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Archive through September 19, 2001

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Isn't it fun. Now we are going to have a Holy War.
Looks like the start of yet another Vietnam.

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To these men; we will meet again when Mecca burns.

Hey Mom, some guy here says they're gonna burn our bingo hall.

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True, I always take my dog with me.

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The trouble is that the Americans are such an agressive race. Why even their own kids take guns to school to shoot fellow students.

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Isn't it a hoot. Watched workers going to work today. But none were carrying the national flag. So why are Americans going to work carrying flags.
Maybe I'm missing something?

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I am looking for Pakistanis who are missing or dead in the World TRade center disaster.

If any one has any information about them please email their names/telephone numbers me at

Thank you
s abbas

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Just what is a "box cutter" anyway?

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Looking for Les who worked in the WTC in
computer maintenance. Home in New Jersey.
Les was a gay man in his 40's who had an
Italian boyfriend. I exchanged emails with Les
for several months. I would like to know if and
hope he is safe. I am extremely worried.

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Im am looking for John Rodak he worked for Sandler O'nielle & partners in the wtc#2 bld. on the 104th fl. If anyone has information or worked with John please contact me asap. Any info will help..


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I'm searching for Kevin Manlow. I am a friend of the family. I have the computer. Kevin Manlow is a Stock Broker employed by a firm in one of the two WTC buildings. Rosemary Meyer is Kevins mother. Rosemary has recently moved from Selbyville Delaware to Honey Brook PA. near her daughter Christine.The Phone number there is 610-942-7729. My E-mail address is My phone is 302-732-1370 or My Office is 1-800-336-9425 Extension 3016.Any information will be greatly appreciated.My prayers and thanks to all.
Ronald F. Atherton

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I'm searching for Kevin Manlow. I am a friend of the family. I have the computer. Kevin Manlow is a Stock Broker employed by a firm in one of the two WTC buildings. Rosemary Meyer is Kevins mother. Rosemary has recently moved from Selbyville Delaware to Honey Brook PA. near her daughter Christine.The Phone number there is 610-942-7729. My E-mail address is My phone is 302-732-1370 or My Office is 1-800-336-9425 Extension 3016.Any information will be greatly appreciated.My prayers and thanks to all.
Ronald F. Atherton

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We pray for all the lost souls, and hope for more survivors.
G, Lincoln,Lincolnshire,Great Britain

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* Brian Novotny *

Picture of:

Brian Novotny, 34, 6'1", brown hair, brown eyes, Brown Long Sleeve plaid shirt, khaki pants, brown shoes, brown belt. Brian is also wearing a gold chain along with a crucifix as well as a silver watch.

Employer: Cantor Fitzgerald
Occupation: Broker
Location: World Trades Center, Floor 104, Building 1 (North Building)
Date of Birth: December 28, 1967
Age: 34
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 195 lbs.
Eye color: Brown
Hair color: Brown
Clothing: Plaid Shirt, Khaki pants, Brown shoes, Brown belt. Brian is also wearing a gold chain with a crucifix

If you have any information regarding Brian Novotny, please email:

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Linda Hanes if you are ok please mail me!!
Or send a message to our list on :

We are worried and afraid something has happened to you!
Please contact us cos we are in tears and worried sick!!
Love you girl!!

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To "Curious":

Box cutters -- like ones that were probably used in the hijackings -- are basically retractable razor blades several inches in length that are enclosed in a plastic or metal sheath. There is a plastic catch that allows the user to push the razor blade out of the sheath to whatever length he wants. If you push the razor out of the sheath far enough, it would make a very sharp and very lethal knife. Typically, they are used to cut up large numbers of boxes (such as in the back of a grocery store after delivery of food in boxes).

These would definitely be lethal weapons and apparently the hijackers were able to hide them in their carry-ons when they passed through airport security...because when retracted they might not resemble anything dangerous.

I am sure that the FBI has already talked to all of the security people at the airports in Boston, Portland, Newark and Dulles to find out exactly when the hijackers went through security and who was manning the machines when they went through, to see how they missed these.

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