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Archive through September 21, 2001

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Trying to get info about my cousin John Peruggia who is Chief of EMS for Brooklyn Fire Dept. No luck by phone. email me please.

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Posts: 1 is also another website that lists people that are ok. There is another one through the berkeley website, but i'm not sure of the web address. My heart goes out to everyone involved. I will keep you all in my prayers.

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Here is the berkeley website:

Peace to all.

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Checking on Elizabeth (Velez) Chamberlain? Was working as an EMS and her friends in S.C. are very concerned about her and her parents, Gus and Celia. Please contact with info.

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I am looking for a friend...Matt Moritz. We lost touch a few months ago. He is working in nyc as either an emt or firefighter. He moved to nyc from maryland about a year and a half ago. If anyone has any info please contact. I am deeply worried. My prayers go out to everyone.

Apryl Hobmann

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Looking for long-time NYFD member, probably one of the first waves into the buildings. Any information would really help... Greg Atlas.
my email:

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I am looking for my friend, Maryann Citarella. Last known, she is a Lieutenant (paramedic) for FDNY. If anyone can help, please let me know. I'm feeling very helpless in North Carolina! God Bless all of you, and thank you.

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Couldn't white-supremist groups be responsible ?

The grim tragedy America suffered on Tuesday is both mind-boggling and soul-searing. In its severity and dimensions, it is clearly the worst carnage continental America has suffered since the Civil War. Pearl Harbour pales into insignificance because the targets and the victims were then overwhelmingly military, the civilian casualties being only collateral.

On Tuesday, however, when the jetliners crashed into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, the casualties were all civilians - innocent human beings - men, women and children - going about their day's business. The thousands killed, injured, burnt, maimed for life and those countless others - charred by aviation fuel or mutilated beyond recognition - had nothing to do with the policies of the American government. Only a criminal mind would, thus, think of killing them to make a point to the world and to those who run the US administration. The full extent of the casualties - for that is more important than the material loss running into billions of dollars - will not be known for quite some time.

But given the fact that some 24,000 people work in the Pentagon and 50,000 in the World Trade Centre and the number goes up to 150,000 if the visitors are included, then, clearly, the casualty figure must be higher than the death toll America has ever suffered in a man-made disaster of this kind. Within minutes, thanks to the electronic media, the tragedy and grief had spilled over beyond New York and Washington or even America. In no time, this had become a world catastrophe, as millions of TV viewers watched in disbelief and horror the head-on crash of two jetliners into WTC towers and the latter's collapse in a mass of fumes, smoke and debris. For millions around the world, this was something happening nearby, as if in their own cities. Without a doubt, only fiendish minds could have thought of this crime and executed it with cold-blooded precision.

The meticulous planning that went into the crime showed itself in more ways than one. The targets were attacked within minutes of each other; the planes were not merely hijacked; those who hijacked them knew how to fly jetliners, for no professional commercial pilot - even if he is piloting a hijacked plane - would, even at gun point, ram his airliner into a building full of people. Without a shadow of doubt, the crash of the planes into the towering structures was carried out by the hijackers themselves. More important, the targets selected spoke of the political motive behind the operation: the end-result was spectacular for all to see; the targets were not only to be destroyed, the attacks were intended to paralyze America's economic life and cripple the nerve-centre of its military machine.

The World Trade Centre was not just another tall building; it was a symbol of America's economic pre-eminence. The other target was the Pentagon, symbol of America's military might. By attacking and destroying or crippling the two symbols of America's economic and military power, the terrorists proved the point that America was as vulnerable as any other nation. No matter what security arrangements the US government takes, its enemies can still manage to strike at will and at a place and time of their choice.

Very commendably, the American government and Congressional leaders, and even large sections of the media, have avoided rushing into blaming any country or group for Tuesday's criminal attack so far. In his brief TV appearance, President Bush, though tense, remained unruffled as expected of a leader in a moment of grave crisis. All he said was that it was freedom itself that was attacked and that "freedom will be defended." As for the perpetrators of the crime, he refrained from naming any particular country or group and observed, "Make no mistakes: the United States will hunt down and punish those responsible for these cowardly acts."

In this hour of crisis and grief, the government and people of Pakistan express their full sympathy for the government and the people of the United States. Themselves often victims of terrorism in various forms, they know what it means to suffer shock and trauma at the hands of maniac bombers. They fully endorse what President Musharraf said in his message to President Bush: "We share the grief of the American people in this grave national tragedy. We strongly condemn this most brutal and horrible act of terror and violence." The spontaneous sense of grief expressed by the people of Pakistan brings to one's mind the year 1963, when, notwithstanding the political differences then existing, the people of Pakistan expressed their profound sense of shock and grief over the assassination of President Kennedy.

The big question surrounding Tuesday's tragedy is: who could have plotted this carnage? Before someone could accuse Osama bin Laden of the crime, Taliban spokesmen in Kandahar and Islamabad denied that the Saudi exile was involved in the crime. Their ambassador in Islamabad condemned the attacks and said his government would not allow Osama to use Afghan territory for terrorist attacks in another country.

More specific was the Taliban's official spokesman in Kandahar, who said only a government could carry out the kind of operation that was seen in America on Tuesday and that it was beyond the power of an individual to do so. Suspicion may also fall on some Middle Eastern groups, whose main complaint against the US stems from Washington's acquiescence in Israel's genocidal policies against the Palestinian people. However, so far no Middle Eastern group has claimed responsibility for the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon.

There is no doubt that circles close to Israeli and Indian lobbies in America would like to implicate Muslim groups in the attacks. However, it is unlikely that the American government would believe these insinuations in the absence of hard evidence. One may recall the atmosphere that gripped the United States when the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building was blown up in Oklahoma in April 1995. Some sections of the media began supplying "evidence" of Arab involvement and theorizing that the terrorist job was done by some Middle Eastern groups. However, later investigations proved that the bombing was done by an American, McVeigh, who was recently executed. This time, too, one cannot rule out the possibility of some American anarchist or hate groups, or even some militant opponents of the US-led globalization process being involved in Tuesday's carnage.

There are white supremacist groups in America whose main complaint against the federal government is that, by its policies, it had handed over American cities to blacks and non-whites and that they had permitted immigration from non-European countries, thus threatening America's Christian character and way of life. Obviously, such theories and those linking the attacks on the WTC and Pentagon to Muslim groups will need to be weighed against hard evidence that emerges. Given the American intelligence agencies' world-wide network and the sophistication of their technology, there is no doubt truth will be established sooner or later. Once this is done, the long arm of the law will doubtless reach the masterminds and the perpetrators of the crime and bring them to justice. We also have no doubt that world governments will cooperate with the American government in the investigation and help it track down the criminals.

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Please help me locate my cousin, Sergio Villanueva. He's a firefighter on company 132. No one has heard from him since he was transferred over before the building all collapsed. I don't know who else to contact. If you have any information him, please e-mail Valerie at">

Thank you and Good luck to others like me,
Valerie Ferreyra

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by Deborah Jean Brown

thur this horrific loss of human life my prayers and thoughts go out to all the people who are looking for loved ones and to all the rescue workers. IN GOD WE TRUST this is what are forfathers truly beleived and so do I.GOD BLESS


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Being an exFirefighter's daughter in New Zealand, my heart goes out to all families who have lost/missing members. This devistation has certainly struck home for me in this instance.
God Bless all concerned and please know that the whole of New Zealand are thinking of everyone in the USA.
Tania, Wellington, New Zealand

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To the New York Fire & Police Services.

Thank you.

God Bless.

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I am from England and have spent much of the last 11 years coming to the U.S. NYC and Washington D.C are cities very close to my heart. The American people I have met along the way have left me with the fondest memories. They have shown me nothing but, generosity, kindness and love.
I am totally devastated by the news. I might not have met the victims but, the tears I shed are for them and all affected by this horrific set of events.
I am also seeking information on Steve Sobocinksi and family of N.J and Stephen Alston of Arizona and family. We lost contact some time ago but, I am wondering if you are all ok. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Please contact me if you have info on these people.

God Bless
Tracy Smithers Haslemere Surrey England

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Looking for any Irish firefighters or NYPD survived or families with info.">

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Guys, I have to say that you are just incredible !! You are doing such a good job !! I just want to say that I look up to you now for the amazing job that you are doing !!! You are heroes for all the USA !! Keep on doing the good work and God bless you all !!!! I will pray for all of you and I'm with you with my heart, my soul and my thoughts !! Thank you guys for being there !

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