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Archive through September 21, 2001

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The New York City Police all deserve a round of applause for their hard work during this crisis. Without them this disaster would be ten-fold.

As we all know, they have been going through hell with this terrible tragedy at the World Trade Center. This is a very traumatic experience for them also -- they are still people -- and they see the destruction first-hand. The pictures we see on television don't compare to what they are dealing with.

Despite having NOT gotten a pay raise in YEARS, they came out in full force to help out in this time of great need, many of them voluntarily reporting to work on their days off without even being asked to do so. We are so lucky to have such wonderful people protecting our city and yet they go unnoticed by the public.

New York City is one of the busiest cities in the world and the New York City Police Officers risk their lives every day. It is a dangerous job which many people wouldn't want to do. I find it very sad to see how underpaid the New York City Police Officers are (getting about 1/2 the pay that the local county Police are getting and doing more than twice as much work on a daily basis).

They deserve to be recognized and applauded.

I want to extend a heartfeld THANK YOU to ALL the Police Officers and Firefighters out their in every state and in every country. I am guilty of not showing my appreciation and want to take this opportunity to voice it! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You folks are truly New York's Finest and New York's Bravest!!!

I pray that those involved in the rescue efforts can find more survivors and I also am praying for their safety.

- Dee

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Dennis Mulligan,Ladder 2 Midtown
I am a friend of his & am worried. Please email me good or bad.
Thank you

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The " EVIL TERRORIST " should pay what they done to the innocent !

Ipoh, Malaysia

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Looking for Angel Juarbe, FDNY/Chelsea district, hasn't been heard from since 9AM Tue. If you know his whereabouts/condition please e-mail me or post at the Small Town X forum at (there's a link to the forum on that page) GOD BLESS NYPD AND FDNY!!!

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Looking for info. on NYC Transit Police Offie, James Nelson. I am a friend of his cousin. Anyone who has any info. on Steve please e-mail me

Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

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PLEASE! any imformation of lists of NY ff mia or survived, please forward to me. I am looking for Bryan Vanhoose Engine 43, Bronx. I have looked everywere, for the last 24 hours. God bless those that have sacraficed much to help those in need. My prayers are with those that have losted love ones. UNTIED WE SHALL STAND TILL OUR LAST DAY> Proud to be AMERICAN>
Sincere thoughts and prayers

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I am from Indianapolis, Indiana and looking for my friend billy Mclaughlin, he is a nyc fireman and lives in Long Island. All attempt's made via e-mail and phone have not been answered,please e-mail me with any info. on his where about's.Thank-you and God bless you all.

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I am from Indianapolis, Indiana and looking for my friend billy Mclaughlin, he is a nyc fireman and lives in Long Island. All attempt's made via e-mail and phone have not been answered,please e-mail me with any info. on his where about's.Thank-you and God bless you all.

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my e-mail address for nyc firefighter Billy Mclaughlin is

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I am a daughter of a retired Dunedin Florida police officer, and a wife of a Treasure Island sargent police officer,my heart is shattered,though i knew no one. i am proud of everyone.Firefighters, doctors, civilians.... GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU! Melissa Ashby of Dunedin Florida

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I'm looking for NYC Firefighter Mike Weinberg, from Queens, or his sister Trish. Please e-mail
any info.

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I am a daughter of a Nashville Fire Fighter in the state of Tennessee. Thirtyfour years of risking his life. He says this is one of the risks you take when helping your neighbors. The fire trucks have flags all over them. The bravery of all people involved in the rescue will never be forgotten. "FEAR NO EVIL" We shall be free today and forever!

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In the wake of this senseless destruction of thousands of innocent lives, I hope and pray that those responsible are punished with the severest form of military action - including any country which played a part in it.

I am British and know that the UK stands firm with the US and will support them all the way. I also have friends who live in the UK who are muslim and have nothing against any race, creed or colour.

My heart sincerely goes out to everyone who has lost someone to this dispicable act of wickedness.

Here in the UK, we have a massive problem with asylum seekers, most of which come from the Middle East, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan and so on. I was informed by a muslim friend, just yesterday, that a number of Middle Eastern business' here in the UK actually have cash collections, which are passed on to terrorist organisations. Needless to say, I was absolutely dumb-struck to hear this.

We could, it seems be habouring many terrorists within our own countries and borders around the globe. Just how many of their stories for asylum are true and how many have been fabricated in order to have them inserted into our communities -and if this is the case, at large and free to do what ever they want.

After the US, UK and other countries carry out whatever action is necessary, I think it is then time to take a control over just who we allow to live in our coutries and communities. We have been far too soft to date with the Middle East and it is now time to punish not just the perpetraitors of this but also the root causes of the most horrific act of human barbarism this earth has probably ever witnessed.

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I am looking for names of people (firefighters, emerency personel, passengers of any of the flights, people in the towers)and their addresses so I may send one of my healing angels to each of the families. THankyou for your help.. you can write to me at"> or visit my website at
God Bless you all.

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As a firefighter's daughter (from RI), the fact that so many are missing tears me to pieces. My deepest sympathies go out to all the friends and families of those brave souls. I pray that all your loved ones come home. 11 found so far; there WILL be more. There must be more, because we love them so. God bless all of you and all of them, and God bless America. United we Stand.

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