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Archive through September 20, 2001

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For those who would like to send letters and cards of condolences, flowers, poems, thoughts, and well wishes. This will console others and help to heal ourselves.

I, like many others I'm sure, would like to send condolence cards and well wishes, to the heroic Firemen, Policemen, volunteers and victims of New York City, Pentagon, and Pennsylvania, tragedies. I just didn't know where to send the cards.
Through my search on the Internet I found many places to donate money and blood, and found lists of the victims names, but found little information on where to send cards. I didnt find a "master address list" of the fire and police stations in New York, a "master address list" of the men and women that are involved in the search and rescue, or of the people among the missing. So, I decided to start one for those of us who would like to send letters and cards of condolences, flowers, poems, thoughts, and well wishes. This will console others and help to heal ourselves.
Please add any additional (address) information that you might have and then forward it to as many people as you can. This information will be useful to the many Americans who would like to send cards but just dont know where to address them.
If you know of a victim or volunteer who is in need of a card, please post it to this message before you forward it or post it to a message board. I have tried to be as accurate as possible, please do the same. Thank you and may God Bless America, Donna, California, (Sept 17, 2001)


Mayor Giuliani, City Hall, NY, NY, 10003

Governor George E. Pataki, State Capitol, Albany, NY 12224

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, 476 Russell Senate Office Building, Washington DC 20510

Pentagon, Arlington, VA

NEW YORK POLICE DEPARTMENT (many lost and missing)
Precincts 1, 5,6,7,9,10,13, and 17, cover the South side of 59th St. and are the home of the Empire State Building, Wall Street, the United Nations, and the World Trade Center. Cards may be sent to the following addresses:
1. New York Police Department, Precinct 1, 16 Ericsson Place, NY, NY, 10013
2. New York Police Department, Precinct 5, 14 Elizabeth Street, NY, NY, 10013
3. New York Police Department, Precinct 6, 233 W. 10th Street, NY, NY, 10014
4. New York Police Department, Precinct 7, 19 1/2 Pitt Street, NY, NY, 10002
5. New York Police Department, Precinct 9, 321 E. 5th, NY, NY, 10003
6. New York Police Department, Precinct 10, 230 W. 20th Street, NY, NY, 10011
7. New York Police Department, Precinct 13, 230 E. 21th Street, NY, NY, 10010
8. New York Police Department, Precinct 17, 167 E. 51st Street, NY, NY, 10017

Joseph Caliguri is one of the NY Detective's who are tagging the body pieces from last weeks terrorist attach on NY, this a very stressful job and will go on for several weeks to come. Cards can be sent to:
Joseph Caliguri, 37-05 Union St, Flushing, NY 11354

1. FDNY Rescue 1, 530 W. 43rd St., Manhattan, NY
2. FDNY Engine 1/Ladder 24, 142 W. 31 St., Manhattan, NY
3. FDNY Engine 3/Ladder 12, 146 W. 19th St., Manhattan, NY
4. FDNY Engine 4/Ladder 15, 42 South St., Manhattan, NY
5. FDNY Engine 5, 340 E.14th St., Manhattan, NY
6. FDNY Engine 6, 49 Beekman, Manhattan, NY
7. FDNY Engine 7/Ladder 1, 100 Duane St, Manhattan, NY
8. FDNY Engine 8, 165 E. 51st St., Manhattan, NY
9. FDNY Engine 9/Ladder 6, 75 Canal St., Manhattan, NY
10. FDNY Engine 10/Ladder 10, 124 Liberty St., Manhattan, NY
11. FDNY Ladder 12/Ladder 12, 146 W. 19th St., Manhattan, NY
12. FDNY Engine 14, 14 E. 18th St., Manhattan, NY
13 FDNY Engine 15, 269 Henry St., Manhattan, NY
14. FDNY Engine 16/Ladder 7, 234 E. 29th St., Manhattan, NY
15. FDNY Engine 21, 238 E. 40th St., Manhattan, NY
16. FDNY Engine 22/Ladder 13, 159 E. 85th St., Manhattan, NY
17 FDNY Engine 24/Ladder 5, 227 Ave of Americas, Manhattan, NY
18. FDNY Engine 26, 220 W. 37th St., Manhattan, NY
19. FDNY Engine 28/Ladder 11, 222 E. 2nd St., Manhattan, NY
20. FDNY Engine 33/Ladder 9, 42 Great Jones St., Manhattan, NY
21. FDNY Engine 34, 440 W 38th, Manhattan, NY
22. FDNY Engine 35/Ladder 14, 2282 3rd Ave., Manhattan, NY
23. FDNY Engine 36, 120 E. 125th St., Manhattan, NY
24. FDNY Engine 37/Ladder 40, 415 W. 125 th St., Manhattan, NY
25. FDNY Engine 39/Ladder 16, 157 E. 67th St., Manhattan, NY
26. FDNY Engine 40/Ladder 35, 133 Amsterdam Ave., Manhattan, NY
27. FDNY Engine 44, 221 E. 75th St., Manhattan, NY
28. FDNY Engine 47, 502 W. 113th St., Manhattan, NY
29. FDNY Engine 53/Ladder 43, 1836 3rd Ave., Manhattan, NY
30. FDNY Engine 54/Ladder 4, 782 8th Ave., Manhattan, NY
31. FDNY Engine 55, 363 Broome St., Manhattan, NY
32. FDNY Engine 58/Ladder 26, 1367 5th Ave., Manhattan, NY
33. FDNY Engine 59/ladder 30 111 W. 133rd St., Manhattan, NY
34. FDNY Engine 67, 518 W. 170th St., Manhattan, NY
35. FDNY Engine 69/Ladder 28, 248 W. 143rd St., Manhattan, NY
36. FDNY Engine 74, 120 W. 83rd St., Manhattan, NY
37. FDNY Engine 76/Ladder 22, 145 W. 100th St., Manhattan, NY
38. FDNY Engine 80/Ladder 23, 503 W. 139th St., Manhattan, NY
39. FDNY Engine 84/Ladder 34, 513 W. 161st St., Manhattan, NY
40. FDNY Engine 91, 244 W. 111th St., Manhattan, NY
41. FDNY Engine 93/Ladder 45, 515 W. 181st St., Manhattan, NY
42. FDNY Engine 95/Ladder 36, 229 Vermilyea Ave., Manhattan, NY
43. FDNY Ladder 8, 14 N. Moore St., Manhattan, NY
44. FDNY Ladder 20, 251 Lafayette St., Manhattan, NY
45. FDNY Ladder 25, 205 W. 77th St., Manhattan, NY

Send cards for his family and the firemen of NY to:
FDNY Engine 1/Ladder 24, 142 W. 31 St., Manhattan, NY
(He lived across the street from this firehouse and often ate dinner with the men. He was hit with debris and killed when he removed his hat to pray over a firefighter)

Cards for the Families of the fallen firefighters
1. Cards for the families of Firefighters Andrew Brunn (28), Louis Arena, Thomas Hannafin, John Santore, and Lieutenant Michael Warchola, may be sent to: FDNY Ladder 5, 227 Ave of Americas, Manhattan, NY
2. Send cards for the family of Firefighter Martin McWilliams to FDNY Engine 22, 159 E. 85th St., Manhattan, NY
3. Send Cards for the families of Firefighter Michael Weinberg and Lieutenant Andrew Desperito (30) to FDNY Engine 1, 142 W. 31 St., Manhattan, NY
4. Cards for the families of Firefighter William Henry and Lieutenant Dennis Mojica, can be sent to FDNY Rescue 1, 530 W. 43rd St., Manhattan, NY
5. For the family of Firefighter Sean Hanley, send cards to FDNY Ladder 20, 251 Lafayette St., Manhattan, NY
6. Cards for the family of Firefighter Robert Curatolo may be sent to FDNY Ladder 16, 157 E. 67th St., Manhattan, NY

Cards for the entire NY Fire Department (as well as money donations) can be sent to the following Associations
1. FDNY, C/O National Fallen Firefighters Foundation,
P.O. Drawer 498, Emmitsburg, MD, 21727
2. To the Widows & Children of NY Firefighters, C/O Uniforned Firefighters Assoc.
204 E 23rd Street, NY, NY, 10010 (or call 212-683-4832)
3. Fire Chiefs Association, Fire Dept, City of New York
P.O, Box 253 Riverdale Station, Bronx, NY, 10471-0253 (or call 914-225-0086)
4. International Firefighters Association, P.O. Box 65858, Washington DC, 20035-
5858 (or call 202-737-8484)

1. William Randolph Hearst Burn Center, 525 E. 68th St., NY, NY, 10021
Physicians at the William Randolph Hearst Burn Center are caring for the worst burn victims from the World Trade Center
2. NewYork Presbyterian Hospital, 525 East 68th St., NY, NY, 10021
3. New York University Medical Hospital, 550 First Ave, NY, NY, 10016

CARDS FOR VICTIMS-Flight 77, Pentagon
1. Leslie Whittington, Ph.D., was an economist and associate professor with Georgetown University's Public Policy Institute. She, her husband and their daughters, Zoe (8) and Dana (3), boarded American Airlines Flight 77 on Tuesday at the start of her sabbatical. Cards for the family of Leslie may be sent to:
Family of Leslie Whittington, Ph.D., C/O Georgetown University, 37th and O Street, NW Washington, DC 20057
2. Barbara Olson (45) was a lawyer, author, television commentator and the wife of
U.S. Solicitor General, Ted Olson. Barbara spoke to Ted on her cell phone while her plane was being hijacked. Cards may be sent to Ted at:
Ted Olson, C/O U.S. Solicitor Generals Office, 950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW,
Washington, D.C., 20530-0001

CARDS FOR VICTIMS-Flight 11, Boston to Los Angeles
1. Edmund Glazer (41) was the CFO of MRV Communications, Inc. He is survived by his wife, Candy and son, Nathan. Cards for his family may be sent to:
Family of CFO,Edmund Glazer, C/O MRV Communications, INC. Corporate Center, 20415 Nordhoff St., Chatsworth, CA, 91311
2. Danny Lewin (31), co-founder, Chief Technology Officer, and board member of Akamai Technologies. He is survived by his wife and two sons. Condolences for his family may be sent to Family of Danny Lewin, Akamai Technologies, 500 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139

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I would like to send my warmest condolences to all families, who have lost somebody.
I pray for the victimes.
Shall they rest in the Piece of God.

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I live in a small town in the UK but have many friends in NY who thankfully are ok. I was in NY only 2 months ago and my partner and i were walking around the World trade centers viewing tower..i feel lucky, it could so easily have been us up there. We met a number of firefighters and EMTs on our visit as i am a nurse and my partner a paramedic, we were interested in how different the jobs are over there, the ambulance we spoke to was number 326, we wonder if they are ok? The feelings of grief and anger i feel are unbelievable, why would anybody want to harm anybody in this awful way? So many people having to suffer because of one persons mistake...i cant even begin to imagine how i would feel if i was there. I am just so, so sorry for anyone who has lost anybody in this awful attack. My heart goes out to you all. I support whatever your president and our government decides to do, this cant go on.
If anyone needs a chat or would like to keep in touch my email is mail Don't hesitate to drop me a line. God bless you all.

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hello!i'm writing to the americans,and to all the countries that lost people in tuesday's attacks.i'm romanian;but these days,i believe nationality or country of origine don't matter anymore-we are all humans.i strongly believe that you should keep the faith,and try to gather all the strength that you have left in order to go on-because you must,and you deserve to go on.don't ever give up!keep the faith!!!

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this message goes out to all the victims of tuesdays coward attacks on innocent,defenseless people.i pray God to bless those who lost their lives both during and after the attacks,and those who are still under the ruins of the WTC and Pentagon buildings that thoughts are also with the firefighters and policemen who tried to help after the disaster,and,of course,with all the families who lost a loved one.don't give up!God bless us all!!!

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With deepest Sympathy from the people of Britain. We, too have sufferred attacks and outrages at the hands of Irish terrorists for many years and understand the pain and anquish you all feel. We know that you will recover and we hope that you will find comfort and peace.

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I am praying for all of the families, relatives and friends of all the victims of the evil events of September 11, 2001. I am also praying for everyone in America during this time of anguish, anger and confusion. I am very proud of everyone in America and the way we have all united and are standing together as one. We are a country of great people who love their country and each other. The future is a bit uncertain right now but if we stay united and lend a hand to one another and trust God we will conquer all. I believe we can overcome this tragedy and be stronger for it. Hopefully the way we have united will stand more firmly throughout the years even after the heaing from this event is done. We need to turn to God as one, as individual people and as a nation. He is there for us and we must have faith in Him. He will carry us through and give us strength. I have cried so many times since Tuesday. I have tried to find a way to explain things to my 4 year old. I have been trying to find a way to cope with all the feelings I have had. I can't even begin to imagine how the people who have lost loved ones and friends are coping, or the rescue teams, firefighters and policemen, doctors and nurses, companies who lost employees and even the survivors who are most likely wondering why they lived and others didn't. Thank God for all the survivors. I wish there had been more. I am also comforted by the other countries who send their thoughts and prayers. It would be so wonderful if we could all unite as one across the world for peace. But for now I believe we can come through this on top and much stronger and more united as a nation and with God. I admire everyone who is helping in this disaster, all the American people and the way we have united, our rescue teams and workers. Everyone. I pray for everyone in America.

United and strong we stand-Our faith in God.
I am so proud to be an American!!
God Bless America!!

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God is everywhere even though it may seem like He isn't here right now - Pray and you will be heard - I once read somewhere that someone asked" I prayed but God didn't answer my prayers as my loved one died" and the reply was ' God's answer was No" - your loved ones are Angels now watching over you and praying for YOU now - find peace and pray for World peace..God Bless America...KB in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

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Having family who live in Oklahoma, I was both shocked and outraged by the events on the 11th September. My deepest sympathy goes out to all the people involved and their families. Also to the brave rescue workers who died trying to save lives and to the rescue workers who are still working so hard to find victims,Bless Them and Keep Them Safe. I'd just like to let you all know that you are in our thoughts and not a minute goes by when I don't think about the tragic events of that day and see the devestating pictures in my mind. May you all stay safe and you'll be in our hearts. And to the people who committed these acts, I have only one thing to say "What goes around,comes around", they will pay for the innocent lives they took and the families they destroyed. Peace and Love Karen & Family from Greenock in Scotland.

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Dear fellow americans
Iam sorry for the ignorenses of the terreoist attacks in America and to those plains that have crashed in to the worldtradecenter and the pentagon and the tragic moments in new york and in washington if we decide to go to war i am 100% with the idea of going to war I also hope to hear of more people being brought up out of the rocks and ruble of these cowerdly acts toward us inasent Americans.

Dustin Wiggins
rohanen jr.high
rockingham n.c.

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Hi, I have been racking my brain on how I can help New York, DC, PA & America. I gave blood but just think that is not enough.

I am going to be sending a letter to the Mayor of New York, DC, PA, President Bush and any other people you can think of next Friday. In it I want to include, dedications, poems, thoughts and anything else that you can think of.

If you would like to contribute please send an E-mail to with what you would like to include in it, your name and any other personal information you would like to include.

I will cut and paste it into one document and send it to him and any other peopel that you can think of.

If you are from New York,Washington or Pennsylvania my heart goes out to you. I am from Verona Pennsylvania and I am just heart broken.

Come on America, Our people need to hear our comforting thoughts.

Thanks for your help and God Bless, Kathleen.

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May God bless each and every one of you and May He hold you in his arms. Angels are with your loved ones now, and they are keeping watch over those who were left behind. Always remember that they will ALWAYS be with you. They can never ever take away any of the precious memories and time that you did have w/ them here on earth. My heart truly aches for everyone whom this has affected. I'm here in Las Vegas, and I wish I could be there now to help ease your pain. I can't be there physically, but I am there in every other way I can. I pray every day and I cry right along with you. America is right there w/ you. And we will support you in any way we can. I'm so very proud of the Unites States. We are all pulling together and that does my heart good. We have finally adding meaning to the first word in our countries name...."UNITED". We love all of you, we are all family. In our thoughts always. Love from Las Vegas.
The Patrick Family. {John, Theresa and Kids} God Bless the U.S.A. !!!!!!

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There is hope

When families are torn apart
and innocent lives are taken
landmarks have been destroyed
don't let hope be forsaken

When trouble surrounds you
and there seems no hope in sight
let God show you his peace
and be your guiding light

Lets help those fellow Americans
who have lost someone they love
by saying a special prayer
to the father of our country-God above-

Let America stand in unity
with God as our foundation
we will conquer any obstacles
as one union, as one nation

Let there be peace in America
Let us let our banner wave
we will stand strong and recover
because we are the home of the brave


BY: Roxanne Lentz
Eau Claire, WI.

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I would like to extend my condolences to those who have lost a loved one in the horrific acts that took place last week. My husband and I had a family member in the WTC south tower we were very fortunate to find out he made it out unharmed however we are aware that so many others have not been so fortunate and we want to extend our love and support to the victims,and their family and friends. We are AMERICANS and we will recover GOD BLESS THE USA
Sincerley,sandi H

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Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

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