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Archive through September 17, 2001

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May god bless all the American people.

Please feel free to e-mail me if anyone wants to talk.
I e-mail to American friends often.

My worries are for the children of this and generations to come.
These people are sick and may they be punished.
All my love to you all.

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May god bless all the American people.

Please feel free to e-mail me if anyone wants to talk.
I e-mail to American friends often.

My worries are for the children of this and generations to come.
These people are sick and may they be punished.
All my love to you all.From U.K.

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I do not mean to upset anyone or give "false hope" but I felt like I had to post this. My husband had a very vivid dream about a woman and a little girl being alive. The woman was around 30-35 years old and had a round face with neck length brown hair. The little girl was around 5-6 with shoulder length blond sort of curly hair. They were not related to each other. It appeared they were surrounded by kitchen equipment or other stainless steel products. The woman's name was something like Sherry or Sharon. Our hearts go out to everyone in the nation right now. If these people sound like anyone you know please contact us. God Bless.

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i pray for all the familys who r hurt.god bless

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My Choir teacher once told me to learn like you will live forever and love like there is no tomorrow.
As a 13 year old something like this takes a lot of will power to understand what has happened but I know thousands have died and many survived.

Please don't forget the children and try to talk to them and help them understand.
Don't forget to wear red, white, and blue and show your spirit for america in this time of need.

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finding for alok mehta

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Deseo saber como se encuentra mi gran amigo RAFAEL BARÓN SEVILLA quien vive en Nueva York desde hace 18 años y no sé nada de él desde entonces, si acaso te encuentras bien házmelo saber, y si alguien lo conoce me gustaria que se reporte a mi e-mail"> A todos los norteamericanos mi más sentido pésame desde San Luis Potosí, México y una pronta recuperación.BUENA SUERTE.

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looking for James Geyer or James Cove, please email me if you see or hear anything!

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I would also like to express my admiration to the families of those WHO WENT BACK into danger to try and save people and to render aid. They are HERO's and we should all be proud that these people are like us, and we are like them, Americans to the last moment. No longer will the world view us as petty, fat and lazy.

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Hello America
I need to tell everyone who was effected by this horrible tradegy that my prayers and thoughts have been with you since this happened, I feel so helpless, but I know that my prayers may help.
I am so sorry for the victims and their family's may you find peace within.
I love you
From Idaho

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Message from Aus.
Last night I watched a replay of the 2000 Olympic opening ceremony here in Aus, it's 12 mths since that event began with an incredible air of hope for peace & unity. How poignant it was seeing the athletes of the world covered in a white canvas with the symbol of a dove & olive branch projected on it.
Following the attack last week, it can all seem so hopeless. Watching the rescue efforts & seeing the response from all civil people around the world over the past week though, I hope we can agian find symbols for that "peace & unity" we all strive for.
My thoughts are with all the victims & those affected, particularly the emergency workers (as an emergency worker myself), may you find some resolve in this shocking tragedy.

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As I watched the tragedy, I cried for those who have been hurt by the hatred of others. My heart goes out to all of you who have suffered or
lost someone in these tragic events. May you find peace in your hearts and strength to go on. I pray for our leader and the leaders of the world, that they might do what is right, so that no one else will ever have to deal with this again.

For all of those who are helping with the search--firefighters, police, military, and volunteers--I offer a prayer that you will have strength to deal with whatever comes your way. Thank you for caring for others and I pray that you may return safely to your families.

Thank you to all of our family from around the world who have expressed their sadness and thoughts to us. I also pray that you may find peace and know that we in America appreciate all you've said. Continue to pray for us and for those who are waiting and hoping for word of their loved ones.

God bless America, my friends from all countries, and everyone that works for peace so that our world can be safe for all.
Love to all

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My heart and prayers go out to all the american people at this time of sorrow.
Many thanks to the brave NYFD And The Police who have done a wonderful job and even lost their life whilst trying to save many lives.
Also another thanks to all the volunteers who are willing to lend a hand.
I am from Western Australia and I would just like to say everyone here is thinking of you.
I feel very hurt and angered by this tragedy but you will prevail and those responsible will be dealt with and brought to justice.

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All my prayers, my love and my tears for the victims and those, who lost their loved-ones. Although it is nearly impossible to comfort you in your pain: You are not allone in your despair.
People all over the world are with you.


Love from Roswitha Rogall, Cologne, Germany

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I would like all of the people in the US to know that the people of Australia are thinking and praying for all of you.

I am trying to understand what is happening to your hearts and minds. It is a hard thing to come to terms with, such a great loss. So much change to your worlds.

As you may already know we here in Australia have been in shock and mourning right along with you. My father woke me in the midddle of the night to let me know what had happened to you. Many other Australians did the same.

There are many of our fellow Australians that live and work there. And those of US origan that are wih us now, here in Australia. And with the internet, this world is very small place. I feel that we are just like neibours. What happens to you affecs us all.

I wish there was a way that I could help you all. But all I am able to do is to send this e-mail. Along with my prays and those of my family and fellow Ausralians.

To say to you all that should you come our way, we will welcome you and make your stay a happy one. If we can. As we have always done.

May some peace and love come in to all of your lives.

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