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Archive through September 21, 2001

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Don't try to figure anything out about these crazies. Over there, guns are put in their hands at 5 years old. They are trained to kill and hate. Same as the Vietnamese were. Women and children were killers. I lived it and
watched it and It was horrific.

The terrorists have become very high tech now. They are funded and bankrolled to the max. Guarding airports now is like closing the door after the horses got out of the barn and they know it. There not stupid anymore.
They actually have brains (tactical minds and a bazillion $$ behind them)
Now is a time to think what will they do next? Make no mistake they will do something again only on a bigger scale. Something they've been planning for a long time just like this horrible attack yesterday.

Remember you and me care if we die...they do not. They actually believe 150% in what they are doing.

I believe they're on the ground here and have been for sometime. Now they'll put phase 2 into action when our pants are down again.

Does anyone but me have any idea what devastation that 1 to 5 men placed in each capital city with high explosives, fully automatic weapons, body armor and a bag of fragmentation grenades can do??????

The cops will be running for their lives. We'd be in KAOS.


Watch you back. My guns are loaded.


How about some crazy rogue whacked out Russian General sells the terrorists nuclear war heads or do they have them already and are waiting to use themin their plan?

Even if we intercepted 10...30 mega ton bombs over the Pacific or Atlantic and blew them in the sky before they got here, the world would be covered in a mushroom cloud that will kill us all within a week from freezing to death.

It's all possible and at this point probable.

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Desde un país como España entendemos bien lo que está sucediendo. Nosotros llevamos soportando 30 años de terrorismo y nadie nos ha tomado en serio. Esperemos que esto sirva al menos para unir fuerzas y luchar contra esa lacra.

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I am looking for a NYC fireman by the name of Mike Finamore,, he is a Bronx firefighter and I am a friend who is wanting to find out if he is ok??? please email me with any info ..thank you

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I have just launched a web site to help you locate loved ones. The database is small so far but growing - please post your loved one's details at

Bless you all

===Toby Wallis===

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Looking for a NYC fireman by the name of Steven Merenda. Please email any info.

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can email from this site to new york police dept

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I believe we must not let the anger rule our
decisions. We can't become the aggresors and
start bombing other countries and people. What is
the hurry to move into military action. Civil
liberties are being lost and we must stop the
madness not create more. We need to stop watching
the constant drum beat and the constant images on
the T.V. We must reach out to the children and
calm their fears. We must begin the steps to
diplomacy and communication to the people who hate
us. We have to stop stepping on others and begin
a major work for peace.

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Joined: 24 years ago
Posts: 2

I believe we must not let the anger rule our
decisions. We can't become the aggresors and
start bombing other countries and people. What is
the hurry to move into military action. Civil
liberties are being lost and we must stop the
madness not create more. We need to stop watching
the constant drum beat and the constant images on
the T.V. We must reach out to the children and
calm their fears. We must begin the steps to
diplomacy and communication to the people who hate
us. We have to stop stepping on others and begin
a major work for peace.

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For information about missing Fire Fighters, call 1-718-999-2541. NYC Victim Hotline 1-212-560-2730

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Posts: 8

For information about missing Fire Fighters, call 1-718-999-2541. NYC Victim Hotline 1-212-560-2730

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i am searching for my friends sister her name is SANDRA RAMIRAEZ(not sure is she uses a married name) she is a brooklyn COP BADGE NUMBER 12521

if anyone knows her or any info about her please email or call her family 1 859 609 3248

thank you

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i am so sorry to take up more space the phone number is 1 850 609 3248

keeping fingers crossed

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I am looking for my aunt. Her name is Linda Grayling. She was on the 100 floor. If any one has seen her or heard of her pleas call me. My number is (718) 933-6647 or (718) 733-9093. I would really appricate it.

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GodSpeed to our HERO's of the Fire and Police Departments. Bless you all and know that we pray for your safety too.

My dad is a retired CT firefighter and paramedic - I worry for you like I worried for him.

Thank you hero's
Jacksonville, FL 🙂

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We are your friends and we stand by you America no matter what you do for we have love and lost loved ones we will stand by you America as you have stood by us. We have felt your loss and tasted your tears for we are your friends - God bless you all and God bless America


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