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Archive through September 17, 2001

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Que Dios bendiga y salve al mundo. Todos lloramos por este acto brutal de barbarie en contra de la vida y de la paz.

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Many prayers go out to those who've lost or are still looking for loved ones. Our hearts are with you from Canada.

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LOOKING FOR STEVE LAWN OF AON WTC2!! Missing since Tuesday, Steve is around 6'2'' & 190lbs, with short blond hair & is of English Nationality. Steve is also wearing a white gold wedding band withe the engraving "V.S.30.9.2000" on the inside. His friends, family & wife are trying desperately to trace his movements on Tuesday morning. If you have any information regarding sightings in the building prior to collapse, or if you saw him outside, please contact me.

Thanks & good luck if you are searching for a loved one also

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LOOKING FOR STEVE LAWN OF AON WTC2!! Missing since Tuesday, Steve is around 6'2'' & 190lbs, with short blond hair & is of English Nationality. Steve is also wearing a white gold wedding band with the engraving "V.S.30.9.2000" on the inside. His friends, family & wife are trying desperately to trace his movements on Tuesday morning. If you have any information regarding sightings in the building prior to collapse, or if you saw him outside, please contact me.

Thanks & good luck if you are searching for a loved one also

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As I watched the horrific tragedy on my television, Tuesday morning in Canada, I was struck with a pain that cannot be described. As I continued to watch the news however, the pain slowly transformed into something that was beautiful. People, not just Americans, pulling together in a time of need and supporting one another. The tears that now flow are not of sadness, but of happiness. I believe there was a purpose in this tragic event...there are plenty of good people on this earth, but there were not enough shining stars in the sky or angels in the heaven above. May all the victims now rest in peace.

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Everyone, let's get together in spirit and with our neighbors and families and support one another in this time of hell on earth!
No matter where you live, no matter if you feel this or not, it will touch you- it HAS touched you- and I think it's the perfect opportunity to come together as humans and Americans and say, "We are still America, we are still the land of the free, and no matter how much the terrorists envy or hate us, we will stand together for life, for each other, for proof that America reigns supreme." And if we can be that supreme land of compassion and strength, we can win any war, any time.
For my relatives and friends that died in this horrendous act of cowardice, I am with you always. And if I didn't tell you enough before, I love you and always have.
I'll see you at the gates.

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Our response to these terrorist acts must be measured and deliberate. We must move with honor and seek justice, which is not the same as vengence. We do not want our actions to be just as evil or dark as our attackers.

In each of our lives we must restore the light and the love that makes us different from those that have done this heinous act.

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My heart is so heavy, my thoughts, day and night are with the family and friends that are waitng to hear from thier loved ones God bless and be with you. To the Firefighters,police and all volenteers may God Bless you and watch over you, Be safe! To America, God bless and stay strong!

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To the men who would take my Freedom;

"Even someone whose life is rooted in knowledge acts according to his own nature, because everyone behaves according to his own character. What then could men achieve by oppression?"

To these men; we will meet again when Mecca burns.

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My family's heart goes out to those families that have lost someone to
the cowardous act that has or should never have happened!!! Our
country will recover and move forward!!! As a prior Vertern I know the
pains that have changed our world, and hope that those who did this will
pay someway or another. God Bless America!!!

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Looking for a friend named Felicie Doulcet, who lives in NY since 2000. She's a friend of mine when we were working in AUH. I'm wondering where she is now, and I pray to God for her safety. If you hear or know something about her, please let me know in

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I am looking for an old friend. Mark Andrew Engel age 35 DOB 19 April 1966. He used to work in the financial district but I am not sure if he still does. I have tried to contact him but have had no luck. Please email me at if you know where he is, thank you.

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Our Deepest And Continual Prayers Are With You All

The Church, and our Pastoral Care Admin. are guarding you in our hearts and prayers day and night as the aftermath of this "Terror Diaster On America" take its toll on the thousands of victims, and bereaved families.

Please keep in mind, "We're One Nation Under God And Liberty And Justice For All".
We are in God's hands, and this war is His battaliion war zone. We are quote: "The Home of The Brave". The 'home' of power and strength that is in our living God to conquer and defeat the "enemy in the house" (USA).
Oh Hear Me USA! "God will not, suffer us to be defeated and in continual ruins of this gruesome terroism act".
The Lord is thy shield and buckler our fortress.
And we will not fear what man can do to us. He is our light and salvation he will deliver and heal us, our country and nation from this brutality of terrorists". "Stand strong and holdfast be still, quiet your hearts and minds.
Shhhhhh, stand still and see the salvation of God work and interceed for us". "He will uphold us in His hand. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand: But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look. And see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is our refuge. Even the Most High, your dwelling place". Ps. 91:7-16.(NKJV)

REMEMBER! "The War Is The Lord's" He will empower us to conquer and defeat our enemies".
IIChron.20:15-17./Psalms 27: 1-14. (NKJV)

In His Love, Grace And Sovereignty, I Love You My Brethern and Fellow Neighbors.

Stockton, California

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Our Deepest And Continual Prayers Are With You All

The Church, and our Pastoral Care Admin. are guarding you in our hearts and prayers day and night as the aftermath of this "Terror Diaster On America" take its toll on the thousands of victims, and bereaved families.

Please keep in mind, "We're One Nation Under God And Liberty And Justice For All".
We are in God's hands, and this war is His battaliion war zone. We are quote: "The Home of The Brave". The 'home' of power and strength that is in our living God to conquer and defeat the "enemy in the house" (USA).
Oh Hear Me USA! "God will not, suffer us to be defeated and in continual ruins of this gruesome terroism act".
The Lord is thy shield and buckler our fortress.
And we will not fear what man can do to us. He is our light and salvation he will deliver and heal us, our country and nation from this brutality of terrorists". "Stand strong and holdfast be still, quiet your hearts and minds.
Shhhhhh, stand still and see the salvation of God work and interceed for us". "He will uphold us in His hand. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand: But it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you look. And see the reward of the wicked. Because you have made the Lord, who is our refuge. Even the Most High, your dwelling place". Ps. 91:7-16.(NKJV)

REMEMBER! "The War Is The Lord's" He will empower us to conquer and defeat our enemies".
IIChron.20:15-17./Psalms 27: 1-14. (NKJV)

In His Love, Grace And Sovereignty, I Love You My Brethern and Fellow Neighbors.

Stockton, California

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To my dear friends in the US

The attack on your country has sent shockwaves around the world and made many people wake up from their self-induced coma. I can only hope the one positive thing that comes out of this event is that it is able to bring Western societies closer together and forget about internal bickering and start working together for a better, safer world. As a young Australian serving in the defence force, I and my Australian brothers will do anything possible to ensure that my children can have the best life possible even if it means putting my own life on the line. My sincere condolances go out to the families of the victims and my praise goes out to the American people for continuing their lives and business as best you can. They will never win the battle.

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