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Archive through September 17, 2001

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Cindy Lou Craig - Where are you? Are you okay?? I am extremely concerned and worried that you have been hurt. Last address is on Christopher St. Please contact me ASAP if at all possible. Mary Markley-Wright; or If anyone has her status please let me know. You have my love!! Mary (Texas)

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Dear Americans,

I feel fear aswell my friends overhere. We think about you all and hope you'll find the strenght to survive this drama.

I was in december '98 in NY and was on top of the WTC (restaurant), when i say my pictures yesterday, i felt so much sorrow and pain.......


Gurtie, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

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In a television program it was said that the images of Palestinians celebrating in the streets after the attacks were not recent images; that they were old images celebrating something in their own village weeks before the attacks and had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks, and that the media used these images incorrectly to inflame the situation. Is this true?

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* Brian Novotny *

Picture of:

Brian Novotny, 34, 6'1", brown hair, brown eyes, plaid shirt, khaki pants, brown shoes, brown belt. Brian is also wearing a gold chain along with a crucifix.

Employer: Cantor Fitzgerald
Occupation: Broker
Location: World Trades Center, Floor 104, Building 1 (North Building)
Date of Birth: December 28, 1967
Age: 34
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Clothing: Plaid Shirt, Khaki pants, Brown shoes, Brown belt. Brian is also wearing a gold chain with a crucifix

If you have any information regarding Brian Novotny, please email:

God Bless you Brian

Love always your cousin,


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Instead of invasion through Pakistan, why not go through Syria and Iraq and wipe them out on our way!

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I believe the film was for real, Palestinians themselves have apologised for the insensitivity.

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Please if you have heard or saw Lisa since the attack on the world trade center please contact us, we are desperately trying to find out something, we have not heard a word about her, she works for Marsh & McLennon on the 100th floor, blonde hair, about 5.5, medium build.


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The cowards have probably by now crossed with their chiefs into Iran or Pakistan unchallenged. Why do we spend so much time messing about with these people. Hit them hard and finish it.

Wipe out the very heart of their people and country and destroy their heart.

What do we do now if they have escaped into neighbouring countries - attack them too. Yes, and call up everyone willing to fight them.

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Dear Americans,

May I give my deepest sympathy for what you must be going through at this time. Even though you guys must be going through hell, you seem to be getting on your own two feet and trying to get things back on an even keel.

I am British and I would just like to tell you all that we are RIGHT BEHIND YOU. We must take out any of the parties responsible for such devastating and vicious actions.

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Our family is searching for a volunteer at the WTC on 9-14. His name is David Townsend and that all the information we could gather. If anyone knows where he is from, please email our family ASAP at cbenning@hotmail.

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We are looking for Jonathan S Ryan who worked on the 84th floor WTC2

Have you seen him?
Here's his photo

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I'm looking for my cousin Edward Murphy. He worked on the 105th floor of WTC building 1 for Cantor Fitzgerald. Any info from anyone would be very helpful. My e mail address is Thank you and God bless everyone.

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We are trying to get information on PATRICK HALOWELL (may be spelled wrong), who was apparently at the Pentagon. His name is not on any of the lists - survivors nor missing.....and the government will not confirm anything about anybody right now. We have reason to believe he did not survive. If anybody has information, please call 512-336-3723 (I will pass the message along), or if his mother sees this, PLEASE CALL MY BROTHER Cary back -- he didn't get your phone number! My parents want to call you. My mother is very upset. I hope that what we have heard is not true. God bless all.

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We are trying to get information on PATRICK HALOWELL (may be spelled wrong), who was apparently at the Pentagon. His name is not on any of the lists - survivors nor missing.....and the military will not confirm anything about anybody right now. We have reason to believe he did not survive. If anybody has information, please call 512-336-3723 (I will pass the message along), or if his mother sees this, PLEASE CALL MY BROTHER Cary back -- he didn't get your phone number! My parents want to call you. My mother is very upset. I hope that what we have heard is not true. God bless all.

P.S. You can email me at

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Will revenge solve any problem? Revenge and hate, this will never take an end. We don't understand the terrible disastre, we have not imagination enough. How are human beings? However:Can we live with the postulate eye for eye and thoot for thoot? Aren't we more educated? If we burst out in sorrow for our civilians, why should we want to hurt other innocent civilians? Will we then get back our dead friends? Will it make the accident never happend? No! Dear friends, no! This is not a classical war against America although people that planned this hate America to death. We must fight an international war against terrorism. Perhaps the matter that many Americans never had to fight an international war on their own homeground make them believe that war is great? Are some Americans captured in a sort of war-romantism? What will happend if America startes an unreflected bombing against some enemy over there? We'll have great losses, we will never come to an end. And we will for sure never get back what we lost. We will loose more, our young sons and more civilians. If the reason to start a war is to fight back the sweet dream of innocence and peacefulness, it will never apper, unless, however, we use the atomic bomb. Then, dear friends, then we will have the complite quietness we longed for. Quiet for ever. And that will for sure be the loss of the earth, one of Gods marbles will miss for ever.

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