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Archive through September 19, 2001

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Onze oprechte deelnemen gaat uit naar AMERIKA.WIJ leven met U allen mee.Wij geloven dat er ondanks al het kwade wat er geschiedt is,in onze mensen ogen niet te bevatten is,maar GODE zij dank is er een GOD die altijd bij ons is,en voor gerechtigheid is.Wandt nu worden wij op de proef gesteld,of wij geen eigen rechter gaan spelen.MAAR er is er een die regeert ondanks het vele verdriet,wij huilen met U ALLEN MEE.En wensen u gods zegen,wat de toekomst ook brengt.GOD BLESS AMERIKA.

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This is a reply to Missymac!!!!!!!1
I have never heard it put better. I agree with all you say, and in trying to explain the situation to my daughter said almost exactly your words. Unfortunately I did not put it so well.
I will end by asking, just how many of these anti Americans would refuse a Green card if lucky enough to be offered one?
There is no doubt that the US will come through this evil even stronger and I wish them well. I also offer my condolences to all who are suffering.
Maggie from England

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and there is a split -

yes, the american's who went to work in the trade centers on tuesday were innocent, living their lives in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness for the most part.

unfortunately (as taxpayers) each person who went to those buildings on tuesday contribued (some with knowledge, and some ignorant of the fact) to the support of american government - which is not always innocent.

i've read some earlier posts that deride the 'tree hugging hippies,' others that want to nuke the entire middle east, and still others who think only american-americans should have any say in the matter. truth to be told - this is one planet, many people, many religions and lots of history. this board is supposed to be a forum on How America Should Respond. i can only hope that the wisdom of our government is greater now than it has been in the past. by ignoring the result of manipulating the world under the title of 'leader of the free world' what happens next might be even more frightening than what happened tuesday. Pray.

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To Fredledinque...

Thank you for pointing out my ambiguity. I certainly did not intend to give the impression that I am vollying for a nuclear strike. I meant only that this situation is similar to that of Pearl Harbor (and therefore Hiroshima and Nagisaki) in that we must, in some way respond. To do nothing, would mean to leave our country and others exposed. We (any who oppose terrorism) must protect ourselves. I don't claim to know the best way to do that.

To Anon,
In response to this:

"unfortunately (as taxpayers) each person who went to those buildings on tuesday contribued (some with knowledge, and some ignorant of the fact) to the support of american government - which is not always innocent."

There isn't a Government in existence, nor has there ever been a government that is "always innocent". The US Government is no different. We (the American People) understand that, and constantly engage in passionate debates concerning certain practices of our government, beit an internal issue or an international one. Neither our country nor our government is perfect, but we do, as a country, struggle to do what is right. That is the American Government. And that is what the taxpayers are paying for.

To insinuate that these victims are in some way responsible for the recent terrorist attacks because they pay taxes is ridiculous.


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I watch world disasters from a 3rd person perspective. It helps me understand what's going on before I form an opinion. You may notice that as headlines progress we are bombarded by atrocity and grief. The press embellishes (sp?) and makes things seem worse than they really are. They have a history of getting the public all wound up. I am NOT saying that this is not a disaster. It IS. But we must remain level headed when dealing with these kinds of things.

Right now, many people are angry, upset, sad and are looking for blood. If we were to start a war with a nation before we were certain of who REALLY did it, we would be creating an atrocity of our own and would be no better than they.

Yes, we need to bring justice to those who deserve. But it is not for us to bring justice to those who do NOT deserve who are of the same race.

If we show rage, we are giving them what they want. If we show compassion with justice, it is like heaping hot coals upon their heads. I pray that our leaders would make wise decisions before they act, instead of acting out of anger and looking for anyone to pay.

We happen to pick the most likely person who we think did it and make them pay. However, do we really know they were the ones? I would make certain before we act.

I see a lot of comments "Nuke Them". Well, would YOU like to be Nuked? I didn't think so. You could imagine that the civilians there feel the same way.

Anyway, I have said enough. Think before you act!

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I agree that we do need to be careful about who we point the finger at... and therefore be careful about who we bring to justice for this.

However, I think the fear of a quick bombing to satisfy the appetite for revenge is behind us. It's a non-issue now. We have been told for many days now by President Bush that this is going to take a long time, it's not going to happen quickly, and that "we're going to get it right". It sounds as if we are being very careful and not only that, we are involving many other countries. This isn't just going to be "US vs. The World". This is going to be "The World vs. Terrorism".

The 2 things (among others) that really scare me are 1) the method in which these terrorists fight. They strike out at innocent people and then hide behind more innocent people because they know that the rest of the world wouldn't dare stoop to their level: and 2) increasing incidents of people in this country lashing out at Arab Americans because of the fact that there isn't going to be an immediate response. There is going to be a lot of anger with no place to go for a while.


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I bleive that we should take care of this matter but I'm scard that if we rush into war that our enemy Are ready and thats what they want. I think if we really should think things over and wait until we are sure that we have the terrorist out of the Usa also we should wait a few months befor we attack ,so they are not expecting and we sneak attact on them I Really dont think my heart can handle another person getting hurt or worse
I'm not ready for war . Mary

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TIME to take stock now people,things can only get worse,the ball is rolling,im,scared that it may well be out of control,if the muslims really want to live in peace,and they say that their faith teaches them the ways of peace,then let them prove it,lets live together and tollerate each others ways,and not try not to opress,let none of us hide behind the mask of religon,in order to commit murderous acts of atrocity,and remember no matter what action may be taken,mr.bush will not please everybody,the muslim comunity here in England are ready to rise up against us and bite the hand that feeds them, they do not hide this fact,they even go out of their way to tell us openly to our faces,we must blame ourselves for the P.C.BRIGADE,that we have given so much power to in the past,we must act and act now,for the enemy is powerfull and they are within. Nukes wont kill them,theyll just kill us all slowly.We need to root them out at sorce,they must fofeit their rights so that they cannot gain the power to execute any more atrocities,the ones that are genuine have the right to live amongst us in peace,the ones who are not should be delt with accordingly.GOD BLESS AMERICA AND THE FREE WORLD.

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jeff -

i did not mean to insinuate that the victims of these attacks should be held responsible for the terrorist attacks because they pay taxes. the only people responsible for the attacks were the attackers/orchestrators of the attacks themselves. nothing would justify the mass destruction that occurred. my apologies for the misunderstanding.

i only meant to point out that while we can in some ways claim american innocence - in other ways we must own up to the past decisions of the american gov't - which is not perfect, just like no gov't is perfect.

don't get me wrong - i am with you that justice is needed badly. i am glad that bush will take his time and be accurate in his counterstrike and countermeasures. for now, peace be on you.

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peace be on us all.

Thanks anon.

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if you think that this is a joke you are wrong!
It is not the best thing to do bombing whoever attacked the U.S we do not even know who did this terrible thing but if you think that we should bomb and kill inocent people and kids you are wrong. All the Arabs do not all agree with what they did I mean it Was only a certain amount of people it wasnt the whole place. I think we should just find out who exactly did it before we even take retalliation. I admitt what they did was wrong, but if we were all the really best Americans that people say we are than we wouldnt be taking revenge in a ugly bloody way. This is History so learn as much as you can, not to be ugly and fight back but to make sure and compramise. So if any thing should happen then

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As a former member of the SAS I would have to say
that several insertions of teams of these British Special Forces coupled with good intelligence,
could inflict a great degree of damage on Osama's
group. Delta Force and the Navy Seals of the U.S.
do not have the mental ability or field experience
to obtain the same level success as the SAS.
As an operations instructor I have had the opportunity to train members of the U.S. Delta
and SEAL teams and have been generally disapointed
with their ability to think for themselves. 3CCRI

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I am looking for Fred McNeely (Deutsche Bank). He
is listed as being seen at Beth Israel, but there are no updates beyond that. He is a very special person, to me and to all that know him.
Any information would be deeply appreciated. Please contact me at

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I am looking for whereabouts of Mr. Hideya Kawauchi from Fuji Bank in WTC. He is 5'8", 140lbs. His picture is in CNN missing person "view photos" under K. If you have seen him in a hospital or anywhere, please, PLEASE contact me at .

All of us his high school club members are very concerned.

Thank you

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If anyone knows about Greg Wachtler or anyone else in this company then contact me at anyone's heard about Alber and company and anyone who survived in the company then please contact me right away...the company itself hasn't heard from any of it's employees...his friends and his parents are worried about him...

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