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Archive through September 28, 2001

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Dear questions,

God allows things to happen where we can learn from them. Though there is much pain at these time we will become stronger in him if we truly look to him for guidance. Every thing that happens here on this Earth is for a reason. We might not understand it but it is not for us to question. Many things happen as a result of decisions we have made. He doesn't make these things happen but he allows for them to happen. But as was stated previously , god was there. It could have been much worse. And through this awful tradedy the American people have become closer than ever. We have learned the importance of loving thy neighbor. WE, the American people have felt the pain of lost. Whether it was our loved immediate family or not. We have learned the value of love.
Have you ever heard of the ten commandments?

Well this is one of them.

May god keep blessing everyone.

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Now that America states that it would fight against global terrorism, would capturing Osama Bin Laden mean victory. I feel it would not, but I do not understand why it is focussing only on one person.

There are daily terrorist attacks in Kashmir. There has been serial bomb blasts in Bombay for which Dawood Ibrahim is the prime suspect who is believed to be in Pakistan and America seeks Pakistan support to fight terrorism !!

Prabhakaran of LTTE was responsible for the assasination of Rajiv Gandhi - isn't he also a terrorist.

Is America interested in the capture of these people also or only Osama Bin Laden - if only Osama Bin Laden, then the call for fighting Global terrorism is a farce and America would be maintaining double standards in such a case.

If it is really interested to fight global terrorism, these people also should be brought to trial.

I convey my deepest condolences to the families of the people of the USA who lost their lives on SEp 11 attacks.

May their souls rest in peace

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To U*S*A:

So God allowed over 6,000 men, women and children on 4 airplanes and 2 skyscrapers to be terrified and die so we could learn something, right? We will feel closer to Him after learning this lesson, right? This all happened for a reason that we are not supposed to understand or even question, right? And thanks to this tragedy
Americans are now loving their neighbor, right?

Well, you're not alone in these beliefs. Many people express such ideas because they have no real answers. You know why? Because their religeous leaders have no real answers. Billy Graham asked a rhetorical question in his speech last week: "Why did God allow this?" Graham didn't answer it. After that, a news reporter on MSNBC asked a Priest to answer that question. His answer? "Well, we don't know what God's plan is..." and then he quickly changed the subject and talked about how good God is to take that Priest's life (Reverend Judge) in the disaster so he could comfort all the dead fireman and policeman in the afterlife, like there is no one else in heaven that can do that. The fact is, answers like: "it's a mystery", "we're not supposed to understand", "we don't question" are the result of religeous leaders not having any answers for their people. Why do they not have any real answers? Because their knowledge and understanding of the Bible is shockingly limited! They are spiritually impotent! The fact is, the answers ARE in the BIBLE. People MUST question because unless they question they will not seek the answers that are there, such as "why" and "how much longer." "Seek and you will find". Remember that? And this one: "The TRUTH will set you free". Free from what? Free from the spiritual darkness and religeous falsehoods that plague this world. How about: "Knock and the door will be opened". Let me turn that one around. The next time someone knocks on your door, open it and ask "why". You just may get a real answer. An answer from the Bible.


P.S. Why must it always be a terrible tragedy that brings many (not all) people together and for only a short time at that? Wouldn't humankind from all walks of life coming together as brothers and sisters WITHOUT the need of a tragedy be a REAL sign of God's blessing?

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simple,STOP TALKING,and kick the bastards out of the USA and BRITAIN RIGHT now before its too late,the muslims are two faced on this issue,but we know where their loyalties lie,these scum will kill us all if we are not carefull,dont give them the chance, we will soon be at war,and the enemy is standing next to you with a smile on his face ,and a dagger in his hand.

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it was only a matter of time before the Taliban claimed that Bin Laden had already snuck out of Afghanistan. Why would they not say that ? How are we to know whether it is true or not, and how do we react ? I suspect that this is a disingenuous stance that will make things worse, as no-one really believes it, or at least we believe that Taliban knows where he is. Soon we will have much evidence to trace events back to Bin Laden, and we will see just how true to their word the Taliban are.

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Religious fatalism i.e. "the will of God" is the oldest escape clause in history. I believe in God but I also believe that the explanations for 11sep2001 are to be found in history and the minds of men. Look to something bigger for comfort and spiritual solace, but look to ourselves as well. We are responsible for our own actions.
consider this thought "morality is the herd instinct in the individual". In other words the alternative to looking after each other is destruction. We need morality to survive, so the need for tolerance is within all of us with or without religion. In the case of religious fundamentalism that tolerance has actually been snuffed out by religion. There was nothing of God in the actions of the terrorists. And what are the odds that many of those who displayed such bravery and selflessness in the face of danger do not even go to church ? It was in them the whole time. Cometh the hour cometh the man etc. The next time a man of the cloth tells you that tragedy and horror are the mysterious will of God, tell him to go jump in the lake and look to the real reasons, only then can we address them. Relationships with God should be personal and positive, not some join-the-dots explanations that relieve us of our responsibilities . "oh well what can ya do, it's the will of God ", "kill the infidel, God wills it " blah blah blah blah. Gimme a break.

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We can only look on in horror as to what has happened to many.. many inoccent lives. Here in Australia, our hearts go out to each and every one of you and our prayers and heartfelt sympathy goes out to families and friends of this mindless attack. May god bless you all

kind regards,


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To all the rescuers - My heart is broken and hurting for all! I hope for happiness to return to all of us.

Please keep the faith!


Renee in Minnesota

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This poem of healing goes out to all those
the world over who have been wounded and
changed forever due to The Attack on America.
My heart and prayers go out to you...


We ask why
Through a veil of tears.
We wrestle with
Giving in to fears.
No...Nothing will ever
Be the same;
But we take shelter
In God's Name.
And in a God
Who's Care Remains,
We give our Hope
and heart of Pain:
"Truly, Lord,
There must be
A Purpose in
This loss for me."
With Tender Love
He answers Best:
"Come to Me,
I'll give you Rest.
For through All things
You can grow
And over Time
You'll come to Know
A Strength that's forged
You will attest,
And through THIS pain
You Will Be Blessed.

Connee Schneider-Brown@09/01
The Terrorizing of America
Assault of Freedom

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We in Mississippi are still mourning with you and praying for you all.

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I wrote this poem and wanted to share it.Today I lost a friend

Today I lost some friends
Friends I didn't even know I had
>From every race, color, religion and country
They were gone and I cried for them
I cried and cried and I felt so much pain
but I didn't even know them
not even one of their names

Today I found some heroes I needed
And realized I never had really true ones before
>From every race, religion, state and job
They gave their lives to help, comfort, care for and keep secure
All of those people
The friends they never knew they had

Today I found a nation united
Proud and stronger than ever before
>From every race, religion, background and city
They cam together to mourn, hope, cry and pray
Yet still stand tall
For the friends they never knew they had

Today I cry for the survivors
The people who's loved ones will be coming home no more
>From every race, religion, stature and neighborhood
They will never again go through the front door
They will never be able to hug their loved ones
The friends I never knew I had

Today I pray for the children
The ones who have never hurt before
>From every race, religion, country and school
They hurt yet can't understand what all this pain is for
I pray love will fill their hearts so they wont have to fear or cry anymore
For the friends they never knew they had

Today I saw a world filled with sorrow
Something I have never seen before
>From every religion, country, government and location
I saw outpours of tears, prayers and love
Offers of hope and assistance
For the United States
For all the friends we never knew we had

Today I saw the flag flown proudly
With a spirit I have never seen before
>From every, store, workplace, home and body
Flown with a feeling of pride
Something in our country I have never felt before
The feeling goes out to our friends, survivors, allies and heroes
To the people I never knew or respected so much before.
And of course to all the friends I never knew I had

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"PSALM 27"





...a word of wisdom, courage and strength to those who will come across this message...mostly to the President of the United States of America and to the Armed Forces of U.S.A...

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Although we are thousands of miles away in the UK, our thoughts and prayers go out to all thoses bereaved of their loved ones in this horrific act. I would like to share a prayer with all of you, which I hope will ease some of your unbearable pain. The prayer was written by Canon Scot Holland.
Death is nothing at all. I have only slipped away into the next room.Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way which you always use.put no differences in your tone: wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word it always was: let it be spoken without effort, without the ghost of a shadow on it. Leie means all that it ever meant. It is the same it ever was; there is absolutly unbroken continuity. What is death but a negligble accident? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am waiting for you for an interval, somewhere very near, justy round the corner. All is well.

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I am eleven years old,and i am feeling very sad for all those poor people who have died,i don't understand why it happened ,my self and my friends at school are praying that it doesn't happen again ,and we pray that our generation and future generations can live in a peacefull world.
We hope they catch these bad people very soon,is that too much to ask.

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I am a proud American. I am a hurt New Yorker.
I feel pain. I feel anger. I am sad.
My life has changed forever. I have lost people, loved ones and co-workers.

BUT I have a different view that I want to share and that nobody seems to be willing to consider.

I urge you to consider and possibly understand that as much as they are unjustified and unjustifiable, these terrible attacks have a reason. There are responsabilities that none seems to be willing to accept.

Truly horrible crimes against humanity did take place, but not just in New York or at the Pentagon!

We MUST understand that America's foreign policy of oppression, imperialism, resource exploiting and lack of respect had to create some kind of response sooner or later.
America has killed thousands of people in the middle eastern countries. We killed them for years. We had NO respect. But we do NOT want to know, or we seem not to be interested. We didn't watch and didn't listen while our government was killing them for years.

Now we feel hurt, we feel attacked, we feel vulnerable, but instead of joining our forces to kill more people than those who got killed already (in NY, in Washington DC as well as in the middle eastern countries) I urge you to understand that it is our fault if there are people that hate us! We have to change to prevent future attacks from happening. That is the only way to go! We can't just take off with our planes and bomb countries with thousands of innocent people (many of them feel our pain and feel sympathy too, you gotta believe it!).

We MUST find who knocked down the World Trade Center and we MUST punish them.
But we CANNOT choose one person and make him guilty. We MUST fight terrorism but we can't kill thousands of families, women and children who unfortunately were born in a country were terrorism did proliferate.

If Bin Laden killed my city I want him to pay for it, but we need to be sure that it was him. We can't accuse him with no evidence or we will be disattending and ignoring some of the most important principles of our constitution and of our legal system.

We need to know WHO our enemy is!
Once we know, we need to understand WHY we have an enemy!
We need to understand that WHERE the enemy lives is not an entire country of terrorists!
We need to know WHAT made him/them enemies.

People do NOT hate for NO reason. We gave them plenty of reasons. We killed their people. We killed many many more than they killed in New York last week. We did it with no respect and no guilt, because they are far away from us and frankly we didn't give a damn about 'em. We killed many innocent lives in order to kill a few of the bad ones. We can't let this happen again. WE MUST KEEP THIS FROM HAPPENING!

Our great president is now ready. He is ready to kill many innocents and he will use terrorism as an excuse to bomb countries he always wanted to "punish" for some unknown reason.

Our government MUST learn respect before we try to teach respect!

Our government is ready to hit. Are we ready to let MORE INNOCENT people die for no reason? Do we care about justice or is blind revenge all we really want? Do we even care?


We must catch the bastards who killed my friends and the people of my city, but we cannot kill thousands to punish one!
Arab nations must weed out the fanatics and the terrorists, but we cannot bomb arab nations to obtain this result!

We cannot let our government use this as an excuse to further oppress the middle-eastern countries and increase their poverty to increase our richness. If we let this happen, it will happen again. They will attack us again. Sooner or later. And maybe then it will be my turn, or maybe it will be your turn to be killed in a terrorist attack.

Please remember: Allah doesn't condone suicide and murder! Not every muslim is a terrorist. Not every arab is a terrorist. Please don't be racist, please do not let hate overcome! Thousands of middle-eastern people are good people. Most of them are. Let's not be stupid and narrow-minded. Let's face it: Even though there was one crazy american who killed dozen of people in Oklahoma City, this does not make every american person a mass-killer. Likely, 10 middle-eastern kamikazee do not make every middle-eastern person a terrorist! Remember! BE INTELLIGENT!

I feel pain for my city and my town.
I want to express my deepest and most sincere sympathy, respect, love, support and grief for all the beloved ones who died and to their families and friends.

I will always remember my friends in the World Trade Center. I lost 8 friends and 12 co-workers. I have no job now. All I have is a hope: a hope for peace, love and justice. No more victims! Please!

A proud american. A hurt New Yorker.

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