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Archive through September 17, 2001

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I'm trying to find an old friend ANDREW BRUCK (42) formerly of the Royal Observatory Edinburgh Scotland, now living somewhere in NYC. We used to play together as children and he is in my thoughts at this terrible time.

I just need to know he's OK. Please e-mail">

Gordon Matthews

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Acts of violence against innocent people is indeed barbaric acts against civilization. But it must be kept in mind that these violences are directly related to political oppression and injustice. Muslims would not condone such acts, but there is a growing sense of resentment among the Muslims against the unjust foreign policy of some Western governments. US/British led embargo in Iraq has already killed half a million children. One would ask: what crime did these children commit for which they were sentenced to slow death? Israel has continued its brutality against the Palentanians and pushed them to such a state of poverty, destitituion, and humiliation that they feel they have nothing to lose. It continues to reject the UN resolutions passed since 1948 that calls for ending its brutal military occupation, confiscation of land, and state sponsored terrorism. Indeed, it defies the entire world only because it enjoys the protective umbrella of the US government. Under such an environment of political and military oppression, if a few individuals carry out terrorist acts targetting innocent people, then religion should not be blamed for their acts. These few individuals do not represent the peaceful Muslim population who would not condone taking the life of an innocent person.

When Jerusalem fell in the hands of the Crusaders in 1099, they killed 90,000 Muslim men, women, and children in just a few days. The killing rage was carried to such an extent that one French eyewitness remarked, "under the portico of the mosque the blood was knee deep and reached the horses' bridles." Several hundred years of Crusades are full of barbarism and massacre of people. We mention this piece of history not to remind one of the past horrors but only to point out that this is not the message of the Bible. And it would be blasphemous to say that Christian doctrines allow for killing of non-Christian innocent people. People who draw such relationship promote a gospel of intolerance and hatred.

Lastly, a question was raised about whether there is a verse in the Qur'an that say that 'if a muslim kills a non-muslim, it is a sure path to heaven'. Without feeling offended, let us take this opportunity and clarify that there is no such verse in the Qur'an. If someone takes the life of an innocent person, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, that would probably be a sure path to Hell for him, and not Heaven. Safeguarding and protecting the life every human being is the underlying basis of the human society. Therefore, Islam protects the sanctity of every soul in unquestionable terms. Life may only be taken through judiciary process. And judiciary process by itself is not enough. There must be specific legal causes for which Islam allows for taking life. Without going through such process, if anyone takes the life of even one innocent person, then, as Allah says, he has taken the life of the whole humanity. And if anyone saves just one life, it is as if he has saved the whole humanity.

Posted on an American Islamic site in response to some of the very angry, very hurting misunderstandings of these past few days. Please do not continue the cycle of violence by seeking bloody revenge. The terrorists were totally wrong, but what drove them to the point where they could be influenced by extremist, fundamentalist demogogues to the point where death became more satisfying than life.

I fear there is little to be done to solve this issue - but pray, and the best among you in caring for his neighbor will probably fare the best, in this life and the next. Salam.

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I am trying yto locate personel woreking at VSHIP located at 373 broadway, suite #D-5.

The persons I am trying to locate are BINDU KOPIL and ALI A. SIDDIQUI.

Your help u=in locating these 2 person will be appreciated.

Thanks and regards, Albert D. Fabrikant

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Mandy or Amanda Jo, (or her family) I do not know who you are or what your struggles may be. But the night of Sept 11, the Holy Spirit told me to pray for you by name. I obeyed His calling. I still do pray for you. Please let me know if there is anything I can do or who you are.
Your sister in Christ in Kansas

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Mike Bacon: Please contact Goldfarb at known address in California. I have been trying to get a sign of survival from you for days. Prees will be sent to aid your recovery. ds.

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In am looking for Virgina "Betty" Fox, she worked on the 98th floor of Tower 1 for Marsh and Mclennan- Ma Betty we love you and praying for a miracle please contact - Juanita, her neice at 310 766 2531

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I'm looking for my son Kareem Harewood. He was born in Anchorage, AK on 5/8/80; we moved to Brooklyn, New York in 1980.

Kareem kept in contact with me through his grandmother. However,she passed away in 1999, and I've no contact with him since then.

Kareem, is you read this message please contact your sister in Takotna, AK. Her phone number is (907)298-2326, and ask for Lynn. A fax number is (907)298-2314 @ the Takotna Tribal Council.

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This site is full of very useful links and things...she even offers a kind ear to listen to anyone who needs to talk.
Emergency nlinks
recue effort links
animal help links
and lots more

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Looking for word on Jenny Pellot and fiance Frank who is a firefighter...have heard nothing and cannot get through to NYC by phone. Please leave email message"> or, if Jenny reads this, call 510-440-1493. Thank you, Jenni in CA

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i am looking for my best friend, Sheri Lynne Ramsey. She went to new york to attend college. I have not seen or heard from her since the attack. please help me find her. She is approx. 5'1 maybe 120 pds. short arburn hair. brown eyes. she is an R.N. and was going for her masters. if anyone knows of her where abouts please contact me, and if you see her tell her she is loved and greatly missed.

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Looking for Alberto Andujar and his son...
They were at the WTC area, he called one time
saying he was ok and looking for his son, but we did't have any more communication since that.
We, the puertorrican relatives want to know something about them.

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Dear Friends,

We are looking for a employee of Cantor Fitzgerald,
Jennifer Mazzotta. She worked on the 101st Floor of
the first building that was attacked. She is 21 years old, about 5 ft 8.

Jennifer was dropped off that dreadful morning at
8:30am, and her whereabouts after are unknown. ANYONE
that has seen her that day, PLEASE contact us via e
mail. We are trying to piece togeather her location
off that day.

Thank You,
and God Bless America!

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Will Post Pictures Online

My heart goes out to all of you that are looking for loved ones. If you would like to post a picture of someone you are hoping to find, send it to me at

I will post them at:


Joe Alagna

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My heart goes out to all the families of this tragedy and my prayers are that God will be with them all. Am looking for Shannon Adams, 26 yrs old and was on the 101st floor. He is from Star Lake, New York.I don't have actual discription as He is a cousin to my friends. May god also be with all the firefighters and rescue workers and with all the peoples of this great nation.

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Dear Friends,

Looking for Jennifer Tino who worked in tower 1 on the 96th floor for Marsh. She is 5'2, 105 lbs, short brown hair and brown eyes. If anyone knows her whereabouts pls. email me. She is my sister and i miss her so.

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