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Archive through September 17, 2001

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Looking for Mary and William Jackson. Air Force
station @ the Pentagon. Pls call me 810-801-3709

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We are missing since the 11th September HEIKE SABROWSKI. She comes from Weimar, Germany. Heike was born on 17 May 1977, has brown long hair and her height is 170 centimeter. She did a tour in America together with her friend and was on this day in New York. Since the day she is missed.
49 38727 80163 (Dana Greve & Katja Hannighofer, friends of Heike's sister)

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* Brian Novotny *

Picture of Brian:

Brian Novotny, 34, 6'1", brown hair, brown eyes, plaid shirt, khaki pants, brown shoes, brown belt. Brian is also wearing a gold chain along with a crucifix.

Employer: Cantor Fitzgerald
Occupation: Broker
Location: World Trades Center, Floor 104, Building 1 (North Building)
Date of Birth: December 28, 1967
Age: 34
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Clothing: Plaid Shirt, Khaki pants, Brown shoes, Brown belt. Brian is also wearing a gold chain with a crucifix

If you have any information regarding Brian Novotny, please email:

God Bless you Brian

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My heart goes out to those who have missing loved ones and also to those who have lost loved ones. This is such a tradgedy but we will over come this and we will keep on praying for those who are searching for missing loved ones, in hopes that they will be found. I am also sending my thanks to those who are helping with the clean-up, this being medical workers, fire fighters and the many other volunteers. Again Prayers are with you all.

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The world will never be the same, life on Mother Earth has changed....Sadness fills this American's heart. Sadness and fear, what next? How many more lives will be lost? When will enough be enough. I already see the fear and hurt in American's eyes all around me. People that are Americans are being punished by vegelanties. I pray to my loving higher power that our leaders will use the best judgement not just for America, but for the world.

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Terrorism is something we should have dealt with before this tradgedy. Now everyone looks at it just as revenge. This did bring terriorism on the home front. I just want to punish the ones that are the terriorist and the ones that support them. I will also be sad for those innocent people who die there too. Anytime a person dies for something that don't nessessarily agree with it is sad. There will be those that lose their lives in these attacks that are against terriorism just like we are.

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Russell Schaefer

Looking for any information on Russ. He works in a building near the WTC and I have not been able to get in contact with him. He lives in Brooklyn, NY and works for Bank of NY. PLEASE, any information is greatly appreciated, email me at Alot of friends are very concerned that you are okay!

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Lives near towers. Have been unable to locate. No one has heard from him.

6', dark hair, slim. Lives on Mott St.

Contact cousin at: if you have any info.

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I have read many of the messages on this message board and as a result, wondered if a nuclear war that would end all life isn't the best solution after all.

A horrific, catastrophic event has taken place. Thousands of people have died. Thousands of kids lost their parents. Thousands of parents have lost their kids... and individuals on this message board are quarelling over who's people (race) have struggled the most. Or who's people deserve to be here and who's people don't.

The thing that makes America so wonderful is the fact that everyone who seeks "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" deserves to be here regardless of race or religion. That very idea is what has been attacked.

Others make rediculous statements that religion itself is to blame and should be eradicated. At times like these, faith and prayer are often the only things that can pull people through the pain.

Another, even more rediculous, made some off-hand remark at the sportsmanship of Americas Children during internet card games... this in the midst of a tradgedy... this is what we're focusing on?

Still more examples... others trying to rationalize why this act was committed. Trying to explain to Americans why in fact we did deserve this... No innocent person, going to work to support his/her family could ever deserve to die in those buildings, or on those planes. To suggest that they did is unthinkable.

We should be focusing our energy on more constructive things.

But what SHOULD we do? Should we "bomb them back to the stone age" and kill more innocent people as some have suggested? Or coddle them and hope they "feel the love" and therefore change their disposition as suggested by others?

Hiroshima and Nagisaki will forever be debated... Hundredes of thousands of people lost their lives... but it saved the lives of hundreds of thousands more. Was it the right thing to do? I don't know. What I do know is that this situation is not much different. An act of war has been declared on us. Thousands of people lost their lives without provocation. Just as was the case with Pearl Harbor. We must respond.

To do nothing is to send the message that these acts will go unpunished and without consequence. We must protect ourselves. This again, is another fight we didn't start.

I certainly don't have the answers. I don't wish to see INNOCENT Afghanistans die. I wish only to stomp out terrorism, whatever the nationality (if such a thing is possible). But we have to try. I don't know what comes. It is not unthinkable that a year from now, I'll find myself in Afghanistan with nothing but a gun and patriatism with me. But I will go.

I am an American Citizen. I love where I live and am proud of what America stands for.

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CNN often make use of fabricated footage, especialy during the coverage on the Balkans.

Nevetheless, we know from more reliable sources that the dancing and the cheers and the female arab tongue-whistlings were for real.

Arafat apologized for that.

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I'm trying to find my friends son last known to be working in new york.

His name is Martin O'Callaghan, born in Swindon England. June 1973.

Anyone knowing of his where abouts please ask him to contact me on

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Thanks for your insite Jeff.

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Jeff wrote

"Hiroshima and Nagisaki will forever be debated... Hundredes of thousands of people lost their lives... but it saved the lives of hundreds of thousands more. Was it the right thing to do? I don't know. What I do know is that this situation is not much different. "

Here I din't agree with you.
The situation is VERY diferent.

In 1944, it was a viable option to drop the Bomb because there were only two on Earth at our disposal.
Now there are thousands scatered on two dozen of states run by dubious governments.
To use the nukes now would be the ultimate folly.
In 1944, it was just more convenient and faster than same-result carpet bombing.


to buy the muslim clergy and urge them to make Islam a pacifist religion. A kind of Peace and Love movement. Urge the religious leaders to call the mujahedeen dangerous heretic.

Muslims are not listening G W Bush on CNN, they are listen to theyr Imam.

So buy up the muezins!

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I'm looking for information on Betsy Gansborg. She may have been in the area of the WTC at the time of the attack. She is petite with dark hair and eyes. Betsy was my best friend in elementary school, and I am uncertain of her whereabouts. If anyone has any information, please contact me via email at as soon as possible or call 478-405-9837. Betsy, if you see this, CALL ME. I'm worried about you, and I love you.

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LEA CIAVARRA!!! IT's DRE. I tried calling you over and over but I can't get through. Please let me know you are okay. If anyone has any information on Lea...please let me know. thanks.

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