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Archive through September 16, 2001

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Looking for Toyena Skinner. Last seen 1 WTC, 47th floor. 27 y/o, 5'5", 230lbs, African American Female. Please e-mail or call 718 732-438-5110.
Peace and blessings to all whom lost and all that helped.

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Looking for Toyena Skinner. Last seen 1 WTC, 47th floor. 27 y/o, 5'5", 230lbs, African American Female. Please e-mail or call 718 732-438-5110.
Peace and blessings to all whom lost and all that helped.

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You sure as hell did kill innocent people in Serbia and are doing it in Iraq still .Justice iscruel sometimes

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This morning in church,we prayed for America.We were told to pray for forgiveness of the perpetrators too. ButI know how difficult it must be for you Americans. My heart aches for you and all those who have lost their loved ones and try as I might, though not an American, I can't help feeling utter scorn for the coward with utterly no respect for human life or suffering. I just feel like smashing and beating the daylight out of this coward, who remains in the shadows looking so smug and callous about the whole thing. He must be satan personified. Disgusting! Ijust cannot control my feelings of anger when I think of this heinous monster and another who has the audacity to ask President Bush to be cautious when he has no qualms about killing lives in the not too far-off Gulf war. Another thing that is cowardly is the way they give every excuse to call any form of response the begining of a religious war. Even as give vent to my human emotion, I must ask God to forgive me for such hatred. I think President Bush is right in wanting to show them that America cannot be bullied. If America, the big brother of the world, allows himself to be bullied, there will be mayhem in this world. However I would like to end by saying, that God has everything in control. Turn to God, rememember America,please turn to God, pray for those suffering and pray for the leaders that they make the right decisions and right moves. Remember, Vengeance belongs to God. He will revenge. Please hold on, the world still needs a big brother. America cannot and will not crumble. He who is in you, America(if your keep God as your focus) is greater than he who is in the world.
someone whose heart bleeds for America

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I am looking for any information on Mark Schurmeier. He was attending the Black Rock conference/meeting which was scheduled to begin at 9:00am. The meeting was on the 106th floor, not sure which building. He is with Feddy Mac out of Washington DC. He is a 44-year-old, white male, 6'3". Any information concerning Mark or anyone attending the same meeting, please email me at Thank you for your help and for your prayers. God Bless Tamara Varga

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In scanning the media, including web sites, I think one of the most profound questions, of many I've heard, was posed by a ten year old from somewhere in NY. His question, "what have we done to them for them to do this to us", as good as it was, it could be further extrapolated to read "what have we done to the world for these them to do this to us". So let us just act as if this was the child's actual question and in the spirit of good parenting, let's give him as honest an answer as gentility will allow.

It seems it really got started early in the twentieth century when the poltitical theory of "manifest destiny" was formulated. This theory was the USA's formal announcement of their attendance, as a sort of debutante, at Imperialist ball. It was tantamount to America saying "get outta my way on the international buffet line".

If some of you on this board would go through the history of the USA's foreign policy, in the twentieth century, vis-a-vis any non-European part of the world you would clearly see how we have arrived at this most horrific part of the road.

Just a gander at the USA's activities in south and central America will give us a clue. After all the US's complaints about Cuba's human rights abuses, I dare anyone to compare Pinochet's record or Samosa's or The various Argentine junta's or the Brazilian juntas, or Noriega's etc.... The whole lot of them were either trained and/or installed and/or supported by the hand of the US government via the CIA or other agencies of the US. The very war on cocaine (and other drugs) we claim we are waging was, and probably still is, being usurped by these same agencies to support their international subterfuges(The CONTRAs, for one, benefitted from this). None of this had anything to do with "freedom" or "justice".

In Africa,below the Sahara , The continent that get's the least US aid, we again led the way. We supported, to the end, the last regime on earth where the official use of race, as a determinant in ones postion in society, was extant. Where there was official support for virtual slave labor. Where race was even an official factor in death. We backed the rebels, in Angola, against a democratically elected government, with the ensuing result being the world's largest amputee population. We were notorious, in the past, all over of Africa, for destabilizing or overturning governments that were left leaning or unfriendly to the US or it's interest. The foreign policy here seems to state that we should give the least but harm the most. None of this had anything to do with "freedom" or "justice".

Asia and West Asia or the Middle East should definitely be highlighted because, of course, it is so pertinent to what has happenned in the US.
I can only say that, in the very least, as any fairminded balanced viewed individual would, the US has been extremely one sided in it's dealings in this part of the world. The creation alone of the nation/state known as Israel could only have hapened on Non-European soil. If one were to look into the history of it's creation one would also see the genesis of what we have come to call "terrorism". Research the name Menacham Began and you will see what I mean. But I digress as it is the long term policies in this area that is at the root of our present miseries.

I remember the massacre of Palestinian refugees in the, I think, West Bank. It was the time when Gen. Ariel Sharon was seen as allowing a group of christian phalangist into the refugee camps to slaughter men, women, and children. Hundreds died. There was the case of the jewish settler who went to a mosque, at friday prayers, with a cache of weapons and proceeded to mow down 20-30 before he was killed. He was allowed to be immortalized by other settlers with a marble monolith with inscriptions. The one that sticks out really well in my mind is the case of the jew who shot an Isreali Arab dead because he cursed at him and spat in his direction. The sentence, as I remember it, was one shekel. Even recently, on the commencement of one the peace accord meetings, the US delegation escorted the Palestinian delegation back to the border and as the delegation crossed over they were ambushed by Isreali forces, who had no real excuse for this breaking of the truce. The punishment was nothing. Conversely the punishment for being associated with terrorist in the Palestinian territory, who might well be your family, is the demolition of your ancestral home. The punishment for throwing stones or demonstrating by an Arab is the possibility of being shot and/or killed, regardless of age or gender. And nothing the international community says or does matters where this is concerned because of the tremendously powerful and supportive godfather that the state of Israel has. A godfather who doesn't seem to know how to tell the child when they're wrong or restrain them. Is this "justice"?

If I'm not mistaken wasn't Sadam Hussein a favorite of the USA when Iran was the l'enfant terrible of the neighborhood? He was already a scurge to Iraqi Kurds but then we needed someone to take on the ayatollah and what are a few thousand Kurd lives to our desires. So we assisted as he poisin gased his way through a generation of Persian youth. Imagine the audacity of him thinking that in giving this service there would be support from his mid-east wards. His government was recognised as totalitarian when we let the dogs of war loose on the civilians of Baghdad who had no choice in the government. I do remember scenes quite similar to the New york of today.

When the cold war was still bitterly raging on, wasn't it the USA who aided the Mujahadeen in successfully over throwing their puppet government? The same Mujahadeen that was rife with fundamentalist(of which the Taliban was a faction) of the ilk that would make Iran proud. The same Iran whose youth we had helped to dispatch to Allah. The CIA and US government were then locked in a passionate embrace with freedom fighters such as Osama Bin Laden. But then, fundamentalist fun is always prefered to communist stoicism.

Is it for the same reasons that we had favored Pakistan over India for so long? That India was a leader in the non-aligned movement and was quite openly friendly with The Soviets seems to have been a mighty motivator of the movement of funds in the support of Pakistan. The same Pakistan that has never really shown a sincere desire for democracy or for peace with India. Whose operatives have kept the blood flowing in Jammu and Kashmir.

It is possible to go on but I think I have become long winded. The point is the USA has been the cause of many, many bitter and catastrophic moments in the life of multitudes of people of the developing world. We have backed dictators and governments who waged unholy campaigns of wickedness and terror upon peoples of this planet. We have shown time and time again that we have the capacity to be as vile as any of the characters in this present drama. We have also shown that we can be indifferent to their will for autonomy. In seeing all this, isn't it encumbent on all of us to fix what is broke. Shouldn't we strive to fix our relationship with the part of the world we have problems with as well punish the wreakers of havoc? I feel if we don't we will all be sitting in front of our televisions witnessing this again and again. I, for one, hope we never have to do this again but I know military action alone will not prevent it.

For all the Christians out there who keep repeating the phrase "GOD BLESS AMERICA", please remember it should be stated as a request not a command. I also remind all of you that God does not bless America alone.

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I'm looking for takahashi keiichirou who works at Euro Broker Inc. on the 84th floor of the WTC2 (south tower). On survivor-datebase he was listed okay, but no family member has heard from him.
He is 53years old, Japanese, Gray Hair, Dark Brown Eyes, Cartier ring on left index finger.
If anybody has any information please! please!! email me at

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I'm looking for keiichirou takahashi who works at Euro Broker Inc. on the 84th floor of the WTC2 (south tower). On survivor-datebase he was listed okay, but no family member has heard from him.
He is 53years old, Japanese, Gray Hair, Dark Brown Eyes, Cartier ring on left index finger.
If anybody has any information please! please!! email me at

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Dear Salam,

I am very offended by your use of words against our great nation. Until you have lived here your judgements should be kept to yourself. It is obvious that you are of the same belief of these people who carried out this terriorist act. Im not saying that the USA has not killed innocent people but I can promise you it was for a good cause. The reason we help these countries is because they are surrounded by people like you that do not value human life. When you have never lived in peace you can't understand what it is to have peace.
Do you really think that Osama BinLaden would say that he has committed these terrorists acts? He would be crazy to say he did. And if you believe he didn't then you need to search your mind cause you lost it some time ago. We have direct links to him and witnesses to account for those links.Just to let you know we don't care if they are SHiites, muslems, islamics, or any other nationality they committed something horrid against our country and they shall be punished. The terrorist nationality is not what is important to us. As a very strong UNITED STATES citizen I do not agree with hurting those innocent people but when Osama uses them for a shield(as he will) there will be innocent people who are hurt. The UNITED STATES in no form or fashion supports hurting innocent people.

It has also been proved that these terrrorist did go to afganistan and had direct links to binladen. The terriorist were clean shaven so they would not bring attention to themselves and tried to live a normal life over here. But I dont' know where you got 17 out of 19 were raised over here cause that is false. They have been over here for a few years and received some training here. There would be no need for arab immigrant passports or other things they had if they were raised here. So it is apparent to me as well as all other Americans that you really DONT HAVE A CLUE as to what has gone on. You must be in one of these countries who limits what you can see and here. Im sorry, we live in a free country. We get to listen to all the radio and television coverage. It is not monitored by our governement.
In closing , I would like to say that GOD will watch over the UNITED STATES. The BIBLE clearly states that the jews are GOD's chosen people and we the christians support them. It also says in the Bible that there will be a group that tries to control the Earth well you are a member of it. NO wonder you can't see past your nose.
GOD BLESS THE USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dear all Americans,
I am deeply saddend of the horrible diasater that has struck your beautiful country.Being a fifteen year old girl in Austarlia it frigtens me what may happen in the future, the world will never be the same again.I know your country will prevail with the courage and strength that only the USA knows how. President George w. Bush has shown great leadership in a trying time and he deserves respect he has gained.My thoughts are with all the victims and there family and I pray that somehow they get through this devastating time.
God Bless America and you all

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To another american

I really think that you need to move to the east. You seem to fit better there. The only reason that we have intervened in so many areas is to avoid one government ruling the whole world. Apparently, you don't agree with what the US does. So, why do you live here?
It's obvious your not Christian. Are you atheist?
People are not Commanded God to Bless us. We say God bless to everyone. We know it is not for just us.
May God Bless you!!!!!!!
I really hope you find him.
Christianity has been demonstrated very well in our country through this hardship.
so i say GOD IS Blessing America!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hello. I am a fifteen year old from Britain. I would just like to assure with everyone affected by this tragedy that all of Britain is with you. All of our thoughts and hearts are full of comiseration and hope to find someone alive. My friends and family are all deeply upset and I have shed many tears over the last 5 days. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!

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Hello America,

My name is Isaac and I am an American. I have decided to post this on the encouragement of my mother. It started out as an email to my cousin, Kevin, who emailed me and seemed worried as to my reaction to the HORROR unfolding before our eyes. It has turned into something much more. I am 23 years old. I have a fiancé’ whom I love very much. I live in the southwestern US. My mother thought that my words would help others in some way.
This email streamed out of me, it took three hours to write, but I did not notice the passage of time. The writing of this HEALED me in many ways. I allowed me to release the pent up feelings I was suffering from due to this disaster. It resolved a lot of things in my mind. The following is all-true; I have not made anything up or embellished, nor exaggerated. I was moved my something greater than me to write these words and to share them with you. I have not edited this document. The email is the exact same as it was when I sent it to my mother and to my cousin. Yes, even though it states that my mother does not know, she does now.
Sept. 16, 12:57am MtTime
Sept. 14, 2001
Here it is.


Your Mom is right, I am FREAKING OUT, It was the most Horrible thing I have ever seen. I thought nothing could be worse than watching the Branch Davidians burn, then the Murrah Building was bombed. I thought that nothing could top that; we have reached the pinnacle of evil in human nature. Now THOUSANDS are dead, Children left weeping for parents that will NEVER return. My heart was sick in a most horribly familiar way.
No one knows this, not my mother, or Gina. Do not share this with anyone. I had BAD DREAMS for several nights BEFORE this, horrible ••••••• NIGHTMARES actually. I would be trapped in a half sleep state, unable to drift deeper, unable rise to the surface. My heart was running fast and swift, like a caffeine overdose, I was Flushed with heat and Sweating ICE. It would start as a murmur. I would hear sounds like they we coming from different directions around me. Behind, to the side, outside of the bedroom window, etc. So real. papers rustling, typing, voices, phones trilling. I felt Danger. Like right before a fight. The murmur would turn into the sounds of metal shrieks or rumbles, SCREAMS from a hundred miles away. I would swear I also heard jet engines as if from a distance, rising in pitch. I heard a distant Boom, like thunder, but no echo and less ambiance.
I am aware at the time that I am in my bed sleeping, that I am safe. I can even open my eyes a little, but I cannot will myself to move. I feel like I am in danger of losing my life, it also feels futile, I feel impotent to act. I feel like I will die and there isn't •••• I can do about it! I hear what sounds like a crowd in a church or stadium, but very excited and agitated. I hear sirens and wails. I feel vibrations and more rumbles. Its all jumbled together, no time line in these dreams.
These are all impressions, I felt like I might have been at work in my office, or at a place like it, I saw colors, like peach and gray, like at my work. I sensed lots of people around me, agitated or scared. I could feel light through distant windows off to my left, shining through pulled Venetian blinds. Then the worst part came, towards the time when I was finally able to force my mind to wake up, when everything rose to a Crescendo in my dream.
It started small and distant. I could feel IT, a dark spot of blackness, no a void, moving towards me. The murmurs and sounds grew; the spot came closer, as if gliding. I could feel its EVIL and intensity. Then IT SAW me! I felt IT glide up to right in front of my face, first it was just in the dream, and then it was really with me in and out of the dream. IT WAS ALIVE! By that I mean it was a Conscious thing. It was watching me as if making sure that I KNEW IT was there, or like it was making sure that I WAS There. I got the Impression that IT was NOT surprised to see me there, almost like it expected me to be there, wanted me to be there. I could sense it features. IT had a round head, the size of a child's, with furry goblin ears, placed on the top of the head. It had a wide mouth full of little sharp teeth and thin cruel lips, pulled back in a leering grin. It was Shiny Black, like Used Oil. All I could sense of It's Eyes were that they were focused on me.
I could see it, though my eyes were closed. As its face floated there 3 inches from my very own, every thing went still... except for the sirens and the sounds of jets. The face stayed in front of me forever. I only had the vaguest, diaphanous impression of a body belonging to this thing. I have felt this evil before. On several occasions as a child, when monsters were real and to be feared, I woke up KNOWING that if I opened my eyes and looked upon this THING that was standing over my bed staring at me, Radiating EVIL and TERROR like a deep freeze radiates cold, I would DIE!
I felt this same THING when I was in Missouri last July. I had stopped at a crossroads to check my map, it was night. The moon was not yet risen. I was coming back from Kent's house (a cousin). As I was reading the map, I felt it. It grew swiftly. I don't know if the woods were already quiet when I stopped, or if they grew quiet while I was there, but I suddenly noticed they were as still as the DEATH that was swiftly approaching. In (State deleted), the woods are ALWAYS still at night. The first thing I noticed about Missouri when I visited was how full of sound the night was. This was B-A-D! I drove like I have never drove before, choosing roads at random that felt like they would be heading AWAY from IT. It is due in great part to the stability of the Pathfinder that I got to the house in one piece. Some how I found us50 after a while and as soon as I hit the highway and broke from the cover of the trees I felt IT lift its oppression and as I drove, I swiftly left it behind. I felt like it was Chasing me. This is not a Lie or my imagination. I do not do drugs. I was not drinking. I have never been that scared, outside of a dream, in my life. My tongue went numb.
These dreams had ruined my sleep for two nights in a row. I woke anxious and terrified, and exhausted. I prayed, like I did when I was driving, that I would be safe and live. It helped. I wondered, what is wrong with me? Then after a second bad dream night, very similar to the first, fiancé’s mom called me just before the alarm went off. My heart was already pounding from my dreams, I was so tired.
"TURN ON THE F*&#%NG TV! A Plane just hit the WTC!" She was crying very hard. We turned it on and I froze. What I saw justified every second that I have suffered in silent Sorrow for all these years. It shook me to the f%*king core! As we watched in horrified silence for about a minute or two, I saw what I first took to be a news chopper fly behind the building, but instead of appearing on the other side, The building EXPLODED! That was impact number two. Impact number 1 happened while I was dreaming, and IT was coming for me, again. Coming to gloat.
They cut to audio; I could hear sirens and the reverberations of the impact. I could hear people SCREAMING and wailing in despair. Hell on earth Kevin. Hell on Earth. I grew very angry, I was raging. I finally felt JUSTIFICATION for all of my Paranoid habits and feelings. I am not saying I KNEW, I'm not saying I'm psychic or special. I bet ALOT of People had the same dreams as I did preceding this event. Maybe they woke up terrified or crying but could not remember the substance of their dreams.
When so many people are RIPPED from the world the EFFECTS ripple, always forward as grief and anger, and maybe, if the emotion is strong enough and the Energies expended by the Emotions of the people involved are strong enough, the Energy can travel in both Directions like the ripples in a pond. The present is the pebble, the shore is the future, and the rest of the lake and the opposite shore is the past. If you throw a pebble close to shore, the ripples on the far side of the lake may not be noticed hardly at all. If you throw a boulder, or 4,700 plus pebbles at the same time, the ripples will be noticeable, especially by those who are looking at the water, or are on the water.
This is the worst thing that has happened in my lifetime. I am not crazy, I am not making this up. This is what I experienced. I am still Sorrowful, but now I know why. I hurt for the families. I hurt for the People who Died in horrific ways. There are Millions of Americans who now Feel what we have been feeling, as if you are a sad child, and the only thing that can quench your sorrow is to curl up in your mother's arms, the first and most IMPREGNABLE fortress you experience in life, but being prevented by some force, a force that has forever STOLEN your Security, Safety and Peace. Everyone in this nation, to a greater or lesser degree, is now like us, a little bit Paranoid and sad, wanting our mommies to make everything RIGHT AGAIN, but knowing that EVEN there, we are not safe and that not even Mommy can Put the world to RIGHT ever again.
My finance asked me a very difficult Question this morning. She really seriously asked me if my knee injury could keep me from being drafted. The news people were discussing the possibility of a war and the draft. She does not want me to go. I broke down. This was something I had been struggling with since I saw the Towers fall. As the tears slid down my cheeks I looked her dead in the eyes.
"Name Deleted", I said, my voice cracking. "They will not have to draft me. I may, when the time comes, shave my head, and march into the Recruiting station head held high." then I put my hands over my eyes and wept for the first time during this tragedy.
I wept for the mothers, I wept for the fathers, I wept for the Lovers that WILL NEVER again kiss their loves, except in their sweet Sorrowful dreams. God will call me. I will know when it is time. If he calls I will go. Read the bible, I will not be the first or the only soldier in His service. I have always said that I will not Fight for OIL, I will not Fight for Money, I will not Fight someone else's Fight, But I will Fight to PROTECT MY FAMILY and MY COUNTRY and for MY GOD! I do not know what FIGHT means in this context. He could want me to send food and water to the REFUGEES of the WTC, he may want me to publish a website about the events to comfort the families, he may send me to the SITE to shovel dirt and debris till I collapse from exhaustion, like so many others, or he may send me to war. The way I am preaching to you right now, he may even want me to spread HIS word, and fight for Him spiritually! Only he knows. But I feel HIS hand on my heart clearly for the first time ever. He has taken my anger and quenched it; it has cooled to duty, loyalty, and dogged determination.
The Devil has once again tried to shake OUR faith. He wants us to SCREAM "GOD WHY HAST THOU FORSAKEN US??!!" till our throats tear and bleed and all that remains of our voices is a faint whisper. He Failed. He defeats Himself, for Instead of turning from GOD, We turn to GOD, and we Kneel, and We Praise Him for SAVING so many that the DEVIL tried so hard to destroy, and we pray to HIM to hold our loved ones tight to his bosom and to forgive even those who were not the best Christians, like me, and to open the gates for them.
Instead of raising our voices in blasphemous lament, we raise them in song and prayer, till the Devil quakes with fear and torment in the darkest corner of HELL. We pray for our HIM to give our Leaders wisdom, and to dispense that wisdom as justice, tempered by mercy. We only need to bring HELLFIRE and BRIMSTONE to those responsible. I hope that our leaders will not be swayed by their anger; we need to strike, but decisively, not maliciously.

Now you think I am crazy. I am distraught and grieving and grief makes you say and mean some crazy ••••. I am finding comfort in GOD. Find yours where you will.
Just in case I do join the Army, I have decided to brush up on some necessary skills. A friend and I are going out to the desert next weekend for some rifle practice. I am going to go over my old first aid manuals and stuff too. Maybe even practice some Drilling or something.

Remember; do not let anyone read this! The last thing I need to have happen is be committed. 'HEHEHE HAHAHA they're coming to take me away OH ME OH MY HEHE HAHA!' It is for you only. I am not crazy, just hurting for everyone, as always. Protect your family Kevin; I care for you all very much.

Your crazy ass cousin

PS. NO, GOD will not ask me to do something stupid. I am staying cool and calm. I just ROIT on paper, like the above RANT. I am not preaching violence. I feel like I am being compelled or even lead to learn certain skills to more effectively protect my family, and if I have to, my country. If I can get a little Pre Study in before boot camp, it will make it easier on me, I’m not into pain.

Delete this email when you are done reading it and forward it to no one.

I wish I could do more. I have no money. I cannot get to NYC, and they would not take any more volunteers anyway. I feel the intense need to offer myself up to help. If there are any Magazines Execs that will eventually read this, It has always been my dream since I was a child to be a Photo Journalist, reporting in a foreign country. I am a pretty good Photographer, 3 semesters in High school. My mother says that I am a good writer.
I would be willing to offer my service to a magazine, during these trying times, to bring images and words back to the American people, the impressions of a young, sharp mind (minimal cost). Please Email me if you have been helped by my words, or AIM me ‘dyctator’.
My heart goes out to everyone who has lost someone.

God Bless, and May He Lay His Peace On Your Hearts.


All TV and Radio stations have full permission to Broadcast this document, if they wish, in any form or media, as long as they donate $10 in my name, to the Red cross, for every time it is read or broadcast.

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I am looking for Brian Manolis who lives in Jersey and is believed to have worked in Manhattan's financial district.

He is 38 years of age, brown hair approximately 6'0 tall.

His friends in South Dakota are concerned of his safety. We just saw him in July.

Please email at with information.

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Joined: 23 years ago
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I am looking for Brian Manolis who lives in Jersey and is believed to have worked in Manhattan's financial district.

He is 38 years of age, brown hair approximately 6'0 tall.

His friends in South Dakota are concerned of his safety. We just saw him in July.

Please email at with information.

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