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Archive through September 21, 2001

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To all you Religeonists and Patriots: HYPOCRITES!!! You forget Hiroshima? Nagasaki? War is between governments and their armies, not innocent citizens! Yet the USA thought nothing of dropping atom bombs and murdering hundreds of thousands of Japanese citizens mostly women, children and elderly! That was far worse than what happened in NY. But that's OK right? The USA doesn't need to be ashamed of that, right? No apology necessary, right? You Religeous and Patriotic HYPOCRITES!!! Wake up! There is only one way to solve the problem of hate and terrorism! Even if all the terrorists were found and their countries blown off the earth there would be hundreds more waiting to take there place! The underlying motivation for their hatred and violence must be destroyed! DEATH TO ALLAH! DEATH TO ISLAM!! But it shouldn't stop there! CHRISTENDOM is responsible for 95% of all bloodshed on earth the past 1500 years. Tens of millions have been conquered and butchered all in the name of Jesus! Whole native cultures have been wiped out in the name of Jesus. Religeous hatred and bloodshed is still going on in Israel, Ireland, former Yugoslovia, Africa and other countries, mostly Christian! Even the attack on Pearl Harbor was motivated by the Japanese Shinto religeous beliefs. There is only one way to rid the earth of hatred, terrorism, war and bloodshed! RID THE EARTH OF ALL RELIGEON!!! Without religeon there is no more motive for hatred, wars and bloodshed! It is the only logical answer! If you think I'm crazy you need to pull your head out! 95% of all spilled blood from wars, fighting and terrorism in the last 500 years has been because of religeous beliefs! Wake up people because this terrorist attack is only the beginning!!! IT IS GOING TO GET WORSE LEADING TO ARMAGEDDON!!! THIS IS THE PROPHECY OF REVELATION!!! No one wants to respond to this because they are afraid it's true!

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UH PLEASE!!! You don't have a brain. Don't ever blame it on religion. These terrorists might have been raised that way ,but it wasn't the fault of the 40,000 INNOCENT who were feared to be in the building when it collapsed. Jesus is God's son and you need to get your act together. God is REAL and TRUE to my heart. Your suggestions are crazy. People caused this not religion. People hate and you don't have to believe in any religions to hate. You are a prime example. You supposedly don't believe in God ,but yet you still hate to kill all those who do. No I DON'T THINK SO!!! Murdering the Japanese yeah, what did they do to us and what did those terrorist do the other day? They MURDERED THOUSANDS. Whose side are you on anyway all you can do is criticize. Forget you man. God Bless and take care. That's all I can say that you'll find God. Because you sure do need him.

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This is in response to Ann and some others elseware in this forum:

First of all: I was not quoting Religeon! I was refering to the Bible! Religeon and the Bible are two different things. So called Christianity and the Bible are two different things. I study and believe in the Bible, not religeon! Christian religeons have misrepresented the Bible and misrepresented God for 1500 years. Slaughtered millions in the name of God and Jesus!! I didn't say 95% of the world is Christian I said 95% of all the Bloodshed in the last 1500 years has been instigated by so called Christianity! That percentage may be too much since non-Christian religeons have had their fair share. Some say Religeon doesn't make war? Wake up!! This attack was ordered and punishment from Allah, many Islamics have said! Afghanistan calls them Holy Warriors! In Ireland two religeons have been killing each other! Former Yugoslovia, Muslums and Christians killing each other over religeous hate!! Attack on Pearl Harbor ordered by the Japanese Shinto religeon!! In Israel, Jews and Muslums killing each other over religeous hatred!! It is these kinds of people that religeon has PRODUCED!!! Is this what Jesus and his Apostles were like and taught? When are you all going to wake up?

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Also, what about WWII? Who were allies with Hitler? Italy, with the Vatican and the Pope right beside! The Pope at that time signed agreements with Hitler and even blessed the guns and the Italian troops as they went to war with Europe and the USA! When Hitler was murdering millions of Jews and other innocent ethnic and religeous groups the "Church" and the Pope remained SILENT!!! No protest! Only support!! How blind can people be to such disgusting religeous hypocrisy!! Religeon isn't responsible? WAKE UP!!!

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And one other thing: Who's side was God on in WWII? The Catholics in Germany and Italy or the Catholics in Europe and the USA? Hmm? Who's side is God on? The Catholics or Protestants in Ireland? Who's side is He on? The Jews in Israel or the Muslums in Palestine? The Christians or Muslums in former Yugoslovia? Hmm? God has been and is disgusted with religeon which has sanctioned the slaughter of millions in his name!! RELIGEON'S END IS NEAR!!!

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I heard Bush say this morning that we are on a crusade to end all terrorism. If that's the goal then we'll be at war for years and years. They'll probably have to reinstate the draft just to get enough soldiers. I'd feel better if we started with something simple - like capturing or killing Osama Bin Laden.

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With US trying to get help from Pakistan, for
me it looks like asking help from a terrorist
to eradicate terrorism. Will that Work? Following
is the list of Terrorist outfits(about 50) supported by Pakistan which have resulted in atleast 50,000 life in india(a magnitute 10 times that of current attack). For more info you can visit (south asian terrosist portal)

The Big List begins Here--->

Hizbul Mujahideen
Harkat-ul-Ansar or Harkat-ul-Jehad-e-Islami
Jaish-e-Mohammad Mujahideen E-Tanzeem
Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front
Al Badr
Al Barq
Al Jehad
Jammu & Kashir National Liberation Army
People’s League
Muslim Janbaz Force
Kashmir Jehad Force
Al Jehad Force (combines Muslim Janbaz Force and Kashmir Jehad Force)
Al Umar Mujahideen
Islami Jamaat-e-Tulba
Jammu & Kashmir Students Liebration Front
Islamic Students League
Mutahida Jehad Council
Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Fiqar Jafaria
Al Mustafa Liberation Fighters
Muslim Mujahideen
Al Mujahid Force
Islami Inquilabi Mahaz

Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ)
Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP)
Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan (SMP)
Muttahidda Quami Mahaz- Altaf Hussain (MQM-A)
Haqiqi Muhajir Quami Movement (MQM-H)
Baluch People's Liberation Front (BPLF )
Baluch Students' Organization - Awami (BSO-A)
Baluch Students' Organization (BSO)

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In a television program it was said that the images of Palestinians celebrating in the streets after the attacks were not recent images; that they were old images celebrating something in their own village weeks before the attacks and had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks, and that the media used these images incorrectly to inflame the situation. Is this true?

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Please understand that expressing your opinions on this board is really only a means to an end in that it allows all of you to begin to deal with your belief and perceived reality about the recent events, whether right or wrong. Hopefully this will begin a personal voyage towards assigning a meaning to has happened but, it will not change what is about to happen in the Middle East.

The only way to satisfy the Arab Nation would be if all people different, like European and American Whites, African Americans and all other religions, packed there bags and moved to another planet.

The Arab Nation does not want to co-exist peacefully, they have murdered and starved their own. They teach hatred to thier children and been
unable to raise themselves up from thier squalor
since since the beginning of time. They do not respect themselves therefore they do not respect anything or anyone.

The U.S. has finally waged war on the scourge of our planet. Our innocent civillians have been murdered, our soil has been stained.

Please also try to understand that being an
ex-United States Army Ranger who has seen war, I have a certain level of understanding and appreciation of what will take place in the middle east that is more realistic than most.

The sons and daughters of Allah will have there throats slit, and there bodies will be burnt, shot and disfigured. Thier babies will be killed and civilians will be hacked to death. Thier soldiers will die at much greater frequency and number than ours. Please realize I do not intend to inflame the Arabs, or our liberal
Anti-Americans living in our country, but that is simply what happens in War.

Great Americans have had to lower themselves to the level of the beast in the past, and will do it again in Victory so all Americans good and bad can continue to enjoy the freedom that these past great heros have earned.

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i am a 23 yr.old american mother. my daughter lives in amman jordan. her father in new york unable to find him i have lived this nightmare for 5 yrs now and it finally has came true. i am scared for my daughter. and everyone else. we need peace not war.keep in mind other parents in my shoes because you don't know what life is for me or others like me

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everyone is pointing a finger at someone, group, religion, and so forth. for the most america knows who did this but war is not the answer

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I am a French citizen, who used to be in business with the U.S. during more than 20 years, many of them as a tour leader.
I have visited many states and I have friends in the U.S.A..

After the feelings of horror, rage, and of course compassion for the victims that any

democrat around the world feels, time has come for questions.

Everybody agrees to the fact that America will overcome, the only question is how.

America is the land of freedom in many ways, but it has also a dark side. Here are some facts for your consideration :

Freedom of speach : it resulted in hundreds of thousands of radical islamic web sites. Some of them being openly supportive to the terrorists.
In France, inciting to hatred or crimes is illegal.
Does not do the job, but it certainly helps.

Justice : it would be imagineable, in the U.S.A., to see the suspects freed on bail bonds. I doubt in this case it would happen, but the system could allow it (I suppose, I never did anything illegal except for a couple of parking violations).

Immigration : how come that so many kamikaze could openly live in the United States and get pilot training, live a normal life for months and years ?
In my younger years, all I would have dreamed of was a green card.
As a law abiding citizen living from my daily work, a green card was unreacheable because my profession was not specifically needed in the U.S.A..
In 1970 when I started frequent flying to the U.S.A., I needed a visa, which was granted after questionning from the U.S. Consulate. Even if some of the questions asked at the moment seemed ridiculous (like "do you intend to kill the President", I cannot imagine a criminal answering yes !), one had to show a decent background to be given the go-ahead to enter America.

This is not a discrimination speach. As a citizen of France, with about 10% of our population from Arabic origins and a previous experience here of terror acts (1995 was a terrible year), I can imagine the distress you feel in front of these filthy acts.
Nevertheless, most people from Arabic origins behave here, and I have very nice colleagues in this minority.
And I work for an American company with Jewish management !

Police : I am appaled by the fact that the investigations goes swiftly.
Were those people already known from the Police, F.B.I., C.I.A. or other law enforcement agencies ?

If so, the only habeas corpus cannot be a sufficient answer.

To make a long story short, America cannot continue to be the only "firewall" for worldwide freedom.

And I think part of the price to pay will be some restraint to the total freedom Americans love. You will have to trade some freedom for security.

Time has come for a strong reply.

Regards, and keep faith, America will overcome -as usual.


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I was shocked to see this
terrorist website of pakistan

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This was easily avoidable, and it is those who allowed it to happen, who are ultimately responsible.

They received their flight training in
Elian Gonzalez's Florida -now how could
that possibly be a shock to anybody?

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I have a question, maybe you all can answer for me....I am an American reading material from other counrties...I am trying to be an informed individual, not just ignore the world media. I am reading about how America is hated by this that and the other people places and things and that we as Americans should not be surprized by the attacks on our citizens. I am in horror that these terrorist would seek private citizens to murder. I don't have a terroist mind, therefore I can not for the life of me figure out why the main targets wouldn't be more government related. Is it so simple as to instill horror into the average American? Why not Just wipe our White House off the face of the planet?

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