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Archive through September 17, 2001

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Why terrorists cannot win : EVERYBODY WILL STAND WITH USA if not immediately, then in time. Russia has a potentially massive problem with Islam at her borders. Chechnya is just the beginning. China has just recently been made a full member of WTO and much as China would like to see USA weakened by prolonged war, such a war would spell disaster for world economy and consequently China's continued economic growth. Therefore no option but to protect her interests and stand with USA. The knock-on effects of war and economic disruption in Middle East and Islamic central Asia would send already ailing Japan and Korea into terminal decline, so they will stand with USA. Great Britain will stand with their brethren come hell or high water. The rest of Europe (especially Germany) have to much invested in the EEC to allow economy to crash and burn. And another thing, what happened on 11/09/01 makes us all sick to our stomachs, regardless of economic priorities. These nations that I have mentioned have shown over the centuries that they can FIGHT , and those who would destroy democracy and freedom are in for the mother of all ass-kicking, they will be alone, because all the great nations now know that prosperity needs peace like oxygen, and no more will we fight each other over land and resources or we will destroy each other. But we WILL fight to protect the global economy, and therefore global peace. USA RUSSIA CHINA BRITAIN GERMANY JAPAN. what chance do the fanatics have against these allies ?

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This is a war of ideas. If we defeat the people who committed this act, but do not defeat the ideas that led to it, we will have a hollow victory, for others will arise and follow in the same path.

To defeat the ideas that led to this, we must affirm OUR ideas. If we respond to this with similar attacks upon innocent people, we will have reinforced the very ideas we must defeat. It is barbaric and unacceptable to attack innocents who are going about their daily lives peacefully. If we do this, we become just like our enemies - and the ideas of our enemies will prevail. Our path is a difficult one - but it is the right one. We must identify those who are responsible - including those who have preached "death to the infidel" and other such slogans, and punish them - but we must not descend to the level of these animals by attacking innocent people - women and children - wherever they may live and whatever their religion.

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To Alabama, cannot fault the spirit of your message at all, BUT The Allies in WW2 did kill millions of civilians in the fight against fascism,can you say the alternative would have been better ? US servicemen laid down their lives in defence of freedom, can you say their cause was not just, even in light of enemy civilian deaths ? Hitler murdered thousands of my countrymen/women by the indiscriminate bombing of English cities and we returned the horror tenfold on their cities, massacring hundreds of thousands in Dresden Hamburg etc. They had no respect for human life and peace so we made them pay. The consequences of the horror they unleashed on the world was slammed home by fighting fire with even greater fire. Now they are peaceful and democratic. Where have I heard that before ? Oh yes--Japan after horror of atomic bomb. Don't forget Nazis and Japanese were as fanatical as today's terrorists. I would love for your vision to be the right one, but I fear the terrorists would laugh in your face, in between cheering images of US citizens throwing themselves off the WTC in desperation.

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I'm looking for my friend, Sunshine McFarland. She worked in the financial district and lived in Manhattan. I have tried calling her work with just a "fast busy" response. I have left e-mails both at her home and business addresses with no luck. Sunshine is 6'2", 27 years old and very attractive. If you have seen or heard from her please notify me at

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To U*S*A
I agree with your last statement. But that is EXACTLY WHY religeon must be eradicated from this planet. Religeon HAS been and always WILL be a major threat to our freedom and our PEACE! The Islamic Holy Jihad believes and teaches that those who participate in attacks such as in NY are rewarded with entrance into heaven!! What kind of a sick sadisdic bastard would believe and teach such sadism? What kind of a sick sadisdic god do they worship? Is this not another example of religeon being a threat to freedom and peace?

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With US trying to get help from Pakistan, for
me it looks like asking help from a terrorist
to eradicate terrorism. Will that Work? Following
is the list of Terrorist outfits(about 50) supported by Pakistan which have resulted in atleast 50,000 life in india(a magnitute 10 times that of current attack). For more info you can visit (south asian terrosist portal)

The Big List begins Here--->

Hizbul Mujahideen
Harkat-ul-Ansar or Harkat-ul-Jehad-e-Islami
Jaish-e-Mohammad Mujahideen E-Tanzeem
Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front
Al Badr
Al Barq
Al Jehad
Jammu & Kashir National Liberation Army
People’s League
Muslim Janbaz Force
Kashmir Jehad Force
Al Jehad Force (combines Muslim Janbaz Force and Kashmir Jehad Force)
Al Umar Mujahideen
Islami Jamaat-e-Tulba
Jammu & Kashmir Students Liebration Front
Islamic Students League
Mutahida Jehad Council
Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqar Jafaria
Al Mustafa Liberation Fighters
Muslim Mujahideen
Al Mujahid Force
Islami Inquilabi Mahaz

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ)
Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP)
Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan (SMP)
Muttahidda Quami Mahaz- Altaf Hussain (MQM-A)
Haqiqi Muhajir Quami Movement (MQM-H)
Baluch People's Liberation Front (BPLF )
Baluch Students' Organization - Awami (BSO-A)
Baluch Students' Organization (BSO)

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Also, I believe that the animalistic act on September 11th is now a pivotal point in human history. I believe we are now in the final countdown to Armageddon. A few months or a few years. It's coming! Prepare yourself before it's too late! Prepare to change your religeon!!

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My thoughts & prayers are with you all

GOD BLESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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the people of the east Texas town of Huntington are praying for the soul of the lost and the those who were left behind.May God give you ease.GOD PLEASE BLESS AMERICA!

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I don't know what words there are that can possibly ease the pain of this terrible tragedy. I still can't get over what happened last week. I keep asking myself why? Why did this happen...How could someone do such a thing like this. It's beyond me.

My sincere condolences go out to anyone who has lost family or friends in this disaster, and to the whole of the USA also.

Time will help to heal, but memories will be with us all forever. Keep your strength up high, and together, we will get through this.

The whole of the UK is thinking of you all.
God Bless.

Shell, Yorkshire, England

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My thoughts are with all the victims, their families and loved ones. You are in my heart and my prayers. Words are not enough at a time like this. God Bless you and keep you.

Love from a South African

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It took seven to create the world, we now ask you to join us in spending the next seven days recreating it.

Wherever you are, join us for the next seven days FEELING this new world and praying it into existence. Spend ten minutes in silence each night knowing that we are creating a new world based upon the laws of compassion and peace.


11 September 2001

Dear Friends Around The World,

The events of this day cause every thinking person to stop their daily lives, whatever is going on in them, and to ponder deeply the larger questions of life. We search again for not only the meaning of life, but the purpose of our
individual and collective experience as we have created it - and we look earnestly for ways in which we might recreate ourselves anew as a human
species, so that we will never treat each other this way again.

The hour has come for us to demonstrate at the highest level our most extraordinary thought about Who We Really Are.

There are two possible responses to what has occurred today. The first comes from love, the second from fear.

If we come from fear we may panic and do things-as individuals and as nations-that could only cause further damage. If we come from love we will find refuge and strength, even as we provide it to others.

This is the moment of your ministry. This is the time of teaching. What you teach at this time, through your every word and action right now, will remain as indelible lessons in the hearts and minds of those whose lives you touch, both now, and for years to come.

We will set the course for tomorrow, today. At this hour. In this moment.

Let us seek not to pinpoint blame, but to pinpoint cause.

Unless we take this time to look at the cause of our experience, we will never remove ourselves from the experiences it creates. Instead, we will
forever live in fear of retribution from those within the human family who feel aggrieved, and, likewise, seek retribution from them.

To us the reasons are clear. We have not learned the most basic human lessons. We have not remembered the most basic human truths. We have
not understood the most basic spiritual wisdom. In short, we have not been listening to God, and because we have not, we watch ourselves do ungodly

The message we hear from all sources of truth is clear: We are all one.

That is a message the human race has largely ignored. Forgetting this truth is the only cause of hatred and war, and the way to remember is simple:

Love, this and every moment.

If we could love even those who have attacked us, and seek to understand why they have done so, what then would be our response? Yet if we meet
negativity with negativity, rage with rage, attack with attack, what then will be the outcome?

These are the questions that are placed before the human race today. They are questions that we have failed to answer for thousands of years. Failure to answer them now could eliminate the need to answer them at all.

If we want the beauty of the world that we have co-created to be experienced by our children and our children's children, we will have to become spiritual activists right here, right now, and cause that to happen.

We must choose to be at cause in the matter.

So, talk with God today. Ask God for help, for counsel and advice, for insight and for strength and for inner peace and for deep wisdom. Ask God
on this day to show us how to show up in the world in a way that will cause the world itself to change. And join all those people around the world who are praying right now, adding your Light to the Light that dispells all fear.

That is the challenge that is placed before every thinking person today.

Today the human soul asks the question: What can I do to preserve the beauty and the wonder of our world and to eliminate the anger and hatred - and the disparity that inevitably causes it - in that part of the world which I touch?

Please seek to answer that question today, with all the magnificence that is You.

What can you do TODAY...this very moment?

A central teaching in most spiritual traditions is: What you wish to experience, provide for another.

Look to see, now, what it is you wish to experience - in your own life, and in the world. Then see if there is another for whom you may be the source of that.

If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another.

If you wish to know that you are safe, cause another to know that they are safe.

If you wish to better understand seemingly incomprehensible things, help another to better understand.

If you wish to heal your own sadness or anger, seek to heal the sadness or anger of another.

Those others are waiting for you now. They are looking to you for guidance, for help, for courage, for strength, for understanding, and for assurance at this hour. Most of all, they are looking to you for love.

We love you, and we send you our deepest thoughts of peace.

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I have been unable to sleep because I have been so worried about my longtime friend Brendan Loder. Please, please get in touch with him if you read this and know his whereabouts. My life is on pause until I get word he is OK. He has done so much for me that I can't "leave the scene" (so to speak) until I know he is OK. Good vibes and love to us all. ~Robin

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I spent a yearin the U.S. as an exchange student 17 years ago, and I learnd that different cultures can understand each other.

I still cannot hear from some of my friends in New York, and when I think of those who are missing, and of families of the victims, I feel strong anger against those who used the coward way of terror.

I would like to send my love to the victims and to the families and friends of the victims. And Plese remember, everybody there in the U.S., you are not alone.

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