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Archive through September 16, 2001

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Paul Purcell and Lamar
I am looking for Paul and Lamar, who used to live in Columbia, SC. They both worked next to the WTC and we have not been able to reach either of them since Tuesday. Candy, Fred and I are praying you are safe. If anyone has information concerning their well-being, please email me. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone touched by this terrible act. God bless America and those who make her strong.

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I just wanted to let everyone know that my prayers, hopes and thoughts are with you all,especially those who have lost a loved one or searching for a missing loved one. I too have a missing loved one and still keep the faith that soon we will all be able to find some peace in our hearts and mind.

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looking for my brother DERRICK PRINCE lives somewhere in new york ,i heard he works somewhere around the world trade center , have heard from him since he explosion. My name is Clinton Prince and my tel# IS 513 662 2880 513 6160404

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We ! can ALL do this.

Let's fight back with positivity. . . WE are in control here. the only thing between our situation and a global recession is the
spirit of the U.S. consumer.

We CAN help America TODAY. No doubt you have heard dire predictions about the financial devastation that will
occur when the U.S. stock market re-opens. This will be a second devastating attack on America if we allow it to happen. We
DON'T have to allow it to happen. Here's what YOU can do to help prevent it...

When the markets re-open, in a show of support and
solidarity, BUY at least one share of stock in a U.S.

Open your minds to imagine what a SLAP in the face
of terrorism it would be if the American markets
actually RISE instead of PLUNGE when they re-open! Can
you think of a STRONGER message we could send to those
who would seek to destroy our way of life?


This e-mail is sponsored by none,
so if you also have a suggestion for people without
stock accounts, please add that information before you
forward this e-mail.

We do NOT have to be the VICTIMS of the U.S. stock
market like we were the victims of four hijacked

WE are at the controls of our stock market and WE
can determine its course.


This e-mail is started by an average citizen just
like you. WE can create an unbelievably POSITIVE
revolution by participating wholeheartedly in this
movement to support the U.S. economy.
If we all participate in a massive stock selloff,
then we are BOWING to terrorism. We do NOT have to do
that. We have a choice.

People by the hundreds of thousands are lining up
to donate one pint of blood. Think of the effect we
can have if we line up in the same way to "donate" to
the American economy!

For very little money you can DO something to show
would-be terrorists that they will NOT win.

If you are willing to dismiss this because you are
"just one person," then look at the footage that's
being replayed constantly on the TV and consider the
tremendous impact that just a dozen people had on our world

Take part in this revolution and forward this e-mail
to everyone on your mailing list. We can reverse the
tide of the financial carnage throughout the world
just by doing that.

Do you want to show support for America? Then show
support for American companies.

Imagine the headlines we will read when we all make
this happen...

"U.S. Financial Victory -- Of the People, By the
People, and For the People!"

Respond with STRENGTH instead of FEAR when the U.S.
Markets open. In that way, and ONLY in that way, WE
Thank you in advance for your participation. We
SHALL overcome!

Peace, A U.S. Citizen
Fighting Back

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Posts: 41

To Bowood,

how uncapitalist of you. They, the taliban, over turned a communist regime who would have likely done that. They are islamic fundamentalist and not sociallist.

Why do we have starving and aid in America when we can solve this with Bill Gates wealth alone. If we use your standard, we should confiscate his and others wealth before the government should shoulder any of it.

You seem to be straddling two sides with one opinion.

To Angry American,

What stops America from sending you and every one like you to Africa because they think that your kind are the ones behind all of America's ills(besides terrorism). Haven't you heard this being said by the white supremacist. Is it that you feel it's your turn to pick on somebody. Isn't that what African Americans have been going through for the last few centuries. Isn't it time to change this. I know that it is hard to see some groups coming to America to reap the benefits of the Civil Rights Struggle wiithout any respect or knowledge of those who suffered most for it, but what you suggest can't be right or moral.

We must do better than this people. If we are to lead, it must be from the front.

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To Another American,

I was speaking of the Eastern Hemisphere. I just felt that you were against our country and right now we need to be united not divided.
I do happen to be christian but I have studied religions and know about many. Most religions do have a common ground. GOD
The reason i asked you your religion was because of the hatred you sounded like you had for the US.
Well, I am a southerner and proud to be an American.

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I am looking for Jeanmarie Wallendorf from NY. my older sister. age 23

Preyer page-

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I am looking for Dereke E. Clements, Jr., 17, living somewhere in New York. Please contact Lisa Martin at to let me know that you are/he is okay.

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My love & prayers go to everyone in this our country, evil will always be there - we must
UNITE-AS-ONE. Love, trust, and most of all freedom is stronger than any terrorist or enemy.
God bless America!.. and for those who consider themselves as our enemys may the lord have mercy on them for they have a lot to come. Lets stay strong, lets stay free.

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I posted messages every where i could...about my aol friend that was missing...NCY Fire321..out of Eng.Co.321..brooklyn.. After 6 days, he e mailed me this morning... (sunday) : )
My prayers are with the friends and family of our fallen heros...may god bless you all, keep you safe,...
Cindy,Firefighter/EMT, NJ">

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In response to Another American:
I would like to respond to the message you wrote and tell you first you missed the whole point of what i wrote, and i'm not from Africa or nor am i african-american. I'm AMERICAN and i descend from black people who been in the country well over 500 years probably more than your ancestors have and i also descend from the british people and if you have 1/16th black blood in you. youre considered BLACK. AND you have some nerve saying its my turn to pick on someone, these are the ones responsible for this horrendous act, and your trying to make this into something that its not and not face the truth. And what do you mean some groups benefiting the rewards of African Americans. the whole world has been benefiting from Blacks, especially the ones i named to leave this place. And my neighborhood, they are allowed to do whatever the f**k they want and totally disrespect and disregard my black people, and we are the reason they are able to be here. And what you mean by what i suggest can't be right or moral? Because what was done wasn't right or moral, and what we're supposed to do?, keep enabling terrorism, are you serious? You probably one of the people i'm talking about. And you could never ever know what it feels like to be the most hated race in the world, and go through what i endure everyday as a black woman, even though i have the british blood, i am and will always be a black woman till the day i die. and if you seen me you wouldn't never think i was black. And these people havent even been here in america for 100 years let alone 500. Or help build this from scratch. So when it comes time to send them home they don't have a leg to stand on. Why should they reap all the benefits that black people build and don't respect them. And they're helping the white man continue to do what he's been doing to my people all along and thats one main reason why they're not wanted. Your just a person here reaping the benefits and dont know s**t from shanoah.

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To all you Religeonists and Patriots: HYPOCRITES!!! You forget Hiroshima? Nagasaki? War is between governments and their armies, not innocent citizens! Yet the USA thought nothing of dropping atom bombs and murdering hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens mostly women, children and elderly! That was far worse than what happened in NY. But that's OK right? The USA doesn't need to be ashamed of that, right? No apology necessary, right? You Religeous and Patriotic HYPOCRITES!!! Wake up! There is only one way to solve the problem of hate and terrorism! Even if all the terrorists were found and their countries blown off the earth there would be hundreds more waiting to take there place! The underlying motivation for their hatred and violence must be destroyed! DEATH TO ALLAH! DEATH TO ISLAM!! But it shouldn't stop there! CHRISTENDOM is responsible for 95% of all bloodshed on earth the past 1500 years. Tens of millions have been conquered and butchered all in the name of Jesus! Whole native cultures have been wiped out in the name of Jesus. Religeous hatred and bloodshed is still going on in Israel, Ireland, former Yugoslovia, Africa and other countries, mostly Christian! Even the attack on Pearl Harbor was motivated by the Japanese Shinto religeous beliefs. There is only one way to rid the earth of hatred, terrorism, war and bloodshed! RID THE EARTH OF ALL RELIGEON!!! Without religeon there is no more motive for hatred, wars and bloodshed! It is the only logical answer! If you think I'm crazy you need to pull your head out! 95% of all spilled blood from wars, fighting and terrorism in the last 500 years has been because of religeous beliefs! Wake up people because this terrorist attack is only the beginning!!! IT IS GOING TO GET WORSE LEADING TO ARMAGEDDON!!! THIS IS THE PROPHECY OF REVELATION!!! No one wants to respond to this because they are afraid it's true!

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Looking for my son Jesse Dillon, travling with 2dogs and a back pack. Possibly with a female who has a dog and back pack also. He is 20 years old,6', blue eyes, sandy brown hair, has tatoo on left hand and piearcing through nose. He is very much missed please help if you see my son. Please email to if you have any information.

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Please understand that expressing your opinions on this board is really only a means to an end in that it allows all of you to begin to deal with your belief and perceived reality about the recent events, whether right or wrong. Hopefully this will begin a personal voyage towards assigning a meaning to has happened but, it will not change what is about to happen in the Middle East.

The only way to satisfy the Arab Nation would be if all people different, like European and American Whites, African Americans and all other religions, packed there bags and moved to another planet.

The Arab Nation does not want to co-exist peacefully, they have murdered and starved their own. They teach hatred to thier children and been
unable to raise themselves up from thier squalor
since since the beginning of time. They do not respect themselves therefore they do not respect anything or anyone.

The U.S. has finally waged war on the scourge of our planet. Our innocent civillians have been murdered, our soil has been stained.

Please also try to understand that being an
ex-United States Army Ranger who has seen war, I have a certain level of understanding and appreciation of what will take place in the middle east that is more realistic than most.

The sons and daughters of Allah will have there throats slit, and there bodies will be burnt, shot and disfigured. Thier babies will be killed and civilians will be hacked to death. Thier soldiers will die at much greater frequency and number than ours. Please realize I do not intend to inflame the Arabs, or our liberal
Anti-Americans living in our country, but that is simply what happens in War.

Great Americans have had to lower themselves to the level of the beast in the past, and will do it again in Victory so all Americans good and bad can continue to enjoy the freedom that these past great heros have earned.

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I am looking for Stephanie Pierce. She is a young lady I met in 1998. She is a registered nurse in the New York area. She is from Staten Island. I, also am a registered nurse in South Carolina, and met Stephanie in an area near Albany, New York. We were taking a nursing exam. I had her phone number, but lost it. I just want her to know I am thinking of her, and hope she and her family are safe.
Carol Boyd

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