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Archive through September 16, 2001

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I am a graduate rn looking to help ANYONE in need. Any medical,search and rescue or clean-up help I can provide--please contact me!!! I have a desperate need in my heart to help. God bless all those thousands of people who have lost a loved one.

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NEED HELP FOR CHILDREN??I would like to offer to care for the children of those who are working to help or to care for the children of those who are injured. I am a preschool teacher in a methodist day care center. I could do this at no charge for as long as needed. I am a single mother so there are not many ways for me to help. Please contact me at this email addy if you need me. The children will be cared for in a warm and caring enviroment with a break from the chaos near the tragedy. I live in Illinois which may be a hinder, but I am willing to help all I can. Being a former foster parent, and an adoptive parent I cant stop thinking of the children out there who are needing some assistance. I can provide references and backgound check. Heather Lance

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If any female in the Buffalo-Kenmore-Tonawanda N.Y. area has a need to help all those thousands of victims in N.Y.C.-and is interested in taking a ride to help---please e-mail me at

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I am a person with EMT training and would like to help with the search and rescue effort but do not know how to do so. If anyone has any information as to how to get involved with relieving those currently involved in the search and rescue effort, please contact me ASAP as I live less than 20 minutes away from NYC.

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Boston Dentist wants to help out--aid/forensics/anything!!!!!!!!!!
who to contact?

Please respons asap to!!

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Dear America

Myself and family sympatized with you all. We were in tears when we saw those undescriable things that people can do to others.
We are a Muslim family in Malaysia, our prayers shall be with you all who lost their loved ones and collegues.....also we hope all Malaysian working in WTC are safe...our prayers be with those who......
Ehsan Abdullah & Family
Kuching, Sarawak,East Malaysia.

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Dear General Authorities of CJCLDS

I just hope and pray that none of you had been in the WTC disaster for it is,indeed, a painfull news to us.
To d families who had lost there love ones,my heartfelt CONDOLENCE. It hurts a lot to know that many people had suffered bcoz of wrong choices of others.


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New Zealand shares the pain and disheartment with the Americans and many families who had family members working in the WTC. I really hope that all those who were involved are brought to justice. Either way, there will be justice. If not by man, then by god himself.

Ma te atua, hei manaki, hei tiaki i a koutou nga whanau pani i nga wa katoa.
May god bless and keep all those families that are suffering from this horrible tragedy.

Arohanui ki a koutou!!

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Rescue workers as Volenteers......

We are Group of Companies in India deals in Construction, Engineers, Roads, Consultancy, Travels, etc..

Many people Like Heavy earth machinery operaters, Crane operaters, Excavator operaters, Showel operaters, Truck Drivers, Dumper Drivers, Drill operators, Welders, Cutters and other demolition workers are working with us or on our panel.

We like to send workers as volenteers on our cost for the rescue operations in NY.

You should contact me immidiately that how many workers you require, we will send them within 32 hours.

We "The Indian" are allways with you for fighting terrorism worldwide as you know we are fighting against terrorism in India for the last twenty years. We lost more than twenty thousand lives due to terrorism, so we know your feelings, we are with you.

Rajesh Saksena, Director
Vasudeva Builders(India) Pvt. Ltd.
320, Suneja Tower-I, Distt. Centre Janakpury, New Delhi-110058 INDIA
Ph. 0091-11-5522134, 5559095, 5517969, 5517970.
Fax. 0091-11-5618185, 5517485

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Hi my name is William and i come from Glasgow in Scotland,and i would love to go to New York to help get there country back to normal and i dont know who to contact to arrange how to get there if someone knows could they please send me an email and let me know.I would like to say to the american people and the familes in England and Scotland and all over the globe that if you have lost someone in new york or pittsburgh,then my heart and prayers goes out to everyone who has lost some loved ones because of some sick people who are Arabs,those people who are inisint even childen,dads,mums,grans,grandads,uncles,and aunties did not deserve to die.I hope yous are proud of yourselfs and when united kingdom and the americans find out who this was then yous are going to pay.thats all and god is with your familes.

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Our hearts goes out to everyone who has lost a loved ones or who is a victim of this terror!
We pray for a world in peace!

Nurse Students of F-99, Aalborg Sygepleje og Radiografskole, Denmark.

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I'm an italian girl living in Rome.I know I can't help u from here but I'm with u.Anyway I work in an italian office tryng to help american tourists to go back home.God bless you.Simona

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I just want to say that everyone here in Detroit, Michigan sends our hearts and prayers to all the victims and families that suffered from this tragedy. I pray for all the miracles on finding the missing victims that are lost in the rubble in New York City.

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I'm an Administrative Assistant in Columbus, Ohio. If you need assistance keying information, please don't hesitate to contact me.

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