD along with other posting sites or email to those sites and ask them to post. I am strong, able and willing to assist ANYONE or ANY GROUP or AGENCY in finding a family member,loved one or fried. Can also do PI work for corporate agencies. No cost for any services.

Please take advantage of this man with a generous heart who wants desperately to help in anyway he can.

Thank you and may God Bless this United States and this World.

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We in Sri Lanka bow our heads in sorrow for all those innocent humanbeings who had to die due to the fanatical religious aspirations of terrorists.
If death is what their religon preaches then wipe the lot out for the sake of the rest of the world.

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