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Archive through September 17, 2001

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I wish we could all get along. At 16 I dont want to grow up or my children to grow up in a world ov war and hatred. Peace should be the aim ov the world and all antions. God willing.

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Props to Missymac and U*S*A* for representing

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Props to anyone who wants to see those mother-fuckin terrorists blown off the map. Call me ignorant, I don't care. A note to Sand Nigger:

Yes I may be elitist, but your stupid Allah will not save you when our superior and elitist armed forces brings hell on your ass. Once again, to any tree-huggers out there, the only way to fight this war is with firepower, otherwise these people will continue to commit these acts in the U.S and in other innocent regions such as Europe, the middle east, an asia. The Taliban can threaten us, but we don't care!

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To All Americans and Irish who have been, or lost a loved one,

My thoughts and prayers are with you all on this, the most tragic time in world history!

God be with you all,:)

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I will respond to you mr Brain: It is not the religion what makes the war, it is always the human being that starts the war.
You say 95% from that human beings is Christian, that is based on you're own opinion, in my opinion that is perfect bullshit and based on nothing.
Because there has been wars with catholic, jewish, islamic, buddhist, sikh, and so on....

There is only one God for all of us, He/She has made no rules for us, but only to love each other.
We (stupid human beings) did make our own rules of religion, and act like these rules. So are you....and I don't think God is proud of you, but that is my opinion.

Make love not war

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Before anyone thinks that they can even begin to understand why this was done, you need to find out EXACTLY who did this; or you are no better then those who did that act.

The American Justice system is (supposedly) built on the phrases "Equality and justice for ALL" and "Innocent until PROVEN guilty". Think on the phrase "for all?" For all Americans? or truely for all beings?

So before anyone starts thinking about bombing any one county for the actions of one group or person, or even taking the life of one person, you should be 100% sure that you have the right person.

There was line in a little movie called "Schindler's List" that now more then ever is relevant: "Anyone can take a life, but true power is not to."

America, you are now, more then ever, in the international spotlight. The world is watching and waiting for your response. What you do will be felt not only by America, but by all people in the world.

Think, not only with with your hearts, but with also your head before you make any rash decisions.

The events in New York were felt the world over; we all hope and pray for the quick and safe rescue of those still trapped.

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I hope mr President and his crew read you're message mr. concerned Canadian. I hope it will be an act of wishdom and not revenge.

And you're right, the whole world is watching the USA at the moment. I'm from Holland, Europe.

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Hello Ney York and Washington, and Pennslyvannia. I am praying for you and your families. THANK YOU volunteers, firemen, police ,and military. You are WONDERFUL people and God Bless you always. Many people are pulling for you from Mississippi. Take care.

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Words cannot describe the sorrow we feel for all
involved with this tragedy We know words alone seem so useless but our thoughts are with you all at this time. We will never forget the sorrow we felt on the 11th September 2001 and our throats will always ache with tears at the mention of
that fatal day.


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There's a website that was created for people who want to send an e-mail to their loved ones who have departed this Earth. can be a comfort to some of those who are experiencing such a tragic loss. I wish I could do more.
God bless America.

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september 11 2001 will stay with us all forever.Your loss is felt around the world.We watched in horror as the events unfolded. We all have the human right to live in peace. It scares us all to think there are people who can even think such Evil.As I sit here and try to answer my childrens questions and to try and calm theirs and all our fears I can only pray that these Evil people will be stopped before another tragedy happens.words alone just dont seem enough to help but its all I have to offer. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. We will stand side by side as we always will against such Evil. We owe it to ourselves and our children. Be strong America God bless you all. From a family in Cumbria, England.

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For all those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Please know that you are not alone. God and the prayers of millions of people all over the country are with you. May God comfort you and hold you tenderly in the palm of his hand. From Atlanta, Georgia

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This is not a religious war we are fighting anyway. I agree with idigo about what he/she said about god.

People need to realize though that the USA was the one that was attacked but think of the other countries that were affected by this attack. Americans were among the people killed. Yes, we did lose more than any other nationality but it was in our country. Those in the building did not have the same religious values. SO instead of making this seem like a holy war we all need to be united throught out the world to fight terriorism. WE need to put our religious beliefs aside and do what (god) would want us to do work together as brothers and sisters. If you don't believe in god we still need you to work with us to fight the terriorist. We can't change the past but we can work at changing the future. The more people who work together the easier the task becomes.

I haven't thought about it until just now but some of the people who are condemning the US needs to look and see if some of their people of their country were injured. The US is NOT the only country affected.
How would you react?
Im like canadian i don't want us to move until we have our thoughts and plans all in order. I don't want to see people killed that are innocent.

I know i wouldn't want to be judged the same as all americans. Just like the arabs and islamics don't want to be compared to these terriorist. IT is the same thing.

But i do think it is very important that we not stand for this in the US or anywhere else in the world.

God Bless Each of YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

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to all of america and our world leaders, may god bless us and keep us safe in our hour of need. from hartville, mo. our prayers are with new york and the pentagon, all of the rescuers,victims,family and friends,rescue dogs too. my heart is broken.... jl custer.

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U*S*A :

actually, this _is_ a religious war, from their end of things.

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