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Archive through September 17, 2001

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From the people of the Emerald Isle - we send our thoughts, prayers and heartfelt condolances to the United States of America. To those who have lost loved ones in this disgusting act of cowardice and to those brave men and women of the Fire, Police and Medical sectors who have given their time and lives to help those affected - we are with you in your hour of need. UNITED WE STAND - GOOD WILL REIGN OVER EVIL.

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Be strong and brave, as were so many of the tragic victims. We feel your loss and lend our support, sympathy and love.

Amice (London)

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I have 3 friends missing in the WTC attack, yet I feel like I have lost thousands. Please remember that though we feel like God has failed us, HE knows the world is filled with evil and HE will save us from that evil if we believe in HIM.
I am looking for a friend from Morgan Stanley, his name is Rob Bookbinder. If anyone sees him, please tell him I am praying for him.
Krista, Washington state

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Although we are many miles away from you all,
we feel your grief. Although our lives seem untouched by the events on that tragic day, we are at one with you in your pain. We are all united in spirit.......and we will overcome.
Lest we forget.

The Timmerman Family, Sydney, Australia

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Looking for Alexander (Sasha) Lygin.

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iam trying to locate my cousin peggy lewisof avenue r brooklyn. Her mother was mary geraghty from killashee co longford eire and her dad ernie lewis from newfoundland. your english family want to know that you are safe peg please call 01458 241093 anne or 01273689961 mary or 02087409975 angie

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To concerned american and all,

This is my 2nd important message to the Americans and the world.

I hope that George Bush and the Americans can pause for a moment and come to their senses.

What is the root cause of the attacked in USA?

The root of hatred is anger.
The root of anger is arrogance (being proud and look down on others)

What are the causes to most problems in the world?
Competing for money and power.

Everyday, the world is actually having economical (money) war, therefore when someone loose, physical war is unavoidable.

How to solve the whole world of problems?
Stop chasing for money and power.

Below is a basic human being question.

Are we born to suffer on earth?
Given a choice, nobody would want to choose to suffer.

The people of USA, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Japan, Palestinian, Iraq, Israel, Asia, India, Pakistan, Kuwait, Europe, etc. somehow got to suffer for some reasons for the past couple years.

It concludes that since the earth was born, most human beings has been ignorance in living their life, chasing and competing with each other for the wrong things (money and power).

It is the world system issue, the education and the society have failed and hence human moral values are bad.

The 3 poisons are greed, anger and ignorance (deluded mind).
Competing for money and power will result in greed and anger. It is also being ignorance because when we die we cannot bring any wealth, power or worldly pleasure with us.

Most of the leaders in the world possessed some form of greed, anger and ignorance. Therefore, the world is unlikely to be at peace if the leaders do not suppress these 3 poisons.

What is a human basic need?
A shelter, food & water for the day and medical assistance.
If all human beings can lead a simple lifestyle, then our major problems will be solved.

The world system has to be revamped; otherwise the world will never be at peace.

It is time for USA to lead the world to peace.

A world system must be setup, all the world leaders must participate, brainstorm for the best solutions with the main objective for world peace.

The world leaders and all good human beings must work together to suppress evil acts due to evil thoughts.

The present human minds in the world are so polluted that a balanced system must be established.

What is truth happiness?
Live a simple, humble, wise, quiet, peaceful life and appreciate nature.

One of my hope is equality among all human beings.

I hope that I have the power to stop all sufferings (everything cease to exist in the universe). The existence of all living beings on earth and the universe is a form of suffering and it is the saddess story. However, there is no such power exist to stop sufferings. No one can make decision for us because we have our own minds. However, the minds can be influenced to do evil deeds. Therefore, the wise method that I can think of, is to move towards peace among all religions and non religion. All human beings will work together as a TEAM to find out the truth about life & universe. Let’s hold hand and do research together.

The answer to the truth about life & universe has been available and it existed long time ago but the problem is that the human beings (all religions and non religion) did not work as a world TEAM and in harmony to find out the truth.

Simple mathematics: we are equal, minus the body fresh, physically we are left with skeletons irregardless of race, language, nationality or religion. The only thing left is our soul, it has no form. However, it is a form of energy and it stored the good and the bad things that we had done in this life. It moves into the next destination (dimension) after this life. The world TEAM would study, research and find out the truth. There are many evidences available.

The earth is our home, we are members of a big family.

Our galaxy comprises of about 200 billion of stars, and there are many many galaxies in the universe. The earth is just like an atom in the universe. We are so tiny, why are we killing each other on earth.

What is the consequence of attacking Afghanistan?
1. Killing innocent life.
2. You may kill Osama, but there are many counterparts elsewhere, they will rise up in future and take bigger revenge.
3. If the war is long, frustration and impatient will set in and wrong decisions will be made. It may lead to religious war or world war III.
4. Possible of biological, chemical or nuclear attack in future.

All material things are impermanence, however CAUSE & EFECT will never be empty.

The new CAUSE: If the whole world of people cultivate their minds with loving kindness and at peace and live our life wisely and happily, then the world will be at peace (the future EFFECT).

Compassion & Loving Kindness

May the universe be at rest forever.

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I would like to offer my deepest simpathy & condolences to all Americans whether they are victims,families who have lost loved ones or just Americans you our in all of our prayers & may I just finish by saying
GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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please throw brain
from the sky and
do not spare anybody

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Please could anyone help I am looking for
Mustapha Gueraouni He is on hoilday and was due to visit the world trade that fatefull morning
we have heard nothing from him and know that he would try and contaked his friends in UK
We in the UK offer our thought and love to thoes in USA and the world at this sad time

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For all the families of the terror that struck America on that fateful tuesday morning...our prayers and condolences are with you all. God Speed. "The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? The Lord is my life's refuge; of whom should I be afraid? When evildoers come at me to devour my flesh, My foes and enemies fall. Though an army encamp against me, my heart will not fear; Though war be waged upon me, even then will i trust." PSALM 27.

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I am looking for my good friend Arthur Bruhmuller. He works in Manhattan's Financial District. I have not been able to get in contact with him since the disaster. I am very concerned and worried. If anyone has information, please email me at
My heart goes out to all who have lost their loved ones. I hope that all Americans will find the strength to carry on. I have great admiration and respect for all those who help, recover and resque the victims.

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Wanting to check if an old friend called Mark Topping is OK. Worked with him in cape cod area in 1989 and stayed with him in manhattan area of New York city for few days in 1993. Lost contact since then. I hope you are OK and been thinking about you over last few days. Please contact if OK. Tom Henery (Scotland).

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To the people in America:

YOU'll NEVER WALK ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gurtie, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

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