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Archive through September 16, 2001

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I understand that many from Marsh made it out. Here is their web addy:

They have set up a company message board for families and friends.

I hope the information on Jason and Daniel Coffey you are searching for is there. Good luck and God bless.

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i am lookin for sarah mcneil if u hear anything contact me at 5'9 short brown hair 145 pounds tattoo on right ankel that says ryan forever

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I am a Registered Medical Assistant in Nashville, TN and feel I could offer some sort of medical help even if it is simply drawing blood or checking vitals.....please e-mail me at"> if my experience is at all needed. God Bless the entire USA and especially those families and friends of victims. We are mourning your loss with you. We as Americans have all lost...great US citizens. May God be with us.

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My brothers friend Elkin Yuen was in WTC (first one hit) in the 90's for an 8:00 meeting. Found on website that he was okay but no family member has heard from him. If anyone has information please e-mail me at Thank you and God Bless.

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Looking for CANTOR FITZGERALD people:

Rob Noonan - 203-852-7112 this is my brother
Teddy Maloney - Brother Trask 203-655-8670
Jim Crawford
Ward Haynes - Wife Ann 914-967-9285
Marisa Dinardo - 845-893-4792
Andy King
Tommy Knnox
Tim Soulus
Tim Hughs

Please call 203-852-7112 thank you


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I think we need to go in and take a stand on this terrorism bull crap and start taking them out ...
We need to start right here in our country and get the basterds that are right in our faces..

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To All the Families and Friends of All The Victims:

My heart goes out to all of you. I am very much saddened by this horrible tragedy. You are all in my prayers. May God Bless All of You. Keep the Faith, Keep the Hope Alive!

With My Deepest Sympathy,
Esperanza Hope Echon
Union City, California

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As I sat and watched what I knew of home for most of my life fall to the ground,all i could do was cry,my hart filled with sadness and sorrow.I feared for my family still living in NEW YORK...I found my fam.late that evening though,My prays go out to all the families of the missing and the lost lives.My prays of faith in the firemen,police and volunteers working around the clock to find the lost and missing people of the WTC attack.Spec. thanks to my cousin David who is in the NYFD please stay stroung and don't give up..We will stand together as one always.LOVE JENNIFER DAYTONA BEACH FLORIDA

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looking for michelle bratton-cantor/fitzgerald. shecalled her folks after first hit on building #1. they have not heard anything since. they are frantic. any info please call the rowley family birthing center @ horton hospital in middletown, n.y. 845-343-2424 ext.7272 and speak with one of the staff.please add "shelley" to the list of names you may be hoping & praying for!

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I have been watching with horror and terror what has been happening in your country... I cannot begin to imagine how devastating it must be. The loss of lives is just so unimaginable. I am at a loss for words... We are just so sad and so angry ourselves for what has happened, we can't begin to imagine how you must feel. But you Americans are strong, yes, so very strong. I only wish we in Canada had the same sense of patriotism and pride. You will get this through this and be stronger than ever...

Please take care of yourselves... take care of all those who have lost loved ones, of policemen and firemen and steel workers and all who are working so very hard to pick up the pieces so that all of you may one day start to heal. You are in our thoughts, in our prayers and forever in our hearts.

Nancy Cloutier

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LOOKING FOR STEVE LAWN OF AON WTC2!! Missing since Tuesday, Steve is around 6'2'' & 190lbs, with short blond hair & is of English Nationality. Steve is also wearing a white gold wedding band withe the engraving "V.S.30.9.2000" on the inside. His friends, family & wife are trying desperately to trace his movements on Tuesday morning. If you have any information regarding sightings in the building prior to collapse, or if you saw him outside, please contact me.

Thanks & good luck if you are searching for a loved one also.

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LOOKING FOR STEVE LAWN OF AON WTC2!! Missing since Tuesday, Steve is around 6'2'' & 190lbs, with short blond hair & is of English Nationality. Steve is also wearing a white gold wedding band withe the engraving "V.S.30.9.2000" on the inside. His friends, family & wife are trying desperately to trace his movements on Tuesday morning. If you have any information regarding sightings in the building prior to collapse, or if you saw him outside, please contact me.

Thanks & good luck if you are searching for a loved one also.

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My heart and prayers go out to the victim's as well as the victim's families, may you all find the answers that you need soon. I am writing to say that as terrible as this event is, we must all understand that no race is to be blamed for this. Certain people were invovled in this, but they do not represent their entire race. Anger should and may be aimed at the attackers, but certainly not to people of their race because 1 does not speak for all. My prayers are with those suffering from the loss of loved ones and those dealing with unnecessary torment caused by angry citizens.

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There is no news whatsoever about my brother. Let me tell you the whole story ... Please put them on the web site or broadcast in the television or anything you can do to help me find my brother.
My brother is from andhra pradesh, India... 5'10 , weighing about 165-170 pounds... has a moustache... black hair, black eyes, has a very big white oval shaped birthmark, a little above his stomach. He was wearing a light coloured shirt with dark navy blue trousers and black leather shoes. He was wearing a Timex indiglo watch which has a silver dial with black strap.

He worked for Marsh Financials and that was located in the 97th floor of the first hit building.

He had coffee with his friend at 8.35 am at the subway and they both departed to go to their respective offices. It takes a minimum of 5 to 7 minutes to go the world trade centre. So it would be around 8.42 am and another 2 minutes to show the identification and walk upto the elevators. So that would be 8.44. and he would have had only one minute before the plane hit the building. So he must be in the elevator when the plane hit the building. There is no way he could have gone upto 97th floor in one minute. So I am very sure he got caught up in the elevator and my conscience is telling me he is still there alive in the debris somewhere.

I want the officials to find any elevator under the debris as soon as possible... I have been calling all top officials but with no response. I want everyone to hear me and my story and pressurize the officials regarding this. I am sure there is a elevator there with closed doors down there and I want the rescue workers to get there and help my brother in time...

Please publish this in all newspapers and please see that my brother gets the help as soon as possible.

thank you


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Don't Give up...The 4,700 victims can possible be MEDICALLY RESURRECTED one day.
America should offer CYOGENICS (freezing) to the families of the victims...or a Resurrection Burial Tomb each for on the back of our dollar bills....If we let our dead decay..the evil terrorist would win a scientist..I can tell you that the bodies of 4,700 are are not "completely dead"..mainly just the brain...and one day this can be revived if we prevent decay....GOD BLESS

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